mykonos.c File Reference

Contains Mykonos APIs for transceiver configuration and control. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "mykonos.h"
#include "mykonos_gpio.h"
#include "mykonos_macros.h"
#include "mykonos_user.h"
Include dependency graph for mykonos.c:


mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetDevice (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Performs a hard reset on the MYKONOS DUT (Toggles RESETB pin on device) More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDeviceRev (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *revision)
 Reads back the silicon revision for the Mykonos Device. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getProductId (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *productId)
 Reads back the Product ID for the Mykonos Device. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getApiVersion (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t *siVer, uint32_t *majorVer, uint32_t *minorVer, uint32_t *buildVer)
 Get API version number. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setSpiSettings (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets the Mykonos device SPI settings (3wire/4wire, MSBFirst, etc). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_verifyDeviceDataStructure (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Verifies the integrity of the Mykonos device data structure. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initialize (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Initializes the Mykonos device based on the desired device settings. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_verifyProfiles (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Verifies the init structure profiles are valid combinations. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initSubRegisterTables (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Write indirect registers (Programmable FIRs, Rx gain tables, JESD204B settings). Must be done after Multi Chip Sync. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_waitForEvent (mykonosDevice_t *device, waitEvent_t waitEvent, uint32_t timeout_us)
 Performs a blocking wait for a Mykonos calibration or Pll Lock. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readEventStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, waitEvent_t waitEvent, uint8_t *eventDone)
 Performs a readback with no wait for a Mykonos calibration or Pll Lock. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initDigitalClocks (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets the CLKPLL output frequency. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRfPllFrequency (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosRfPllName_t pllName, uint64_t rfPllLoFrequency_Hz)
 Sets the RF PLL local oscillator frequency (RF carrier frequency). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRfPllFrequency (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosRfPllName_t pllName, uint64_t *rfPllLoFrequency_Hz)
 Gets the RF PLL local oscillator frequency (RF carrier frequency). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_checkPllsLockStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *pllLockStatus)
 Checks if the PLLs are locked. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTxPfirSyncClk (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets the digital Tx PFIR SYNC clock divider. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxPfirSyncClk (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets the digital Rx PFIR SYNC clock divider. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_programFir (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosfirName_t filterToProgram, mykonosFir_t *firFilter)
 Configures one or more FIR filters in the device. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readFir (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosfirName_t filterToRead, mykonosFir_t *firFilter)
 Reads the FIR filter programmed into the device. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_programRxGainTable (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *gainTablePtr, uint8_t numGainIndexesInTable, mykonosGainTable_t rxChannel)
 Programs the gain table settings for either Rx1, Rx2, Rx1 + Rx2, ORx, or SnRx receiver types. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx1ManualGain (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t gainIndex)
 Sets the Rx1 Manual Gain Index. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx2ManualGain (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t gainIndex)
 Sets the Rx2 Manual Gain index. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx1Gain (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *rx1GainIndex)
 Reads the Rx1 Gain Index for Manual or AGC gain control mode. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx2Gain (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *rx2GainIndex)
 Reads the Rx2 Gain Index for Manual or AGC gain control mode. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupRxAgc (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets up the device Rx Automatic Gain Control (AGC) registers. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetRxAgc (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 This function resets the AGC state machine. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxAgcMinMaxGainIndex (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosRxChannels_t rxChannelSelect, uint8_t maxGainIndex, uint8_t minGainIndex)
 This function sets the min/max gain indexes for AGC in the main RX channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxAgcMinMaxGainIndex (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosObsRxChannels_t obsRxChannelSelect, uint8_t maxGainIndex, uint8_t minGainIndex)
 This function sets the min/max gain indexes for AGC in the observation channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx1TempGainComp (mykonosDevice_t *device, int16_t rx1TempCompGain_mdB)
 This function sets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx1 channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx1TempGainComp (mykonosDevice_t *device, int16_t *rx1TempCompGain_mdB)
 This function gets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx1. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx2TempGainComp (mykonosDevice_t *device, int16_t rx2TempCompGain_mdB)
 This function sets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx2 channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx2TempGainComp (mykonosDevice_t *device, int16_t *rx2TempCompGain_mdB)
