genalyzer: Data Converter Library#

Library for data converter and general sampled data analysis.

Genalyzer is a C++ library that facilitates the computation of commonly used data-converter RF performance metrics in a standards-complaint manner. Genalyzer supports generation of waveforms for characterizing data-converters as well as the computation of performance metrics given the time- or frequency-domain response of data-converters to such waveforms. In other words, users not only have the option of selecting whether or not to opt for waveform generation to characterize data-convereters, but are also able to utilize time-series data or FFT of samples captured from a data-convereter to directly compute the desired performance metrics.

Thus, Genalyzer can support a simulation-only scenario or a data-capture scenario. In the first case, the response of a data-converter is simulated given its specifications, in order to compute the expected performance metrics. In the second case, the response of a data-converter is available for Genalyzer to process in the form of a text or binary file. Genalyzer facilitates the computation of common data converter performance metrics in a standards-complaint manner. The terminology and definitions for various common performance metrics are adopted from the IEEE Standard for Terminology and Test Methods for Analog-to-Digital Converters (IEEE 1241-2010) and the IEEE Standard for Terminology and Test Methods of Digital-to-Analog Converter Devices (IEEE 1658-2011) both published by Instrumentation and Measurement/Waveform Generation, Measurement, and Analysis - Technical Committee 10 (IM/WM&A - TC10).


Indices and tables#