JESD204B/C Link Receive Peripheral
The Analog Devices JESD204B/C Link Receive Peripheral implements the link layer handling of a JESD204 receive logic device. Implements the 8B/10B based link layer defined in JESD204C standard that is similar to the link layer defined in JESD204B. This includes handling of the SYSREF and SYNC~ and controlling the link state machine accordingly as well as performing per lane descrambling and character replacement. Implements the 64B/66B based link layer defined in the JESD204C standard. This includes handling of the SYSREF, per lane decoding of sync header, descrambling, CRC checking of data blocks and error monitoring.
The type of link layer is selectable during implementation phase through the
synthesis parameter.
It has been designed for interoperability with Analog Devices JESD204 ADC converter products. To form a complete JESD204 receive logic device, it has to be combined with a PHY layer and transport layer peripheral.
Backwards compatibility with JESD204B;
64B/66B link layer defined in JESD204C;
Subclass 0 and Subclass 1 support;
Deterministic Latency (for Subclass 1 operation);
Runtime reconfigurability through memory-mapped register interface (AXI4-Lite);
Interrupts for event notification;
Max Lanerate with 8B/10B mode: 15 Gbps;
Max Lanerate with 64B/66B mode: 32 Gbps;
Low Latency;
Independent per lane enable/disable.
Name |
Description |
Verilog source for the peripheral. |
TCL script to generate the Vivado IP-integrator project for the peripheral. |
Block Diagram
AXI JESD204 RX Synthesis Configuration Parameters
Name |
Description |
Default Value |
Choices/Range |
ID |
Instance identification number. |
0 |
Maximum number of lanes supported by the peripheral. |
1 |
Maximum number of links supported by the peripheral. |
1 |
Decoder selection of the link layer: 1 - 8B/10B mode; 2 - 64B/66B mode. |
1 |
64B66B (2), 8B10B (1) |
Enable Link Stats. |
0 |
Data path width in bytes. Set it to 4 in case of 8B/10B, 8 in case of 64B/66B |
4 |
JESD204 RX Synthesis Configuration Parameters
Name |
Description |
Default Value |
Choices/Range |
Maximum number of lanes supported by the peripheral. |
1 |
Maximum number of links supported by the peripheral. |
1 |
Num Input Pipeline. |
1 |
Num Output Pipeline. |
1 |
Decoder selection of the link layer: 1 - 8B/10B mode; 2 - 64B/66B mode. |
1 |
64B66B (2), 8B10B (1) |
Data path width in bytes. Set it to 4 in case of 8B/10B, 8 in case of 64B/66B. |
4 |
Enable Frame Align Check. |
1 |
Enable Frame Align Err Reset. |
0 |
Enable Char Replace. |
0 |
Set this parameter to 1 if the link clock and the device clocks have different frequencies, or if they have the same frequency but a different source. If set, synchronizing logic and a gearbox of ratio |
1 |
Data path width in bytes towards transport layer. Must be greater or equal to |
4 |
Place SYSREF in IOB. |
True |
AXI JESD204 RX Signal and Interface Pins
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
s_axi_awaddr |
in [13:0] |
s_axi_awprot |
in [2:0] |
s_axi_awvalid |
in |
s_axi_awready |
out |
s_axi_wdata |
in [31:0] |
s_axi_wstrb |
in [3:0] |
s_axi_wvalid |
in |
s_axi_wready |
out |
s_axi_bresp |
out [1:0] |
s_axi_bvalid |
out |
s_axi_bready |
in |
s_axi_araddr |
in [13:0] |
s_axi_arprot |
in [2:0] |
s_axi_arvalid |
in |
s_axi_arready |
out |
s_axi_rdata |
out [31:0] |
s_axi_rresp |
out [1:0] |
s_axi_rvalid |
out |
s_axi_rready |
in |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
s_axi_aclk |
in |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
s_axi_aresetn |
in |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
core_cfg_lanes_disable |
lanes_disable |
out [0:0] |
core_cfg_links_disable |
links_disable |
out [0:0] |
core_cfg_octets_per_multiframe |
octets_per_multiframe |
out [9:0] |
core_cfg_octets_per_frame |
octets_per_frame |
out [7:0] |
core_cfg_disable_char_replacement |
disable_char_replacement |
out |
core_cfg_disable_scrambler |
disable_scrambler |
out |
core_cfg_frame_align_err_threshold |
frame_align_err_threshold |
out [7:0] |
device_cfg_octets_per_multiframe |
device_octets_per_multiframe |
out [9:0] |
device_cfg_octets_per_frame |
device_octets_per_frame |
out [7:0] |
device_cfg_beats_per_multiframe |
device_beats_per_multiframe |
out [7:0] |
device_cfg_lmfc_offset |
device_lmfc_offset |
out [7:0] |
device_cfg_sysref_oneshot |
device_sysref_oneshot |
out |
device_cfg_sysref_disable |
device_sysref_disable |
out |
device_cfg_buffer_early_release |
device_buffer_early_release |
out |
device_cfg_buffer_delay |
device_buffer_delay |
out [7:0] |
core_ctrl_err_statistics_reset |
err_statistics_reset |
out |
core_ctrl_err_statistics_mask |
err_statistics_mask |
out [6:0] |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
core_ilas_config_valid |
valid |
in [0:0] |
core_ilas_config_addr |
addr |
in [1:0] |
core_ilas_config_data |
data |
in [31:0] |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
device_event_sysref_alignment_error |
sysref_alignment_error |
in |
device_event_sysref_edge |
sysref_edge |
in |
core_event_frame_alignment_error |
frame_alignment_error |
in |
core_event_unexpected_lane_state_error |
unexpected_lane_state_error |
in |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
core_status_ctrl_state |
ctrl_state |
in [1:0] |
core_status_lane_cgs_state |
lane_cgs_state |
in [1:0] |
core_status_lane_emb_state |
lane_emb_state |
in [2:0] |
core_status_lane_ifs_ready |
lane_ifs_ready |
in [0:0] |
core_status_lane_latency |
lane_latency |
in [13:0] |
core_status_lane_frame_align_err_cnt |
lane_frame_align_err_cnt |
in [7:0] |
core_status_err_statistics_cnt |
err_statistics_cnt |
in [31:0] |
status_synth_params0 |
synth_params0 |
in [31:0] |
status_synth_params1 |
synth_params1 |
in [31:0] |
status_synth_params2 |
synth_params2 |
in [31:0] |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
irq |
out |
Physical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
Description |
core_clk |
in |
Bus |
core_reset_ext |
in |
core_reset |
out |
Bus |
device_clk |
in |
Device clock for the JESD204 interface. Its frequency must be link clock * |
device_reset |
out |
Reset active high synchronous with the Device clock. |
