
The adi.FMComms4.Tx System object is a signal sink that can
transmit complex data from the FMComms4.

tx = adi.FMComms4.Tx;
tx = adi.FMComms4.Tx('uri','ip:');

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The class can be instantiated in the following way with and without property name value pairs.

dev = adi.FMComms4.Tx
dev = adi.FMComms4.Tx(Name, Value)
Unless otherwise indicated, properties are non-tunable, which means you cannot change their values after calling the object. Objects lock when you call them, and the release function unlocks them.

If a property is tunable, you can change its value at any time.

For more information on changing property values, see System Design in MATLAB Using System Objects.


RF center frequency, specified in Hz as a scalar. The default is 2.4e9. This property is tunable.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/CenterFrequency is inherited from superclass ADI.AD9361.TX


Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar from 65105 to 61.44e6 samples per second.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/SamplingRate is inherited from superclass ADI.AD9361.TX


RF Bandwidth of front-end analog filter in Hz, specified as a scalar from 200 kHz to 56 MHz.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/RFBandwidth is inherited from superclass ADI.AD9361.TX


Attentuation specified as a scalar from -89.75 to 0 dB with a resolution of 0.25 dB.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/AttenuationChannel0 is inherited from superclass ADI.AD9361.TX


Attentuation specified as a scalar from -89.75 to 0 dB with a resolution of 0.25 dB.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/AttenuationChannel1 is inherited from superclass ADI.AD9361.TX


‘A’ ‘B’Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/RFPortSelect is inherited from superclass ADI.AD9361.TX


Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer from 2 to 16,777,216. Using values less than 3660 can yield poor performance.


Enable use of custom filter file to set SamplingRate, RFBandwidth, and FIR in datapaths


Path to custom filter file created from filter wizard


Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant


Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.FMComms4.Tx/uri is inherited from superclass MATLABSHARED.LIBIIO.BASE


If true, connects to libIIO device during simulationHelp for adi.FMComms4.Tx/enIO is inherited from superclass MATLABSHARED.LIBIIO.BASE


Data source, specified as one of the following: ‘DMA’ — Specify the host as the source of the data. ‘DDS’ — Specify the DDS on the radio hardware as the source of the data. In this case, each channel has two additive tones.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/DataSource is inherited from superclass ADI.COMMON.DDS


Frequencies values in Hz of the DDS tone generators. For complex data devices the input is a [2xN] matrix where N is the available channels on the board. For complex data devices this is at most max(EnabledChannels)*2. For non-complex data devices this is at most max(EnabledChannels). If N < this upper limit, other DDSs are not set.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/DDSFrequencies is inherited from superclass ADI.COMMON.DDS


Scale of DDS tones in range [0,1]. For complex data devices the input is a [2xN] matrix where N is the available channels on the board. For complex data devices this is at most max(EnabledChannels)*2. For non-complex data devices this is at most max(EnabledChannels). If N < this upper limit, other DDSs are not set.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/DDSScales is inherited from superclass ADI.COMMON.DDS


Phases of DDS tones in range [0,360000]. For complex data devices the input is a [2xN] matrix where N is the available channels on the board. For complex data devices this is at most max(EnabledChannels)*2. For non-complex data devices this is at most max(EnabledChannels). If N < this upper limit, other DDSs are not set.Help for adi.FMComms4.Tx/DDSPhases is inherited from superclass ADI.COMMON.DDS


Enable Cyclic Buffers, configures transmit buffers to be cyclic, which makes them continuously repeatHelp for adi.FMComms4.Tx/EnableCyclicBuffers is inherited from superclass ADI.COMMON.DDS

Example Usage
%% Configure device
tx = adi.FMComms4.Tx;
tx.uri = 'ip:analog.local';

tx.CenterFrequency = 1e9;

tx.DataSource = 'DMA';
tx.EnableCyclicBuffers = true;
tx.EnabledChannels = 1;
%% Generate tone
amplitude = 2^15; frequency = 0.12e6;
swv1 = dsp.SineWave(amplitude, frequency);
swv1.ComplexOutput = true;
swv1.SamplesPerFrame = 2^14;
swv1.SampleRate = tx.SamplingRate;
y = swv1();
% Send