libad9361  0.2
Device specific library for AD936X transceivers
Data Structures | Macros | Functions
ad9361.h File Reference

Public interface. More...

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Data Structures

struct  filter_design_parameters
 Custom Filter Design Parameters. More...




__api int ad9361_multichip_sync (struct iio_device *master, struct iio_device **slaves, unsigned int num_slaves, unsigned int flags)
 Multi-chip synchronization (MCS) management. More...
__api int ad9361_fmcomms5_multichip_sync (struct iio_context *ctx, unsigned int flags)
 FMComms5 specific MCS management. More...
__api int ad9361_set_bb_rate (struct iio_device *dev, unsigned long rate)
 Baseband rate configuration with generic filter support. More...
__api int ad9361_set_trx_fir_enable (struct iio_device *dev, int enable)
 Enable or disable transmit and receiver FIRs simultaneously. More...
__api int ad9361_get_trx_fir_enable (struct iio_device *dev, int *enable)
 Get current enable value of transmit and receiver FIRs. More...
__api int ad9361_generate_fir_taps (struct filter_design_parameters *parameters, short *taps, int *num_taps, int *gain)
 Design custom FIR filter from specific design criteria. More...
__api int ad9361_calculate_rf_clock_chain (unsigned long tx_sample_rate, unsigned long rate_gov, unsigned long *rx_path_clks, unsigned long *tx_path_clks)
 Calculate the clock path rates for both transmit and receiver paths. More...
__api int ad9361_calculate_rf_clock_chain_fdp (struct filter_design_parameters *fdpTX, struct filter_design_parameters *fdpRX, unsigned long sample_rate)
 Calculate the clock path rates and default filter settings for both transmit and receiver for a desired baseband rate. More...
__api int ad9361_set_bb_rate_custom_filter_auto (struct iio_device *dev, unsigned long rate)
 Baseband rate configuration with custom filter support based on desired baseband sample rate. More...
__api int ad9361_set_bb_rate_custom_filter_manual (struct iio_device *dev, unsigned long rate, unsigned long Fpass, unsigned long Fstop, unsigned long wnom_tx, unsigned long wnom_rx)
 Baseband rate configuration with custom filter support based on desired baseband sample rate and simplified filter configuration. More...
__api int ad9361_fmcomms5_phase_sync (struct iio_context *ctx, long long lo)
 FMComms5 phase synchronize all TX and RX channels together. More...

Detailed Description

Public interface.