JESD204 RX Signal and Interface Pins
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
cfg_lanes_disable |
lanes_disable |
in [0:0] |
cfg_links_disable |
links_disable |
in [0:0] |
cfg_octets_per_multiframe |
octets_per_multiframe |
in [9:0] |
cfg_octets_per_frame |
octets_per_frame |
in [7:0] |
cfg_disable_scrambler |
disable_scrambler |
in |
cfg_disable_char_replacement |
disable_char_replacement |
in |
cfg_frame_align_err_threshold |
frame_align_err_threshold |
in [7:0] |
device_cfg_octets_per_multiframe |
device_octets_per_multiframe |
in [9:0] |
device_cfg_octets_per_frame |
device_octets_per_frame |
in [7:0] |
device_cfg_beats_per_multiframe |
device_beats_per_multiframe |
in [7:0] |
device_cfg_lmfc_offset |
device_lmfc_offset |
in [7:0] |
device_cfg_sysref_oneshot |
device_sysref_oneshot |
in |
device_cfg_sysref_disable |
device_sysref_disable |
in |
device_cfg_buffer_delay |
device_buffer_delay |
in [7:0] |
device_cfg_buffer_early_release |
device_buffer_early_release |
in |
ctrl_err_statistics_reset |
err_statistics_reset |
in |
ctrl_err_statistics_mask |
err_statistics_mask |
in [6:0] |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
status_ctrl_state |
ctrl_state |
out [1:0] |
status_lane_cgs_state |
lane_cgs_state |
out [1:0] |
status_lane_emb_state |
lane_emb_state |
out [2:0] |
status_err_statistics_cnt |
err_statistics_cnt |
out [31:0] |
status_lane_ifs_ready |
lane_ifs_ready |
out [0:0] |
status_lane_latency |
lane_latency |
out [13:0] |
status_lane_frame_align_err_cnt |
lane_frame_align_err_cnt |
out [7:0] |
status_synth_params0 |
synth_params0 |
out [31:0] |
status_synth_params1 |
synth_params1 |
out [31:0] |
status_synth_params2 |
synth_params2 |
out [31:0] |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
ilas_config_valid |
valid |
out [0:0] |
ilas_config_addr |
addr |
out [1:0] |
ilas_config_data |
data |
out [31:0] |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
device_event_sysref_alignment_error |
sysref_alignment_error |
out |
device_event_sysref_edge |
sysref_edge |
out |
event_frame_alignment_error |
frame_alignment_error |
out |
event_unexpected_lane_state_error |
unexpected_lane_state_error |
out |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
phy_data |
rxdata |
in [31:0] |
phy_charisk |
rxcharisk |
in [3:0] |
phy_disperr |
rxdisperr |
in [3:0] |
phy_notintable |
rxnotintable |
in [3:0] |
phy_header |
rxheader |
in [1:0] |
phy_block_sync |
rxblock_sync |
in [0:0] |
Physical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
Description |
clk |
in |
Link clock for the JESD204 interface. Must be line clock/40 for correct operation in 8B/10B mode, line clock/66 in 64B/66B mode. Bus |
reset |
in |
Reset active high synchronous with the Link clock Bus |
device_clk |
in |
Bus |
device_reset |
in |
Bus |
sysref |
in |
JESD204 SYSREF signal. |
lmfc_edge |
out |
lmfc_clk |
out |
sync |
out [0:0] |
sync[m-1:0] is JESD204 SYNC~ (or SYNC_N) signals, available in 8B/10B mode. ( |
phy_en_char_align |
out |
Enable transceiver character alignment. |
rx_data |
out [31:0] |
Received data. |
rx_valid |
out |
rx_eof |
out [3:0] |
rx_sof |
out [3:0] |
rx_eomf |
out [3:0] |
rx_somf |
out [3:0] |
Register Map
Reg Name |
Description |
Field Name |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
0x0 |
0x0 |
Version of the peripheral. Follows semantic versioning. Current version 1.03.a. |
[31:16] |
RO |
0x0001 |
[15:8] |
RO |
0x03 |
[7:0] |
RO |
0x61 |
0x1 |
0x4 |
[31:0] |
RO |
Value of the ID configuration parameter. |
0x2 |
0x8 |
[31:0] |
RW |
Scratch register useful for debug. |
0x3 |
0xc |
[31:0] |
RO |
0x32303452 |
Peripheral identification (‘2’, ‘0’, ‘4’, ‘R’). |
0x4 |
0x10 |
[31:0] |
RO |
Number of supported lanes. |
0x5 |
0x14 |
[31:16] |
RO |
0x0000 |
[15:8] |
RO |
0x02 |
Data path width in octets at Transport Layer interface. Available starting from version 1.07.a; |
[7:0] |
RO |
0x02 |
Log2 of internal data path width in octets. Represents the datapath width towards the physical interface. |
0x6 |
0x18 |
Core description register. |
[31:19] |
RO |
0x0000 |
[18] |
RO |
0x0 |
This bit reflects the presence of character replacement monitoring logic for cases when scrambling is disabled. Available starting from version 1.07.a; |
[17] |
RO |
0x0 |
If this bit is set in case of frame misalignment is detected the core resets itself. No software intervention is required. If the bit is not set and misalignment is detected the software must restart the link. Available starting from version 1.07.a; |
[16] |
RO |
0x1 |
This bit reflects the presence of frame alignment monitor. Available starting from version 1.07.a; |
[12] |
RO |
This bit is set if link clock and device clock are connected to different sources. This is useful for supporting modes where datapath width is not integer multiple of F. Available starting from version 1.07.a; |
[9:8] |
RO |
Decoder presence: 01 - 8B10B decoder \ 10 - 64B66B decoder |
[7:0] |
RO |
Maximum supported links. Valid for 8B/10B encoder. |
0x10 |
0x40 |
[31:0] |
RO |
0x00000100 |
Elastic buffer size in octets. |
0x20 |
0x80 |
[31:0] |
RW |
0x00000000 |
Interrupt enable. |
0x21 |
0x84 |
[31:0] |
0x00000000 |
Pending and enabled interrupts. |
0x22 |
0x88 |
[31:0] |
0x00000000 |
Pending interrupts. |
0x30 |
0xc0 |
JESD204B link disable. |
[31:1] |
RO |
0x00000000 |
[0] |
RW |
0x1 |
0 = Enable link, 1 = Disable link. |
0x31 |
0xc4 |
JESD204B link state. |
[31:2] |
RO |
0x00000000 |
[1] |
RO |
0 = External reset de-asserted, 1 = External reset asserted. |
[0] |
RO |
0x1 |
0 = Link enabled, 1 = Link disabled. |
0x32 |
0xc8 |
[20:0] |
Ratio of the link_clk frequency relative to the s_axi_aclk. Format is 16.16. |
0x33 |
0xcc |
[20:0] |
Ratio of the device_clk frequency relative to the s_axi_aclk. Format is 16.16. Available starting from version 1.07.a; |
0x40 |
0x100 |
SYSREF configuration |
[31:2] |
RO |
0x00000000 |
[1] |
RW |
0x0 |
In oneshot mode only the first occurrence of the SYSREF signal is used for alignment. |
[0] |
RW |
0x0 |
Enable/Disable SYSREF handling. |
0x41 |
0x104 |
SYSREF LMFC offset |
[31:10] |
RO |
0x000000 |
[9:0] |
RW |
0x000 |
Offset between SYSREF event and internal LMFC event in octets. |