 This function gets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx2. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxTempGainComp (mykonosDevice_t *device, int16_t obsRxTempCompGain_mdB)
 This function sets the Temperature gain compensation for the observation channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxTempGainComp (mykonosDevice_t *device, int16_t *obsRxTempCompGain_mdB)
 This function gets the Temperature gain compensation for the observation channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableRxGainCtrSyncPulse (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable)
 Enables or disables the Rx slow loop gain counter to use the sync pulse. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxGainControlMode (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosGainMode_t mode)
 Configures the Rx gain control mode. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx1DecPower (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t *rx1DecPower_mdBFS)
 Performs a power measurement in the Rx1 digital data path. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx2DecPower (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t *rx2DecPower_mdBFS)
 Performs a power measurement in the Rx2 digital data path. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDefaultObsRxPath (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosObsRxChannels_t defaultObsRxCh)
 Sets the default Obs Rx channel to enter when device moves from radioOff to radioOn. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxPathSource (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosObsRxChannels_t obsRxCh)
 Powers up or down the Observation Rx signal chain in the radioOn state. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxPathSource (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosObsRxChannels_t *obsRxCh)
 Reads back the currently enabled Observation Rx channel in the radioOn state. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxManualGain (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosObsRxChannels_t obsRxCh, uint8_t gainIndex)
 Sets the Rx gain of the ObsRx channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxGain (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *gainIndex)
 Gets the gain index of the currently enabled ObsRx channel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupObsRxAgc (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets up the device ObsRx Automatic Gain Control (AGC) registers. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableObsRxGainCtrSyncPulse (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable)
 Enables or disables the ObsRx slow loop gain counter to use the sync pulse. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxGainControlMode (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosGainMode_t mode)
 Configures the ObsRx gain control mode. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxDecPower (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t *obsRxDecPower_mdBFS)
 Performs a power measurement in the ObsRx digital data path. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTx1Attenuation (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t tx1Attenuation_mdB)
 Sets the Tx1 RF output Attenuation. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTx2Attenuation (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t tx2Attenuation_mdB)
 Sets the Tx2 RF output Attenuation (Step size is 0.05dB.) More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTx1Attenuation (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t *tx1Attenuation_mdB)
 Reads back the Tx1 RF output Attenuation. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTx2Attenuation (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t *tx2Attenuation_mdB)
 Reads back the Tx2 RF output Attenuation. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTxFilterOverRangeStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *txFilterStatus)
 Checks the Tx Filter over-range bit assignments for digital clipping in the Tx data path. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableTxNco (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable, int32_t tx1ToneFreq_kHz, int32_t tx2ToneFreq_kHz)
 Enables/Disables the Tx NCO test tone. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupPaProtection (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t powerThreshold, uint8_t attenStepSize, uint8_t avgDuration, uint8_t stickyFlagEnable, uint8_t txAttenControlEnable)
 Writes Mykonos device registers with settings for the PA Protection block. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enablePaProtection (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t paProtectEnable)
 Enables the Mykonos PA Protection block according to the parameters passed in MYKONOS_setupPaProtection(...). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDacPower (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t channel, uint16_t *channelPower)
 Obtains an estimate of a TX channel's accumulated power over the sample duration provided in MYKONOS_setupPaProtection(...) More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getPaProtectErrorFlagStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *errorFlagStatus)
 Returns PA Protection Error Flag Status. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_clearPaErrorFlag (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Manually clears the PA Protection Error Flags. More...
const char * getMykonosErrorMessage (mykonosErr_t errorCode)
 Helper function for return of character string based on 32-bit mykonosErr_t enum value. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetDeframer (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Resets the JESD204B Deframer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupSerializers (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets up the JESD204B Serializers. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupDeserializers (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets up the JESD204B Deserializers. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupJesd204bFramer (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets up the JESD204B Framer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupJesd204bObsRxFramer (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets up the JESD204B OBSRX Framer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableRxFramerLink (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable)
