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Developer documentation

pyadi-jif uses a modern python flow based around Nox and uv. This is done to keep development isolated from the rest of developer's system and have consistent testing.

Set up python

Python 3.8 is required for development as it is considered the target release. Nox tests other variants when available as well but 3.8 is required. If you do not have 3.8 installed the recommended option is to use pyenv or uv to install it.

Alternatively, using plane older virtualenvs is good option as well. Run the following commands to set up a virtualenv:

python3 -m venv venv
# Linux/macOS
source venv/bin/activate
# Windows

or with uv:

uv venv venv --python 3.8
source venv/bin/activate

Install uv

uv is a python virtual environment manager that is a bit more modern than virtualenv. It is a good option for managing virtual environments and even versions of python. To install uv follow the instructions on the uv website.

Install pyenv

pyenv is a handy tool for installing different and isolated versions of python on your system. Since distributions can ship with rather random versions of python, pyenv can help install exactly the versions required. The quick way to install pyenv is with their bash script:

 curl | bash

Add to your path and shell startup script (like .bashrc or .zshrc)

 export PATH="/home/<username>/.pyenv/bin:$PATH
 eval "$(pyenv init -)"
 eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

Install the desired python version

  pyenv install 3.8.7

Set up Nox

Nox is a python automation tool that allows you to define reusable tasks in a It is used to run tests, linters, and other tasks. To install nox:

(uv) pip install nox

Running nox

To run nox, simply run the following command:

nox -s <session>

Where <session> is the name of the session defined in the For example, to run the tests:

nox -s tests

If running with uv you can use the uv run command to run nox:

uv run nox -s <session>

Using make

Make is muscle memory for most developers so it is a driver of pyadi-jif development if you want to use it. Running make help provides the possible operations. Note that the Makefile wraps most commands in poetry calls so you do not necessarily need to enable the poetry shell.

make help

make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/pyadi-jif'
clean                remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts
clean-build          remove build artifacts
clean-pyc            remove Python file artifacts
clean-test           remove test and coverage artifacts
test                 run tests
testp                run tests parallel
coverage             run test with coverage enabled
lint                 format and lint code
docs                 build documentation
install              install module

When committing code

Before committing code and creating pull-requests make sure all tests are passing. CI verifies commits but any assigned reviewers ignore any PRs that have not passed CI checks.

Please run the linters:

make lint

and the tests:

make test