0x42 |
0x108 |
SYSREF status |
[31:2] |
RO |
0x00000000 |
[1] |
0x0 |
Indicates that an external SYSREF event has been observed that was unaligned to a previously observed event. |
[0] |
0x0 |
Indicates that an external SYSREF event has been observed. |
0x80 |
0x200 |
Enabled/Disabled lanes. |
[n] |
RW |
0x0 |
Enable/Disable n-th lane (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled). Where n is from 0 to 31. |
0x84 |
0x210 |
JESD204B link configuration. |
[31:19] |
RO |
0x0000 |
[18:16] |
RW |
0x0 |
Number of octets per frame - 1 (F). |
[15:10] |
RO |
0x00 |
[9:0] |
RW |
0x003 |
Number of octets per multi-frame - 1 (K x F). In 64B/66B mode represents the number of octets per extended multiblock. |
0x85 |
0x214 |
JESD204B link configuration. |
[31:2] |
RO |
0x00000000 |
[1] |
RW |
0x0 |
Enable/Disable user data alignment character replacement (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled). Valid for 8B/10B encoder. |
[0] |
RW |
0x0 |
Enable/Disable user data descrambling (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled). |
0x86 |
0x218 |
Enable/Disable links in case of a multi-link architecture. Valid for 8B/10B encoder. |
[n] |
RW |
0x0 |
Enable/Disable n-th link (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled). Where n is from 0 to 31. |
0x87 |
0x21c |
JESD204B link configuration. |
[31:8] |
RO |
0x000000 |
[7:0] |
RW |
0x00 |
Number of beats per multi-frame - 1 (K x F / TPL_DATA_PATH_WIDTH) at interface to Transport Layer. In 64B/66B mode represents the number of octets per extended multiblock. Available starting from version 1.07.a; |
0x90 |
0x240 |
JESD204B link configuration. |
[31:17] |
RO |
0x0000 |
[16] |
RW |
0x0 |
Elastic buffer release point. |
[15:10] |
RO |
0x00 |
[9:0] |
RW |
0x000 |
Buffer release opportunity offset from LMFC. |
0x91 |
0x244 |
JESD204B error statistics configuration. |
[31:15] |
RO |
0x00000 |
[14] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, invalid header errors are not counted; Valid for 64B/66B encoder. |
[13] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, unexpected end of multiblock errors are not counted; Valid for 64B/66B encoder. |
[12] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, unexpected end of extended multiblock errors are not counted; Valid for 64B/66B encoder. |
[11] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, CRC mismatch errors are not counted. Valid for 64B/66B encoder. |
[10] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, unexpected k errors are not counted. Valid for 8B/10B encoder. |
[9] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, not in table errors are not counted. Valid for 8B/10B encoder. |
[8] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, disparity errors are not counted. Valid for 8B/10B encoder. |
[7:1] |
RO |
0x00 |
[0] |
RW |
0x0 |
If set, resets the error counter |
0xa0 |
0x280 |
JESD204B link status. |
[31:2] |
RO |
0x00000000 |
[1:0] |
0x0 |
8B/10B : State of the [[#b10b_link_state_machine|8B/10B link state machine]]. (0 = RESET, 1 = WAIT_FOR_PHY, 2 = CGS, 3 = SYNCHRONIZED) \ 64B/66B : State of the [[#b66b_link_state_machine|64B/66B link state machine]]. (0 = RESET, 1 = WAIT_BS, 2 = BLOCK_SYNC, 3 = DATA) |
0xc0 + 0x8*n |
0x300 + 0x20*n |
Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[31:11] |
RO |
0x000000 |
[10:8] |
RO |
0x0 |
State of Extended multiblock alignment: \ 001 - EMB_INIT \ 010 - EMB_HUNT \ 100 - EMB_LOCK \ Valid for 64b66b encoder. |
[7:6] |
RO |
0x0 |
[5] |
0x0 |
ILAS configuration data received. |
[4] |
0x0 |
Frame synchronization state. |
[3:2] |
RO |
0x0 |
[1:0] |
0x0 |
State of the lane code group synchronization. (0 = INIT, 1 = CHECK, 2 = DATA) |
0xc1 + 0x8*n |
0x304 + 0x20*n |
Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[31:14] |
RO |
0x00000 |
[13:0] |
0x0000 |
For 8b10b mode: represents the lane latency in octets; For 64b66b mode: represents the delay from the received EOEMB indicator to the next (SYSREF aligned) LEMC edge in octets. In other words, this amount of data is stored in the elastic buffer before it gets released on the LEMC edge. Must be greater than 64. Its max value is KxF octets. Where LEMC period = KxF/8 link clock periods. |
0xc2 + 0x8*n |
0x308 + 0x20*n |
Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[31:0] |
RO |
0x00000000 |
This register shows the number of total errors for this lane. Errors counted depend on the configuration in LINK_CONF3. It must always be manually reset. |
0xc3 + 0x8*n |
0x30c + 0x20*n |
Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[7:0] |
RO |
0x00 |
This register shows the number of frame alignment errors for this lane. It resets with a link restart. |
0xc4 + 0x8*n |
0x310 + 0x20*n |
Received ILAS config data for the n-th lane. Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[31:28] |
RO |
0x0 |
[27:24] |
RO |
0x0 |
BID (Bank ID) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[23:16] |
RO |
0x00 |
DID (Device ID) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[15:0] |
RO |
0x0000 |
0xc5 + 0x8*n |
0x314 + 0x20*n |
Received ILAS config data for the n-th lane. Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[31:29] |
RO |
0x0 |
[28:24] |
K |
RO |
0x00 |
K (Frames per multi-frame) field of the ILAS config sequence - 1. |
[23:16] |
F |
RO |
0x00 |
F (Octets per frame) field of the ILAS config sequence - 1. |
[15] |
RO |
0x0 |
SCR (Scrambling enabled) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[14:13] |
RO |
0x0 |
[12:8] |
L |
RO |
0x00 |
L (Number of lanes) field of the ILAS config sequence - 1. |
[7:5] |
RO |
0x0 |
[4:0] |
RO |
0x00 |
LID (Lane ID) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
0xc6 + 0x8*n |
0x318 + 0x20*n |
Received ILAS config data for the n-th lane. Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[31:29] |
RO |
0x0 |
JESDV (JESD204 version) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[28:24] |
S |
RO |
0x00 |
S (Samples per frame) field of the ILAS config sequence - 1. |
[23:21] |
RO |
0x0 |
SUBCLASSV (JESD204B subclass) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[20:16] |
NP |
RO |
0x00 |