 Enables/Disables the JESD204B Rx Framer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableObsRxFramerLink (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable)
 Enables/Disables the JESD204B ObsRx Framer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupJesd204bDeframer (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Sets up the JESD204B Deframer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableMultichipSync (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enableMcs, uint8_t *mcsStatus)
 Sets up the chip for multichip sync, and cleans up after MCS. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableSysrefToRxFramer (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable)
 Enables or disables SYSREF to the transceiver's RX framer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableSysrefToObsRxFramer (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable)
 Enables or disables SYSREF to the transceiver's Observation RX framer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableSysrefToDeframer (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enable)
 Enables or disables SYSREF to the transceiver's deframer. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readRxFramerStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *framerStatus)
 Reads the transceiver's RX framer status. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readOrxFramerStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *obsFramerStatus)
 Reads the transceiver's Observation RX framer status. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readDeframerStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *deframerStatus)
 Reads the transceiver's deframer status. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDeframerFifoDepth (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *fifoDepth, uint8_t *readEnLmfcCount)
 Reads the Mykonos JESD204b Deframer determinstic FIFO depth. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableRxFramerPrbs (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosPrbsOrder_t polyOrder, uint8_t enable)
 Selects the PRBS type and enables or disables RX Framer PRBS20 generation. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableObsRxFramerPrbs (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosPrbsOrder_t polyOrder, uint8_t enable)
 Selects the PRBS type and enables or disables OBSRX Framer PRBS20 generation. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_rxInjectPrbsError (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Injects a PRBS error into the RX data path. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_obsRxInjectPrbsError (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Initiates a PRBS error injection into the Observation RX data path. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableDeframerPrbsChecker (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t lanes, mykonosPrbsOrder_t polyOrder, uint8_t enable)
 Configures and enables or disables the transceiver's deframer PRBS checker. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readDeframerPrbsCounters (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t counterSelect, uint32_t *prbsErrorCount)
 Reads the deframer PRBS counters. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_clearDeframerPrbsCounters (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Clears the deframer/deserializer PRBS counters. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_jesd204bIlasCheck (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t *mismatch)
 Reads the lane 0 JESD204B deframer configuration and compares it against the ILAS received values. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxFramerDataSource (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t dataSource)
 Select data to inject into the Rx framer input (ADC data or Loopback data from deframer output) More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxFramerDataSource (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t dataSource)
 Select data to inject into the ObsRx framer input (ADC data or Loopback data from deframer output) More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_runInitCals (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t calMask)
 Runs the Mykonos initialization calibrations. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_waitInitCals (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t timeoutMs, uint8_t *errorFlag, uint8_t *errorCode)
 Blocking waits for the Mykonos initialization calibrations to complete. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_abortInitCals (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t *calsCompleted)
 Aborts from an on going ARM init calibration operation. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getInitCalStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosInitCalStatus_t *initCalStatus)
 Gets the device initialization calibration status. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_radioOn (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Instructs the ARM processor to move the radio state to the Radio ON state. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_radioOff (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Instructs the ARM processor to move the radio state to the off state. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRadioState (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t *radioStatus)
 Reads the current ARM radio state. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableTrackingCals (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t enableMask)
 Sets which ARM tracking cals are enabled during the radioOn state. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_rescheduleTrackingCal (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t trackingCal)
 Reschedules a tracking calibration to run. Can be used to override the tracking calibration timer and force a tracking calibration to run. Can be used to reschedule a tracking calibration after a tracking calibration error has been detected. Only one tracking calibration object can be scheduled per channel per function call. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setAllTrackCalState (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t trackCals)
 Suspend or resume tracking calibrations in RADIO_ON. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getAllTrackCalState (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t *trackCals)
