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Majority of the files located in this repository are released under the Apache License 2.0 terms. However, there may exist files accompanied by separate and unique license terms (such as GPL, LGPL, BSD, modified BSD, commercial or others). Your license rights with respect to individual file accompanied by separate license terms are defined by those terms. The license agreement for each file is generally located in the header of the file itself. Nothing else shall restrict, limit, or otherwise affect any rights or obligations you may have, or conditions to which you may be subject, under such license terms. This agreement does not limit your rights under, or grant you rights that supersede, the license terms of any particular file.

The mere aggregation of these files (putting them side by side in the same source code repository or on a hard disk) does not mean that there is one master license for all the files. It is up to you, the user, to ensure that during the building of a project, which combines these files together, all the individual licenses are compatible. For example, if a single file is covered by the GPL, the whole combination must also be released under the GPL. If you can't, or won't, do that, you may not distribute the resulting binary.


This repository contains embedded firmware applications for Analog Devices Precision Converters. The firmware applications are developed to interface with Precision Converters (ADCs/DACs) in order to configure/access device parameters and capture device data over a serial communication link. These applications are primarily targeted for the SDP-k1 hardware platform, running Mbed OS, however they can target other platforms as well.


A list of available projects can be found here: projects

Precision Converters Library

A list of available projects can be found here: precision-converters-library