N’ (Total number of bits per sample) field of the ILAS config sequence - 1. |
[15:14] |
CS |
RO |
0x0 |
CS (Control bits per sample) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[13] |
RO |
0x0 |
[12:8] |
N |
RO |
0x00 |
N (Converter resolution) field of the ILAS config sequence - 1. |
[7:0] |
M |
RO |
0x00 |
M (Number of converters) field of the ILAS config sequence - 1. |
0xc7 + 0x8*n |
0x31c + 0x20*n |
Received ILAS config data for the n-th lane. Where n is from 0 to 31. |
[31:24] |
RO |
0x00 |
FCHK (Checksum) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[23:8] |
RO |
0x0000 |
[7] |
HD |
RO |
0x0 |
HD (High-density) field of the ILAS config sequence. |
[6:5] |
RO |
0x0 |
[4:0] |
CF |
RO |
0x00 |
CF (control words per frame) field of the ILAS config sequence |
Theory of Operation
The JESD204B/C receive peripheral consists of two main components. The register
map and the link processor. Both components are fully asynchronous and are
clocked by independent clocks. The register map is in the s_axi_aclk
domain, while the link processor is in the clk
and device_clk
The register map is used to configure the operational parameters of the link processor as well as to query the current state of the link processor. The link processor itself is responsible for handling the JESD204 link layer protocol.
Interfaces and Signals
Register Map Configuration Interface
The register map configuration interface can be accessed through the AXI4-Lite
interface. The interface is synchronous to the s_axi_aclk
. The
signal is used to reset the peripheral and should be asserted
during system startup until the s_axi_aclk
is active and stable.
De-assertion of the reset signal should be synchronous to s_axi_aclk
JESD204 Control Signals
The sync
and sysref
signals correspond to the SYNC~ and SYSREF signals
of the JESD204 specification.
The sync
signal is asserted by the peripheral during link initialization and
must be connected to the corresponding JESD204 ADC converter devices on the same
The sysref
signal is generated externally and is optional. It is only
required to achieve deterministic latency in subclass 1 mode operation. If the
signal is not connected software needs to configure the peripheral
accordingly to indicate this.
When the sysref
signal is used, in order to ensure correct operation, it is
important that setup and hold of the external signal relative to the
signal are met. Otherwise, deterministic latency cannot be
Transceiver Interface (RX_PHYn)
For each lane, the peripheral has one corresponding RX_PHY interface. These interfaces accept the physical layer data from the downstream physical layer transceiver peripheral.
The physical layer is responsible for clock recovery, character alignment, de-serialization as well an 8b10b decoding.
User Data Interface (RX_DATA)
User data is provided on the AXI4-Stream RX_DATA
interface. The interface is
a reduced AXI4-Stream interface and only features the TVALID flow control
signal, but not the TREADY flow control signal. The behavior of the interface is
as if the TREADY signal was always asserted. This means as soon as rx_valid
is asserted, a continuous stream of user data must be accepted from rx_data
After reset and during link initialization, the rx_valid
signal is
deasserted. As soon as the User Data Phase is entered, the rx_valid
will be
asserted to indicate that the peripheral is now providing the processed data
at the rx_data
signal. The rx_valid
signal stays asserted until the link
is either deactivated or reinitialized.
Typically, the RX_DATA
interface is connected to a JESD204 transport layer
peripheral that deframes the data and passes it to the application layer. The
internal data path width of the peripheral is 4, this means that 4 octets
per lane are processed in parallel. When in the user data phase, the peripheral
provides 4 octets for each lane in each beat.
This means that RX_DATA
interface is DATA_PATH_WIDTH
* 8 *
bits wide. With each block of consecutive DATA_PATH_WIDTH
* 8
bits corresponding to one lane. The lowest DATA_PATH_WIDTH
* 8 bits
correspond to the first lane, while the highest DATA_PATH_WIDTH
* 8 bits
correspond to the last lane.
E.g. for 8B/10B mode where DATA_PATH_WIDTH
=4. Each lane specific 32-bit
block corresponds to 4 octets each 8 bits wide. The temporal ordering of the
octets is from LSB to MSB, this means the octet placed in the lowest 8 bits was
received first, the octet placed in the highest 8 bits was received last.
Data corresponding to lanes that have been disabled should be ignored and their value is undefined.
Configuration Interface
The peripheral features a register map configuration interface that can be
accessed through the AXI4-Lite S_AXI
port. The register map can be used to
configure the peripherals operational parameters, query the current status of
the device and query the features supported by the device.
Peripheral Identification and HDL Synthesis Settings
The peripheral contains multiple registers that allow the identification of the
peripheral as well as the discovery of features that were configured at HDL
synthesis time. Apart from the SCRATCH
register, all registers in this
section are read-only and write access to them will be ignored.
) register contains the version of the peripheral. The
version determines the register map layout and general features supported by the
peripheral. The version number follows semantic versioning.
Increments in the major number indicate backward incompatible changes,
increments in the minor number indicate backward compatible changes, patch
letter increments indicate bug fix.
) register contains the value of the ID
configuration parameter that was set during synthesis. Its primary function is
to allow to distinguish between multiple instances of the peripheral in the same
) register is a general purpose 32-bit register that
can be set to an arbitrary values. Reading the register will yield the value
previously written (the value will be cleared when the peripheral is reset). Its
content does not affect the operation of the peripheral. It can be used by
software to test whether the register map is accessible or store custom
peripheral associated data.