 Get the Suspended or Resumed state for tracking calibrations. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTrackingCalState (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t trackingCal, uint8_t trackCalState)
 Suspend or resume individual tracking calibration. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTrackingCalState (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t trackingCal, uint8_t *trackCalState)
 Get the Suspended or Resumed state for individual tracking calibration. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getEnabledTrackingCals (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t *enableMask)
 Reads back which ARM tracking cals are enabled. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getPendingTrackingCals (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t *pendingCalMask)
 Returns the tracking calibration pending and error status. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTxLolStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, mykonosTxLolStatus_t *txLolStatus)
 Returns the status of the TxLOL external tracking calibration. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTxQecStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, mykonosTxQecStatus_t *txQecStatus)
 Returns the status of the TxQEC tracking calibration. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRxQecStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosRxChannels_t rxChannel, mykonosRxQecStatus_t *rxQecStatus)
 Returns the status of the RxQEC tracking calibration. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getOrxQecStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosObsRxChannels_t orxChannel, mykonosOrxQecStatus_t *orxQecStatus)
 Returns the status of the ORxQEC tracking calibration. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setSnifferChannel (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosSnifferChannel_t snifferChannel)
 Selects the Sniffer RF input to use for the observation receiver when in ObsRx pin mode and ORX_MODE = SNIFFER(4) More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initArm (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Resets the ARM processor and performs initialization. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_loadArmFromBinary (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *binary, uint32_t count)
 Loads binary byte array into ARM program memory. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_loadArmConcurrent (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *binary, uint32_t count)
 Loads binary byte array into ARM program memory. This API function allows user to load the ARM concurrently. This is specially to reduce the system initialization time. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_verifyArmChecksum (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Verifies the ARM checksum value. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_checkArmState (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosArmState_t armStateCheck)
 Verifies the ARM status once it is start running. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getArmVersion (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *majorVer, uint8_t *minorVer, uint8_t *rcVer, mykonosBuild_t *buildType)
 Reads back the version of the ARM binary loaded into the Mykonos ARM memory. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_configDpd (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 This function will configure DPD settings. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device)
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, mykonosDpdStatus_t *dpdStatus)
 This function reads the DPD calibration status from the Mykonos ARM processor. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_restoreDpdModel (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, uint8_t *modelDataBuffer, uint32_t modelNumberBytes)
 This function will allow loading of the DPD model file. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_saveDpdModel (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, uint8_t *modelDataBuffer, uint32_t modelNumberBytes)
 This function called during RadioOff, will allow retrieval of the DPD model file. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDpdActState (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, uint8_t actState)
 This function sets the state of the DPD actuator. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetDpd (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, mykonosDpdResetMode_t reset)
 This function resets the DPD model. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_configClgc (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 This function will configure CLGC settings. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getClgcConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device)
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getClgcStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, mykonosClgcStatus_t *clgcStatus)
 This function reads the CLGC calibration status from the Mykonos ARM processor. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setClgcGain (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, int16_t gain)
 This function updates the CLGC desired gain parameter. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_configVswr (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 This function, when called during RadioOff, will configure VSWR settings. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getVswrConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device)
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getVswrStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, mykonosVswrStatus_t *vswrStatus)
 This function reads the VSWR calibration status from the Mykonos ARM processor. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmMem (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t address, uint8_t *returnData, uint32_t bytesToRead, uint8_t autoIncrement)
 Read from the Mykonos ARM program or data memory. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_writeArmMem (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t byteCount)
 Write to the Mykonos ARM program or data memory. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_writeArmConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t objectId, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *data, uint8_t byteCount)
