Stingray X/Ku Band Beamforming Developer Platform.
rx = adi.Stingray;
rx = adi.Stingray('uri','ip:ip:');
Stingray X/Ku Band Beamforming Developer Platform Wiki
The class can be instantiated in the following way with and without property name value pairs.
If a property is tunable, you can change its value at any time.
For more information on changing property values, see System Design in MATLAB Using System Objects.
Mode is a cellarray where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each cell must contain a string of value 'Rx', 'Tx', or 'disabled' to set the modes.
Enable output of LNA bias DAC. LNABiasOutEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
External Bias for External LNAs. LNABiasOn is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Enable beam memory. BeamMemEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Enable PA and LNA bias DACs. BiasDACEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
External Amplifier Bias Control. BiasDACMode is a cellarray where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each cell must contain a string of values 'On' or 'Off' to set the modes.
Enable bias memory. BiasMemEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
CommonMemEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Static Rx Beam Position Load. CommonRxBeamState is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Static Tx Beam Position Load. CommonTxBeamState is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Select Tx/Rx output driver. TxRxSwitchControl is a cellarray where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each cell must contain a string of values 'Pos' or 'Neg' to set the modes.
Controls Sense of Tx/Rx Switch Driver Output. ExternalTRPolarity is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
External Bias for External LNAs. LNABiasOff is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Control for External Polarity Switch Drivers. PolSwitchEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Enables Switch Driver for External Polarization Switch. PolSwitchEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Set LNA bias current. RxLNABiasCurrent is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Enables Rx LNA. RxLNAEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
LNA Bias off to TR Switch Delay. RxToTxDelay1 is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
TR Switch to PA Bias on Delay. RxToTxDelay2 is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Enable Rx Channel VGAs. RxVGAEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Apply Rx bias current. RxVGABiasCurrentVM is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Enable Rx Channel Vector Modulators. RxVMEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Enable sequencer. Sequencer is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Enables Switch Driver for External Tx/Rx Switch. TRSwitchEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Set Tx driver bias current. TxPABiasCurrent is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Enables the Tx channel drivers. TxToRxDelay1 is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
PA Bias off to TR Switch Delay. TxToRxDelay1 is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
TR Switch to LNA Bias on Delay. TxToRxDelay2 is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Enable Tx Channel VGAs. TxVGAEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Apply Tx bias current. TxVGABiasCurrentVM is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's.
Enable Tx Channel Vector Modulators. TxVMEnable is an array where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each element must be a logical true (to enable) or false (to not enable).
Set source of control for Rx and Tx switching. TxRxSwitchControl is a cellarray where each element addresses individual ADAR1000's. Each cell must contain a string of values 'spi' or 'external' to set the modes.
DetectorEnable is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000.
DetectorPower is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000.
Apply bias off to external PA. PABiasOff is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000.
Apply bias on to external PA. PABiasOn is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000.
Attenuate Rx channels. RxAttn is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical true (to attenuate) or false (to not attenuate).
Load Rx Position. RxBeamState is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a value between 0 and 360.
Power down Rx channels. RxPowerDown is a logical array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical false (to power up) or true (to power down).
Apply gain to Rx channels. RxGain is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a value between 0 and 127.
Apply phase to Rx channels. RxPhase is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a value between 0 and 360.
Attenuate Tx channels. TxAttn is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical true (to attenuate) or false (to not attenuate).
Load Tx Position. TxBeamState is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a value between 0 and 360.
Power down Tx channels. TxPowerDown is a logical array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical false (to power up) or true (to power down).
Apply gain to Tx channels. TxGain is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a value between 0 and 127.
Apply phase to Tx channels. TxPhase is an array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a value between 0 and 360.
RxSequencerStart Rx Sequencer Start RxSequencerStart is a logical array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical false or true.
RxSequencerStop is a logical array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical false or true.
TxSequencerStart Tx Sequencer Start TxSequencerStart is a logical array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical false or true.
TxSequencerStop is a logical array where each element addresses each channel of each ADAR1000. Each element must be a logical false or true.
Get temperature of X-band Development Platform.