) register contains the value of "204R"
This value is unique to this type of peripheral and can be used to ensure that
the peripheral exists at the expected location in the memory mapped IO register
) register contains the value of the
HDL configuration parameter that was set during synthesis. It
corresponds to the maximum of lanes supported by the peripheral. Possible values
are between 1
and 32
) register contains the value of the
internal data path width per lane in octets. This is how many octets are
processed in parallel on each lane and affects the restrictions of possible
values for certain runtime configuration registers. The value is encoded as the
log2() of the data path width. Possible values are:
Internal data path width is 2;
Internal data path width is 4;
Internal data path width is 8.
) register describes the maximum
amount of octets that the elastic buffer can hold. This puts a limit on the
maximum local-multi-frame-clock (LMFC) / local-multiblock-clock (LEMC) period
(subclass 1) as well as the maximum skew between individual lanes (subclass 0).
Both must be less than the elastic buffer size.
Interrupt Handling
Interrupt processing is handled by 3 closely related registers. All 3 registers follow the same layout, each bit in the register corresponds to one particular interrupt.
When an interrupt event occurs it is recorded in the IRQ_SOURCE
register. For a recorded interrupt event, the corresponding bit is set to 1. If
an interrupt event occurs while the bit is already set to 1, it will stay set
to 1.
) register controls how recorded interrupt events
propagate. An interrupt is considered to be enabled if the corresponding bit in
register is set to 1, it is considered to be disabled if the
bit is set to 0.
Disabling an interrupt will not prevent it from being recorded, but only its propagation. This means if an interrupt event was previously recorded while the interrupt was disabled and the interrupt is being enabled the interrupt event will then propagate.
An interrupt event that has been recorded and is enabled propagates to the
) register. The corresponding bit for such an
interrupt will read as 1. Disabled or interrupts for which no events have been
recorded will read as 0. Also if at least one interrupt has been recorded and is
enabled the external irq
signal will be asserted to signal the IRQ event to
the upstream IRQ controller.
A recorded interrupt event can be cleared (or acknowledged) by writing a 1 to
the corresponding bit to either the IRQ_SOURCE
It is possible to clear multiple interrupt events at the same time by setting
multiple bits in a single write operation.
For more details regarding interrupt operation see the interrupts section of this document.
Link Control
) register is used to control the link state and
switch between enabled and disabled. While the link is disabled its state
machine will remain in reset and it will not react to any external event like
Writing a 0 to the LINK_DISABLE
register will enable the link. While the
link state is changing from disabled to enabled it will go through a short
initialization procedure, which will take a few clock cycles. To check whether
the initialization procedure has completed and the link is fully operational the
) register can be checked. The LINK_STATE ([0]
) bit
will contain a 0 when the link is fully enabled and will contain a 1 while it is
disabled or going through the initialization procedure.
Writing a 1 to the LINK_DISABLE
register will immediately disable the link.
) bit in the LINK_STATE
register indicates
whether the external link reset signal is asserted (1
) or de-asserted
). When the external link reset is asserted the link is disabled
regardless of the setting of LINK_DISABLE
. The external link reset is
controlled by the fabric and might be asserted if the link clock is not stable
Multi-link Control
A multi-link is a link where multiple converter devices are connected to a
single logic device (FPGA). All links involved in a multi-link are synchronous
and established at the same time. For an 8B/10B RX link, this means that the
signal needs to be propagated from the FPGA to each converter.
For an 8B/10B link the MULTI_LINK_DISABLE
register allows activating or
deactivating each SYNC~
lines independently. This is useful when depending
on the use case profile some converter devices are supposed to be disabled.
Link Configuration
The link configuration registers control certain aspects of the runtime behavior of the peripheral. Since the JESD204 standard does now allow changes to link configuration while the link is active the link configuration registers can only be modified while the link is disabled. As soon as it is enabled the configuration registers turn read-only and any writes to them will be ignored.
) register allows to disable individual lanes.
Each bit in the register corresponds to a particular lane and indicates whether
that lane is enabled or disabled. Bit 0 corresponds to the first lane, bit 1 to
the second lane and so on. A value of 0 for a specific bit means the
corresponding lane is enabled, a value of 1 means the lane is disabled. A
disabled lane will not receive any data when the link is otherwise active. By
default, all lanes are enabled.
register configures the octets-per-frame and
frames-per-multi-frame settings of the link. The OCTETS_PER_FRAME
) field should be set to the number of octets-per-frame minus 1 (F -
) field should be set to the number
of octets-per-frame multiplied by the number of frames-per-multi-frame minus 1
(FxK - 1). For correct operation FxK must be a multiple of 4. In 64B/66B mode
this field matches and also represents the number of octets per extended
multiblock (Ex32x8 - 1).
register allows disabling optional link level processing
) bit controls whether descrambling
of the received user data is enabled or disabled. A value of 0 enables
descrambling and a value of 1 disables it. In 64B/66B mode descrambling must be
) bit controls whether
alignment character replacement is performed or not. A value of 0 enables
character replacement and a value of 1 disables it. If character replacement is
disabled and an alignment character is received
a unexpected K-character error is raised.
For correct operation, character replacement must be disabled when descrambling is disabled otherwise undefined behavior might occur.
Both the transmitter as well as receiver device on the JESD204 link need to be configured with the same settings for scrambling/descrambling and character replacement for correct operation.
Character replacement is used only in 8B/10B links and completely disregarded in 64B/66B mode.
register controls the behavior of elastic buffer. The
) bit configures when the data is released
from the elastic buffer to the RX_DATA port. If the bit is set to 0 the data
will be released at the earliest configured release point after all lanes are
ready. When the bit is set to 1 the data will be released as soon as all lanes
are ready. The former gives deterministic latency and is required for subclass 1
operation, the later gives minimum latency.
) field allows to configure the buffer release
opportunity point relative to the local-multi frame-clock (LMFC)/
local-multiblock-clock (LEMC). A setting of 0 indicates that the release
opportunity is aligned to the LMFC/LEMC edge. A setting of X indicates that it
trails the LMFC/LEMC edge by X octets.
field must be set to a multiple of 4. Writing a value that
is not a multiple of 4 will be rounded down to the next multiple of 4. For
correct operation, the BUFFER_DELAY
field must also be set to a value
smaller than the number of octets per multi-frame (F
This mechanism can be used to reduce overall latency while still maintaining deterministic latency if the maximum link latency (overall valid PVT settings) is known.