 Low level helper function used by Mykonos API to write the ARM memory config structures. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t objectId, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *data, uint8_t byteCount)
 Low level helper function used by Mykonos API to read the ARM memory config structures. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_sendArmCommand (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t opCode, uint8_t *extendedData, uint8_t extendedDataNumBytes)
 Sends a command to the Mykonos ARM processor. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmCmdStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint16_t *errorWord, uint16_t *statusWord)
 Reads the Mykonos ARM 64-bit command status register. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmCmdStatusByte (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t opCode, uint8_t *cmdStatByte)
 Isolated byte read of the Mykonos ARM 64-bit command status register based on the opcode. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_waitArmCmdStatus (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t opCode, uint32_t timeoutMs, uint8_t *cmdStatByte)
 Mykonos ARM command status wait function polls command status until opcode completes. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_writeArmProfile (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Mykonos ARM configuration write. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_loadAdcProfiles (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Function called automatically that loads the ADC profiles into the ARM. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetExtTxLolChannel (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t channelSel)
 Performs reset to the External Tx LO Leakage tracking calibration channel estimate. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRadioControlPinMode (mykonosDevice_t *device)
 Configures the Radio power up/down control for Rx and Tx paths to be controlled by pins (TX1/2_ENABLE, RX1/2_ENABLE, and GPIO pins) or an API function call. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRfDcOffsetCnt (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t channel, uint16_t measureCount)
 Sets the measure count which is the number of samples taken before DC offset correction is applied for the given RF channel. This value should be changed after ARM initialization. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRfDcOffsetCnt (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t channel, uint16_t *measureCount)
 retrieves the measure count which is the number of samples taken before DC offset correction is applied for the given Rf channel. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDigDcOffsetMShift (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t channel, uint8_t mShift)
 Sets M-Shift value which is the Corner frequency of Rx notch filter for the given channel. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDigDcOffsetMShift (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t channel, uint8_t *mShift)
 retrieves the M-Shift value which is the Corner frequency of Rx notch filter for the given channel. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRfPllLoopFilter (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosRfPllName_t pllName, uint16_t loopBandwidth_kHz, uint8_t stability)
 Sets the RF PLL loop filter bandwith. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRfPllLoopFilter (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosRfPllName_t pllName, uint16_t *loopBandwidth_kHz, uint8_t *stability)
 Gets the RF PLL loop filter bandwidth and stability. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDigDcOffsetEn (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t enableMask)
 Enable/ Disable Digital DC Offset channels using the channel mask. The mask can be a combination of the following channel values ( mykonosRxDcOffsettEn_t ). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDigDcOffsetEn (mykonosDevice_t *device, uint8_t *enableMask)
 reads Enable/ Disable channels Digital DC Offset and returns a mask of it. The mask returned will be a combination of the following channel values ( mykonosRxDcOffsettEn_t ). More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setPathDelay (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosPathdelay_t *pathDelay)
 This function will configure the path delay settings for all the features: DPD, VSWR and CLGC. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getPathDelay (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosPathDelaySel_t select, mykonosPathdelay_t *pathDelay)
 This function will read the current path delay settings for the selected calibration. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdErrorCounters (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosTxChannels_t txChannel, mykonosDpdErrorCounters_t *dpdErrCnt)
 This function reads the current error counters for all the DPD error codes from mykonosDpdErrors_t. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDpdBypassConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t *actConfig)
 DPD feature to set the bypassing actuator when Tx signal power is below a programmable threshold given in mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t lowPowerActuatorBypassLevel. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdBypassConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t *actConfig)
 Get configuration for bypassing DPD actuator. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDpdActuatorCheck (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDpdActuatorCheck_t *actCheck)
 DPD feature to set the actuator gain difference check. If the gain before and after the actuator exceeds the value actCheck->actuatorGainCheckLevel an error will be issued and the actuator will reset depending on the actCheck->actuatorGainCheckMode. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdActuatorCheck (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosDpdActuatorCheck_t *actCheck)
 Get configuration for DPD actuator check. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setClgcAttenTuningConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosClgcAttenTuningConfig_t *attRangeCfg)
 CLGC feature to set the TX attenuation tuning range to a relative range around a nominal value. More...
mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getClgcAttenTuningConfig (mykonosDevice_t *device, mykonosClgcAttenTuningConfig_t *attRangeCfg)
 Get configuration for CLGC Tx attenuation tuning range. More...

