The Util VAR FIFO core controls an external BRAM memory through which it allows the storage of a variable number of samples before triggering.
Variable depth
Name |
Description |
Verilog source for the peripheral. |
Configuration Parameters
Name |
Description |
Default Value |
Choices/Range |
Data width of the FIFO. The BRAM generator parameters should match this. |
32 |
The BRAM generator parameters should match this. Gives the maximum depth of the FIFO |
13 |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
clk |
in |
Physical Port |
Logical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
rst |
in |
Physical Port |
Direction |
Dependency |
Description |
depth |
in [31:0] |
Controls the depth of the FIFO. Should be less than the maximum depth. Controlled by an outside IP. |
data_in |
in [31:0] |
Data to be stored. |
data_in_valid |
in |
Valid for the input data. |
data_out |
out [31:0] |
Data forwarded to the DMA. |
data_out_valid |
out |
Valid for the output data. |
wea_w |
out |
Write signal. |
en_w |
out |
Write enable signal. |
addr_w |
out [12:0] |
Address for the write pointer. |
din_w |
out [31:0] |
Data to be written to the BRAM. |
en_r |
out |
Read enable signal. |
addr_r |
out [12:0] |
Address for the read pointer. |
dout_r |
in [31:0] |
Data read from the BRAM. |
Detailed Description
This IP controls an external BRAM. It has a two clock cycle latency even if bypassed. If valid is not always asserted, the latency is only one word instead of two.
Design Guidelines
The IP should be used with an external BRAM, which can be optimized for power or for speed, depending on the design requirements. It uses only one clock domain, so everything should be synchronous to that clock domain.