SYSREF Handling
The external SYSREF signal is used to align the internal local multiframe clocks (LMFC)/ local-multiblock-clock (LEMC) between multiple devices on the same link.
) register allows to configure the behavior of the
SYSREF capture circuitry. Setting the SYSREF_DISABLE
) bit to 1
disables the SYSREF handling. All external SYSREF events are ignored and the
LMFC/LEMC is generated internally. For Subclass 1 operation, SYSREF handling
should be enabled and for Subclass 0 operation it should be disabled.
) register allows to modify the offset
between the SYSREF rising edge and the rising edge of the LMFC/LEMC.
For optimal operation it is recommended that all device on a JESD204 link should
be configured in a way so that the total offset between the value of the
register must be set to a value smaller than the
configured number of octets-per-multiframe (OCTETS_PER_MULTIFRAME
otherwise undefined behavior might occur.
) register allows to monitor the status of the
) bit indicates that the
peripheral as observed a SYSREF event. The SYSREF_ALIGNMENT_ERROR
bit indicates that a SYSREF event has been observed which was unaligned, in
regards to the LMFC/LEMC period, to a previously recorded SYSREF event.
All bits in the SYSREF_STATUS
register are write-to-clear. All bits will
also be cleared when the link is disabled.
Note that the SYSREF_STATUS
register will not record any events if SYSREF
operation is disabled or the JESD204 link is disabled.
Link Status
All link status registers are read-only. While the link is disabled, some of the link status registers might contain bogus values. Their content should be ignored until the link is fully enabled.
) field of the LINK_STATUS
register indicates the state of the
8B/10B link state machine or
64B/66B link state machine
depending on the selected decoder.
Possible values for a 8B/10B link are:
RESET (0x0): The link is currently disabled;
WAIT FOR PHY (0x1): The controller waits for the PHY level component to be ready;
CGS (0x2): The controller is waiting for one or more lanes to complete the CGS phase;
DATA (0x3): All lanes are in the data phase and the link is properly established.
Possible values for a 64B/66B link are:
RESET (0x0): The link is currently disabled;
WAIT BLOCK SYNC (0x1): The controller waits for all enabled lanes to reach sync header alignment;
BLOCK SYNC (0x2): All enabled lanes from the PHY reached sync header alignment phase;
DATA (0x3): All enabled lanes reached the multi-block synchronization phase, elastic buffer released the data and the link is properly established.
The state of each individual lane can be queried from the lane status registers.
Lane Status
Each lane has a independent status register (LANEn_STATUS
)) that
indicates the current state of the lane.
8B/10B Link Lane Status Fields
) indicates the current state of the lane code group
INIT (0x0): Lane is not synchronized;
CHECK (0x1): Lane is in the process of synchronizing, at least some /K/ synchronization characters have been observed;
DATA (0x2): Lane is synchronized and ready to receive data.
) bit indicates that initial frame synchronization has
completed for the lane and the lane is receiving either ILAS data or user data.
) register holds the duration in octets between
when the SYNC~ signal was de-asserted and when the frame synchronization for
this particular lane has completed. The LANEn_LATENCY
register only holds
valid data if the IFS_READY
bit of the LANEn_STATUS
register is set.
64B/66B Link Lane Status Fields
) indicates the current state of the Extended
Multi-Block alignment state machine:
EMB_INIT (3’b001): Wait for sync header alignment and for an end of extended multiblock (EoEMB) indicator;
EMB_HUNT (3’b010): Keep track and monitor consecutive EoEMBs until a threshold is reached;
EMB_LOCK (3’b100): Asserted by receiver to indicate that extended multiblock alignment has been achieved.
8B/10B Link ILAS Configuration Data
If the JESD204 transmitter emits an initial lane alignment sequence (ILAS) the
configuration data embedded in the second multi-frame of the ILA sequence is
captured by the peripheral and stored in a set of four per-lane registers
) bit in the corresponding LANEn_STATUS
indicates whether the ILAS configuration data has been captured for a specific
lane. The data in the LANEn_ILASx
registers is only valid when that bit is
The received ILAS configuration data can be used to verify that the transmitter device is using the expected configuration and that the lane and device mapping is correct.
Clock Monitor
) register allows to determine the clock rate of
the link clock (clk
) relative to the AXI interface clock (s_axi_aclk
This can be used to verify that the link clock is running at the expected rate.
) register allows to determine the clock rate
of the device clock (device_clk
) relative to the AXI interface clock
). This can be used to verify that the device clock is running at
the expected rate.
The number is represented as unsigned 16.16 format. Assuming a 100MHz processor clock, this corresponds to a resolution of 1.523kHz per LSB. A raw value of 0 indicates that the link clock is currently not active.
The core does not generate interrupts.
8B/10B Link
8B/10B Link State Machine
The peripheral can be in one of four main operating phases: RESET, WAIT FOR PHY, CGS, or DATA. Upon reset the peripheral starts in the RESET phase. The WAIT FOR PHY and CGS phases are used during the initialization of the JESD204 link. The DATA phase is used during normal operation when user data is received across the JESD204 link.
RESET phase
The RESET phase is the default state entered during reset. While disabled the peripheral will stay in the RESET phase. When enabled, the peripheral will transition from the RESET phase to the WAIT FOR PHY phase.
If at any point the peripheral is disabled, it will automatically transition back to the RESET state.
Lanes that have been disabled in the register map configuration interface, will behave as if the link was in the RESET state regardless of the actual state.
During the WAIT FOR PHY phase the peripheral will wait for all PHY controllers for all enabled lanes to be ready for operation. Once this condition is satisfied the controlled will transition to the CGS phase.
CGS phase
During the CGS phase the peripheral will assert the external ~SYNC signal and expects the connected JESD204 transmitter to send /K/ characters.
Each lane will independently the incoming data stream for /K/ characters and adjust its state machine according to the received characters.
Once all enabled lanes have entered the DATA state the link state will transition from the CGS phase to the DATA phase.
DATA phase
The DATA phase is the main operating mode of the peripheral. In this phase it
will transmit transport layer data at the RX_DATA port. When the peripheral
enters the DATA phase the valid
signal of the RX_DATA
interface will be
asserted to indicate that transport layer data is now available.
By default the data received on each lane is descrambled. Descrambling can optionally be disabled via the register map configuration interface. Descrambling is enabled or disabled for all lanes equally.
Scrambling reduces data-dependent effects, which can affect both the analog performance of the data converter as well as the bit-error rate of JESD204 serial link, therefore it is highly recommended to enable scrambling for the link.