Detailed Description

Contains Mykonos APIs for transceiver configuration and control.

Mykonos API version:

Function Documentation

◆ getMykonosErrorMessage()

const char* getMykonosErrorMessage ( mykonosErr_t  errorCode)

Helper function for return of character string based on 32-bit mykonosErr_t enum value.

To save codespace, these error strings are ifdef'd out unless the user adds a define MYKONOS_VERBOSE to their workspace. This function can be useful for debug. Each function also returns unique error codes to make it easier to determine where the code broke.

errorCodeis enumerated error code value
Returns character string based on enumerated value
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_abortInitCals()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_abortInitCals ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t *  calsCompleted 

Aborts from an on going ARM init calibration operation.

The ARM init calibrations can take several seconds. If for any reason the Baseband processor needs to stop the running ARM calibration sequence, call this function. The *calsCompleted parameter is an option parameter that will return which cals completed before the abort command was received. If *calsCompleted is a null pointer, no value will be returned.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceA pointer to the device settings structure
calsCompletedA bitmask is returned which describes which cals completed during the previous MYKONOS_runInitCals() call.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ABORT_INITCALS_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter calsCompleted has NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_checkArmState()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_checkArmState ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosArmState_t  armStateCheck 

Verifies the ARM status once it is start running.

Wait for ARM to go into radio state, if takes longer there is and ARM error get error in Application layer calling MYKONOS_getRadioState()


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
armStateCheckif the ARM is not in this state it will return an error,
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMSTATE_EXCEPTIONARM system problem has been detected.
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMSTATE_CAL_ERRORARM has detected an error in the tracking calibrations.
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMSTATE_EXCEPTIONARM has detected an illegal profile.
MYKONOS_ERR_WAITARMCSTATE_TIMEOUTTimeout occurred in check ARM state.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_checkPllsLockStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_checkPllsLockStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  pllLockStatus 

Checks if the PLLs are locked.

This function updates the pllLockStatus pointer with a lock status it per PLL.
pllLockStatus[0] = CLKPLL Locked pllLockStatus[1] = RX_PLL Locked pllLockStatus[2] = TX_PLL Locked pllLockStatus[3] = SNIFFER_PLL Locked pllLockStatus[4] = CAL_PLL Locked

devicethe Mykonos device data structure
pllLockStatusLock status bit per PLL

◆ MYKONOS_clearDeframerPrbsCounters()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_clearDeframerPrbsCounters ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Clears the deframer/deserializer PRBS counters.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_clearPaErrorFlag()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_clearPaErrorFlag ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Manually clears the PA Protection Error Flags.

This function manually clears the PA Error Flags. The user must setup the PA Protection block to enable sticky error flags. Sticky error flags require the user to clear the bit manually even if the accumulated power is below the power threshold for the PA protection block.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_configClgc()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_configClgc ( mykonosDevice_t device)

This function will configure CLGC settings.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for CLGC to be enabled. The CLGC has several user adjustable settings that can be configured before running the runInitCals with the calMask set for the CLGC init cal. Call this function with desired settings set before running the CLGC init cal or enabling CLGC tracking.

This function can be called in either Radio On or Off state.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
  • device->tx->clgcConfig (All members)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGCLGC_TXORX_PROFILE_INVERROR: Tx and ObsRx profiles must be valid to use the CLGC feature
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGCLGC_NULL_CLGCCFGSTRUCTERROR: CLGC config structure pointer is null in device->tx->clgcConfig
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGCLGC_INV_DESIREDGAINERROR: CLGC tx1DesiredGain or tx2DesiredGain parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGCLGC_INV_TXATTENLIMITERROR: CLGC tx1AttenLimit or tx2AttenLimit parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGCLGC_INV_CLGC_CTRLRATIOERROR: clgcControlRatio parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGCLGC_INV_THRESHOLDError: tx1RelThreshold or tx2RelThreshold parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_configDpd()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_configDpd ( mykonosDevice_t device)

This function will configure DPD settings.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for DPD to be enabled. The DPD has several user adjustable settings that can be configured before running the runInitCals with the calMask set for the DPD init cal. Call this function with desired settings set before running the DPD init cal or enabling DPD tracking.