ADAR1000 target frequency
ADAR1000 element spacing
Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.Stingray/uri is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base
Number of enabled channelsHelp for adi.Stingray/channelCount is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base
Timeout for I/O operations (in seconds) 0 = non-blocking (or default context timeout) Inf = infiniteHelp for adi.Stingray/DataTimeout is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base
Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant
Pulse to sequence the first RF power rails in ADAR1000-EVAL1Z board power treeHelp for adi.Stingray/PowerUpDown is inherited from superclass adi.internal.StingrayControl
Pulse +5V in ADAR1000-EVAL1Z board power treeHelp for adi.Stingray/Ctrl5V is inherited from superclass adi.internal.StingrayControl
Enable/disable PA in ADAR1000-EVAL1Z board power treeHelp for adi.Stingray/PAOn is inherited from superclass adi.internal.StingrayControl
Select Channel A for XUD1A Up and Down converter Usage: Channel A in Tx Mode - Set TXRX0 to 0, RxGainMode to 0 Channel A in Rx Low Gain Mode - Set TXRX0 to 1, RxGainMode to 0 Channel A in Rx High Gain Mode - Set TXRX0 to 1, RxGainMode to 1Help for adi.Stingray/TXRX0 is inherited from superclass adi.internal.XUD1aControl
Select Channel B for XUD1A Up and Down converter Usage: Channel B in Tx Mode - Set TXRX1 to 0, RxGainMode to 0 Channel B in Rx Low Gain Mode - Set TXRX1 to 1, RxGainMode to 0 Channel B in Rx High Gain Mode - Set TXRX1 to 1, RxGainMode to 1Help for adi.Stingray/TXRX1 is inherited from superclass adi.internal.XUD1aControl
Select Channel C for XUD1A Up and Down converter Usage: Channel C in Tx Mode - Set TXRX2 to 0, RxGainMode to 0 Channel C in Rx Low Gain Mode - Set TXRX2 to 1, RxGainMode to 0 Channel C in Rx High Gain Mode - Set TXRX2 to 1, RxGainMode to 1Help for adi.Stingray/TXRX2 is inherited from superclass adi.internal.XUD1aControl
Select Channel D for XUD1A Up and Down converter Usage: Channel D in Tx Mode - Set TXRX3 to 0, RxGainMode to 0 Channel D in Rx Low Gain Mode - Set TXRX3 to 1, RxGainMode to 0 Channel D in Rx High Gain Mode - Set TXRX3 to 1, RxGainMode to 1Help for adi.Stingray/TXRX3 is inherited from superclass adi.internal.XUD1aControl
Configure ADF4371 output frequency 1: 8-16 GHz 0: 16-32 GHzHelp for adi.Stingray/PllOutputSel is inherited from superclass adi.internal.XUD1aControl
For usage, see usage of TXRX[0-3]Help for adi.Stingray/RxGainMode is inherited from superclass adi.internal.XUD1aControl
Configure programmable divider for ADF4371 Options: 'RF16x' or 'RF32x'Help for adi.Stingray/ADF4371Name is inherited from superclass adi.internal.ADF4371
Configure ADF4371 output frequency Allowed range: 'RF16x': >= 8GHz, <= 16 GHz 'RF32x': >= 16GHz, <= 32 GHzHelp for adi.Stingray/ADF4371Frequency is inherited from superclass adi.internal.ADF4371
Configure ADF4371 output phase in milli-degrees Range: 0-359999Help for adi.Stingray/ADF4371Phase is inherited from superclass adi.internal.ADF4371
Enable output multiplexer on the ADF4371Help for adi.Stingray/MUXOutEnable is inherited from superclass adi.internal.ADF4371
Configure number of bursts in TDD controllerHelp for adi.Stingray/BurstCount is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
Configure TDD internal counter start valueHelp for adi.Stingray/CounterInt is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
Configure TDD DMA gate 0 - none, 1 - rx_only, 2 - tx_only, 3 - rx_txHelp for adi.Stingray/DMAGateingMode is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
Enable or disable the TDD engineHelp for adi.Stingray/Enable is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
Configure TDD controller RX/TX mode 1 - rx_only, 2 - tx_only, 3 - rx_txHelp for adi.Stingray/EnableMode is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD Frame LengthHelp for adi.Stingray/FrameLength is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
Enable secondary times. Allows one signal to go high twice at two times within a single frame.Help for adi.Stingray/Secondary is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
Sync Terminal TypeHelp for adi.Stingray/SyncTerminalType is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: TX DMA port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_off secondary_off]Help for adi.Stingray/TxDPoff is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: TX DMA port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_on secondary_on]Help for adi.Stingray/TxDPon is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: TX RF port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_off secondary_off]Help for adi.Stingray/TxOff is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: TX RF port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_on secondary_on]Help for adi.Stingray/TxOn is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: TX VCO port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_off secondary_off]Help for adi.Stingray/TxVCOoff is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: TX VCO port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_on secondary_on]Help for adi.Stingray/TxVCOon is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: RX DMA port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_off secondary_off]Help for adi.Stingray/RxDPoff is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: RX DMA port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_on secondary_on]Help for adi.Stingray/RxDPon is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: RX RF port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_off secondary_off]Help for adi.Stingray/RxOff is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: RX RF port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_on secondary_on]Help for adi.Stingray/RxOn is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: RX VCO port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_off secondary_off]Help for adi.Stingray/RxVCOoff is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
TDD: RX VCO port timing parameters in ms. Format [primary_on secondary_on]Help for adi.Stingray/RxVCOon is inherited from superclass adi.internal.AXICoreTDD
RF power level measured from on-board RF detector, LTC2314Help for adi.Stingray/LTC2314RFPower is inherited from superclass adi.internal.LTC2314