The peripheral also performs per-lane alignment character monitoring. When alignment character replacement is enabled the JESD204 transmitter replaces under certain predictable conditions (i.e. the receiver can recover the replaced character) the last octet in a frame or multi-frame. Replaced characters at the end of a frame, that is also the end of a multi-frame, are replaced by the /A/ character. Replaced characters at the end of a frame, that is not the end of a multi-frame, are replaced by the /F/ character. If a alignment character is received the peripheral checks that the it is in the expected position, either the end of a frame or the end of a multi-frame, and reports an error if a lane has become misaligned. This allows to detect alignment errors and allows the application to re-initialize the link.
Alignment character monitoring can optionally be disabled via the register map configuration interface. Alignment character monitoring is enabled or disabled for all lanes equally. If alignment character monitoring is disabled, no errors are reported when a misaligned alignment character is received.
Data on the RX_DATA
port corresponding to a disabled lanes are undefined and
should be ignored.
8B/10B Multi-endpoint RX link establishment
In a multi-endpoint configuration one link receive peripheral connects to
several endpoints/converter devices. In such cases the link is established
only when all enabled endpoints reach the DATA phase. For that all endpoints
must pass through CGS and ILAS stages. Depending on the software
implementation that controls the converter devices the endpoints can be
enabled at different moments. The link receive peripheral will receive the CGS
characters and do character alignment until for all enabled endpoints lanes
succeeds that and signalize that through the de-assertion of SYNC~
In the below example we have a multi-point link of four endpoints
= 4):
The physical layer is not depicted on purpose. JTXn represents the link layer counterpart in the converter device/endpoint n
The steps of the link bring-up are presented below:
1 - Link receive peripheral is enabled, will assert its
signal to indicate to the endpoints it is ready to receive and align to theCGS
characters. AllSYNC~
signal to all enabled endpoints assert in the same time;2,3,4,5 - JESD transmit block of DAC enabled, will start sending
characters until itsSYNC~
pin is not pulled low. The timing depends on the software implementation that controls the DAC;6 - In Subclass 1 (SC1)
is captured andLMFC
in the FPGA and converter device is adjusted;7 - Once the
characters are received correctly on all enabled lanes, on the next Frame clock boundary in SC0 orLMFC
boundary in SC1 theSYNC~
is de-asserted. AllSYNC~
signal to all enabled endpoints de-assert in the same time. In SC1 ifSYSREF
is not captured the link receive peripheral will stay in CGS state and will keepSYNC~
asserted.;8 - Once all enabled endpoints (not masked by
) observe the de-assert of theSYNC~
signal, on the next Frame clock boundary for SC0 or the nextLMFC
boundary for SC1, will start sending theILAS
sequence, then after typically 4LMFC
periods later the actualDATA
64B/66B Link
The 64-bit wide datapath of the link layer is fairly simple, the data received from the PHY is sent through a mandatory descrambler block to an elastic buffer that serves as an aligner cross lanes. Each beat of the datapath contains a block of data of 8 octets.
For each lane the control path starts from the 2-bit sync header connected to the header decoder that tracks and monitors multiblock and extended multiblock markers from the stream, reconstructs the 32-bit sync word corresponding to every multiblock and extracts the received CRC from it. The CRC is calculated for every multiblock and is compared against the received CRC. The mismatches are recorded by the error monitor block.
Beside the CRC errors the error monitor records invalid end of multiblock, end
of extended multiblock and invalid sync header errors. The source of every error
can be masked from the corresponding bit of the LINK_CONF3
64B/66B Link State Machine
The peripheral can be in one of four main operating phases: RESET, WAIT BS, BLOCK SYNC, or DATA. Upon reset the peripheral starts in the RESET phase. The WAIT BS and BLOCK SYNC phases are used during the initialization of the JESD204 link. The DATA phase is used during normal operation when user data is received across the JESD204 link.
RESET phase
The RESET phase is the default state entered during reset. While disabled the peripheral will stay in the RESET phase. When enabled the peripheral will transition from the RESET phase to the WAIT FOR PHY phase.
If at any point the peripheral is disabled it will automatically transition back to the RESET state.
WAIT BS phase
During the WAIT BS phase the peripheral will wait for all PHY controllers for all enabled lanes to reach sync header alignment state ensuring the sync header stream separation from the data blocks. Once this condition is satisfied the controlled will transition to the BLOCK SYNC phase.
If one of the enabled lanes loses the the sync header alignment the link will fall back to WAIT BS state.
The BLOCK SYNC state ensures all enabled lanes achieved sync header alignment or
block synchronization phase in other terms. During this state the peripheral
will wait for all enabled lanes to reach extended multiblock alignment and the
elastic buffer get released. Once each enabled lane is extended multiblock
aligned for each lane the data blocks are stored in the elastic buffer then are
released at a well defined moment relative to the SYSREF
DATA phase
The DATA phase is the main operating mode of the peripheral. In this phase it
will transmit transport layer data at the RX_DATA
port. When the peripheral
enters the DATA phase the valid
signal of the RX_DATA
interface will be
asserted to indicate that transport layer data is now available.
64B/66B Link Extended MultiBlock Alignment State Machine
For each lane a state machine is used to detect the boundary of the extended multiblocks by tracking well defined markers in the sync header stream. Once the boundary is detected for each lane the corresponding data stream can be aligned across all enabled lanes. This is done through the elastic buffer.
The EMB INIT is the default state of the state machine, all disabled lanes stay in this state. The state is left only when the lane is enabled, the PHY controller of the corresponding lane is sync header aligned and a valid end of extended multiblock marker is detected in the sync header stream.
At any moment the PHY loses sync header alignment the state machine will fall back to the EMB INIT state.
In the EMB HUNT state the state machine will look after four consecutive correct extended multiblock indicators, once this is achieved the state machine enters the EMB LOCK state. In case invalid end of multiblock or end of extended multiblock markers are detected the state machine falls back to the EMB INIT state.
In the EMB LOCK state the monitoring of multiblock and extended multiblock indicators is continued. In case of eight consecutive indicators are incorrect the state machine will return in the EMB INIT state. This state ensures the validity of the 32-bit sync words constructed from the sync header stream. For each multiblock the calculated CRC of the previous multiblock is extracted from the current sync word.
Dual clock operation
parameter is set, a gearbox with 4:N (204B) or 8:N (204C)
ratio is enabled in the link layer peripherals, where N depends on the F
parameter of the link. The goal of the gearbox is to have at the transport layer
interface a data width that contains an integer number of frames per every
device clock cycle (each beat) so an integer number of samples can be
delivered/consumed to/from the application layer aligned to SYSREF ensuring
deterministic latency in modes where N’=12 or F!=1,2,4.