This function can be called in either Radio On or Off state.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
  • device->tx->dpdConfig (All members)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_TXORX_PROFILE_INVERROR: to use these features, a valid Tx and ORx profile must exist in the device data structure
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_INV_DPDDAMPINGERROR: damping parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_INV_DPDSAMPLESERROR: samples parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_INV_NUMWEIGHTSERROR: numWeights parameter is out of range (0-3)
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_INV_MODELVERSIONERROR: modelVersion parameter is out of range (0-3)
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_INV_DPDOUTLIERTHRESHERROR: outlierThreshold parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_INV_DPD_ADDDELAYERROR: additionalDelayOffset parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGDPD_INV_PNSEQLEVELERROR: pathDelayPnSeqLevel parameter is out of range
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_configVswr()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_configVswr ( mykonosDevice_t device)

This function, when called during RadioOff, will configure VSWR settings.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for VSWR to be enabled. The VSWR has several user adjustable settings that can be configured before running the runInitCals with the calMask set for the VSWR init cal. Call this function with desired settings set before running the VSWR init cal or enabling VSWR tracking.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
  • device->tx->vswrConfig (All members)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGVSWR_TXORX_PROFILE_INVERROR: Tx and ObsRx profiles must be valid to use the VSWR feature
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGVSWR_NULL_VSWRCFGSTRUCTERROR: CLGC config structure pointer is null in device->tx->clgcConfig
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGVSWR_ARMSTATE_ERRORERROR: ARM is not in the IDLE(radioOff) or Ready state.

◆ MYKONOS_enableDeframerPrbsChecker()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableDeframerPrbsChecker ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  lanes,
mykonosPrbsOrder_t  polyOrder,
uint8_t  enable 

Configures and enables or disables the transceiver's deframer PRBS checker.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
lanesselects the lane for PRBS checking based on a 4-bit mask, where each weighted bit corresponds with a different lane selection as such: '1' = lane 0, '2' = lane 1, '4' = lane 2, '8' = lane 3
polyOrderselects the PRBS type based on enum values (MYK_PRBS7, MYK_PRBS15, MYK_PRBS31)
enable'1' = enables checking, '0' = disables checking
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_PRBS_ENABLE_PARAMInvalid enable (valid 0-1) or lanes (valid 0-15) parameter

◆ MYKONOS_enableMultichipSync()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableMultichipSync ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enableMcs,
uint8_t *  mcsStatus 

Sets up the chip for multichip sync, and cleans up after MCS.

When working with multiple transceivers or even only one transceiver that requires deterministic latency between the Tx and observation and or main Rx JESD204B data path, Multichip sync is necessary. This function should be run after all transceivers are initialized.

After the SYSREF pulses have been sent, call the MYKONOS_enableMultichipSync() function again with the enableMcs parameter set to 0. When enableMcs = 0, the MCS status will be returned in the mcsStatus parameter.

Typical sequence: 1) Initialize all Mykonos devices in system using MYKONOS_initialize() 2) Run MYKONOS_enableMultichipSync with enableMcs = 1 3) Send at least 3 SYSREF pulses 4) Run MYKONOS_enableMultichipSync with enableMcs = 0 5) Load ARM, run ARM cals and continue to active Transmit/Receive

mcsStatus bit Description
[0] MCS JESD SYSREF Status (1 = sync occurred)
[1] MCS Digital Clocks Sync Status (1 = sync occurred)
[2] MCS CLKPLL SDM Sync Status (1 = sync occurred)
[3] MCS Device Clock divider Sync Status (1 = sync occurred)


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
enableMcs=1 will enable the MCS state machine, =0 will allow reading back MCS status
mcsStatusoptional parameter, if pointer is not null the function Which will be populated with the mcsStatus word described in the table above.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enableObsRxFramerLink()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableObsRxFramerLink ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable 

Enables/Disables the JESD204B ObsRx Framer.

This function is normally not necessary. In the event that the link needs to be reset, this function allows the ObsRx framer to be disabled and re-enabled.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->obsRx->framer->serializerLanesEnabled
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
enable0 = Disable the selected framer, 1 = enable the selected framer link
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ENFRAMERLINK_INV_LANESEN_PARMInvalid serializerLanesEnabled parameter in device data structure (Valid 0-15)

◆ MYKONOS_enableObsRxFramerPrbs()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableObsRxFramerPrbs ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosPrbsOrder_t  polyOrder,
uint8_t  enable 

