
AD4001 Precision ADC Class

adi.AD4001.Rx Receives data from the AD4001 ADC The adi.AD4001.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive data from the AD4001.

rx = adi.AD4001.Rx; rx = adi.AD4001.Rx(β€˜uri’,’’);

AD4001 Datasheet

Class Properties#

EnabledChannels Enabled Channels

Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant

SampleRate Sample Rate

Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base

SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame

Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base

VoltageOffset Voltage Offset

ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base

VoltageScale Voltage Scale

ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base

URI - remote host URI

Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.AD4001.Rx/uri is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base