The gearbox ratio corresponds with the ratio of the link layer interface data width towards physical layer and transport layer in octets. The interface width towards the physical layer in 8B/10B (204B) mode depends on the DATA_PATH_WIDTH synthesis parameter, and can be either 4 octets (default) or 8 octets. In 204B mode the util_adxcvr supports only data width of 4 octets. In 64b66b (aka 204C) mode the data width towards the physical interface is always 8 octets.
The data path width towards the transport layer is defined by the TPL_DATA_PATH_WIDTH synthesis parameter.
The following rules apply:
TPL_DATA_PATH_WIDTH = m x F; where m is a positive integer, power of 2.
The link clock and device clock ratio should be the inverse of the DATA_PATH_WIDTH : TPL_DATA_PATH_WIDTH ratio.
In this context the link clock will be lane rate/40 or lane rate/80 for 204B depending on DATA_PATH_WIDTH and lane rate/66 for 204C 64B/66B, however the device clock could vary based in the F parameter.
64b/66b Link latency reduction
Deterministic latency can be reduced by adjusting the release point of the
elastic buffer in RX link layer. By default the release point of the elastic
buffer is at the edge of LEMC. In case of 64b66b link the LATENCY
will indicate how many octets will the elastic buffer store before the default
release point for that specific lane. The release point can be adjusted to bring
it closer to the last arrival lane (that will have the least octets in the
buffer) so minimizing the buffer usage and the latency in turn. The LATENCY
must be measured over multiple power-ups and bring-up sequence. Identify the
slowest arrival lane (min value of the register). If multiple parallel links
must be synchronized all lanes from all links must be included in the process.
Once the slowest lane delay is identified, before enabling the links, SW needs
to set the register BUFFER_DELAY
(0x240) from all parallel Rx links if
exists based on the following formula:
Buffer Delay - register 0x240 of the core;
F*K - is the size of a multiframe in octets;
‘latency regs’ - is the measured latency of each lane observed during consecutive link bring-ups measured for all Rx links, see regs (0x304 + n*0x20) where n = 0..L-1 ; L is number of lanes;
TPLDW - TPL datapath width in octets. Can be read from the
This value it the absolute minimum. It is recommended to increase it slightly to have a better margin against power-up to power-up latency variations.
Software Support
To ensure correct operation it is highly recommended to use the Analog Devices provided JESD204 software packages for interfacing the peripheral. Analog Devices is not able to provide support in case issues arise from using custom low-level software for interfacing the peripheral.
During the design of the peripheral the deliberate decision was made to support only a subset of the features mandated by the JESD204 standard for receiver logic devices. The reasoning here is that the peripheral has been designed to interface to Analog Devices JESD204 ADC converter devices and features that are either not required or not supported by those converter devices would otherwise lie dormant in peripheral and never be used. Instead the decision was made to not implement those unneeded features even when the JESD204 standard requires them for general purpose JESD204 receiver logic devices. As Analog Devices ADC converter devices with new requirements are released the peripheral will be adjusted accordingly.
This approach allows for a leaner design using less resources, allowing for lower pipeline latency and a higher maximum device clock frequency.
The following lists where the peripheral deviates from the standard:
No subclass 2 support. JESD204 subclass 2 has due to its implementation details restricted applicability and is seldom a viable option for a modern high-speed data converter system. To achieve deterministic latency it is recommend to use subclass 1 mode;
Reduced number of octets-per-frame settings. The JESD204 standard allows for any value between 1 and 256 to be used for the number of octets-per-frame;
The following octets-per-frame are supported by the peripheral: 1, 2, 4 and 1. (No longer applies starting from 1.07.a);
Reduced number of frames-per-multi-frame settings. The following values are supported by the peripheral: 1-32, with the additional requirement that F*K is a multiple of 4. In addition F*K needs to be in the range of 4-256;
No support for alignment character replacement when scrambling is disabled. (No longer applies starting from 1.07.a).
Additional Information
Supported Devices
JESD204B Analog-to-Digital Converters
AD6673: 80 MHz Bandwidth, Dual IF Receiver
AD6674: 385 MHz BW IF Diversity Receiver
AD6676: Wideband IF Receiver Subsystem
AD6677: 80 MHz Bandwidth, IF Receiver
AD6684: 135 MHz Quad IF Receiver
AD6688: RF Diversity and 1.2GHz BW Observation Receiver
AD9207: 12-Bit, 6 GSPS, JESD204B/JESD204C Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9208: 14-Bit, 3GSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9209: 12-Bit, 4GSPS, JESD204B/C, Quad Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9213: 12-Bit, 10.25 GSPS, JESD204B, RF Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9234: 12-Bit, 1 GSPS/500 MSPS JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9250: 14-Bit, 170 MSPS/250 MSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9625: 12-Bit, 2.6 GSPS/2.5 GSPS/2.0 GSPS, 1.3 V/2.5 V Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9656: Quad, 16-Bit, 125 MSPS JESD204B 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9680: 14-Bit, 1.25 GSPS/1 GSPS/820 MSPS/500 MSPS JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9683: 14-Bit, 170 MSPS/250 MSPS, JESD204B, Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9690: 14-Bit, 500 MSPS / 1 GSPS JESD204B, Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9691: 14-Bit, 1.25 GSPS JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9694: 14-Bit, 500 MSPS JESD204B, Quad Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9695: 14-Bit, 1300 MSPS/625 MSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9083: 16-Channel, 125 MHz Bandwidth, JESD204B Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD9094: 8-Bit, 1 GSPS, JESD204B, Quad Analog-to-Digital Converter
JESD204B RF Transceivers
AD9371: SDR Integrated, Dual RF Transceiver with Observation Path
AD9375: SDR Integrated, Dual RF Transceiver with Observation Path and DPD
ADRV9009: SDR Integrated, Dual RF Transceiver with Observation Path
ADRV9008-1: SDR Integrated, Dual RF Receiver
ADRV9008-2: SDR Integrated, Dual RF Transmitter with Observation Path
JESD204B/C Mixed-Signal Front Ends
Technical Support
Analog Devices will provide limited online support for anyone using the core with Analog Devices components (ADC, DAC, Clock, etc) via the EngineerZone under the GPL license. If you would like deterministic support when using this core with an ADI component, please investigate a commercial license. Using a non-ADI JESD204 device with this core is possible under the GPL, but Analog Devices will not help with issues you may encounter.