Selects the PRBS type and enables or disables OBSRX Framer PRBS20 generation.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
polyOrderselects the PRBS type based on a two-bit value range from 0-3
enable'1' = enables PRBS OBSRX framer PRBS generator, '0' = disables PRBS generator
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_OBSRX_FRAMER_INV_PRBS_POLYORDER_PARAMpolyOrder parameter is not a valid value - use ENUM

◆ MYKONOS_enableObsRxGainCtrSyncPulse()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableObsRxGainCtrSyncPulse ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable 

Enables or disables the ObsRx slow loop gain counter to use the sync pulse.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
enableis a uint8_t data type where '0' = disable ObsRx gain counter from using sync pulse, '1' = enable ObsRx gain. All other values will throw an error. counter to use the sync pulse. This value is written back to the device data structure for storage.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enablePaProtection()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enablePaProtection ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  paProtectEnable 

Enables the Mykonos PA Protection block according to the parameters passed in MYKONOS_setupPaProtection(...).

This function enables the PA Protection block according to the parameters passed in MYKONOS_setupPaProtection(...) The paProtectEnable signal enables the PA Protection block, allowing usage of the PA protection functions.

Before calling this function the user needs to setup the PA protection by calling MYKONOS_setupPaProtection(...)


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
paProtectEnable"1" Enables the PA Protection block. "0" Disables the PA Protection block
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enableRxFramerLink()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableRxFramerLink ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable 

Enables/Disables the JESD204B Rx Framer.

This function is normally not necessary. In the event that the link needs to be reset, this function allows the Rx framer to be disabled and re-enabled.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rx->framer->serializerLanesEnabled
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
enable0 = Disable the selected framer, 1 = enable the selected framer link
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ENFRAMERLINK_INV_LANESEN_PARMInvalid serializerLanesEnabled parameter in device data structure

◆ MYKONOS_enableRxFramerPrbs()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableRxFramerPrbs ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosPrbsOrder_t  polyOrder,
uint8_t  enable 

Selects the PRBS type and enables or disables RX Framer PRBS20 generation.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
polyOrderselects the PRBS type based on a two-bit value range from 0-3
enable'1' = enables PRBS RX framer PRBS generator, '0' = disables PRBS generator
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enableRxGainCtrSyncPulse()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableRxGainCtrSyncPulse ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable 

Enables or disables the Rx slow loop gain counter to use the sync pulse.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
enableis a uint8_t data type where '0' = disable Rx gain counter from using sync pulse, '1' = enable Rx gain. All other values will throw an error. counter to use the sync pulse. This value is written back to the device data structure for storage.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enableSysrefToDeframer()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableSysrefToDeframer ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable 

Enables or disables SYSREF to the transceiver's deframer.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
enable= '1' enables SYSREF to deframer, '0' disables SYSREF to deframer
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enableSysrefToObsRxFramer()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableSysrefToObsRxFramer ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable 

Enables or disables SYSREF to the transceiver's Observation RX framer.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
enable= '1' enables SYSREF to OBSRX framer, '0' disables SYSREF to framer
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enableSysrefToRxFramer()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableSysrefToRxFramer ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable 

Enables or disables SYSREF to the transceiver's RX framer.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
enable= '1' enables SYSREF to RX framer, '0' disables SYSREF to framer
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_enableTrackingCals()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableTrackingCals ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t  enableMask 

Sets which ARM tracking cals are enabled during the radioOn state.

This command must be called during radioOff state. If called during radioOn, an error will be returned. The enum mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t can be used to OR together to form the enableMask parameter.

enableMask Bit description


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
enableMaskA bitmask that selects which cals to run during radioOn state.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_EN_TRACKING_CALS_ARMSTATE_ERRORError: Tracking cals can only be enabled in the radioOff state.
MYKONOS_ERR_EN_TRACKING_CALS_ARMERRORARM returned error when executing this command

◆ MYKONOS_enableTxNco()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_enableTxNco ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enable,
int32_t  tx1ToneFreq_kHz,
int32_t  tx2ToneFreq_kHz 

Enables/Disables the Tx NCO test tone.

This function enables/disables a digital numerically controlled oscillator in the Mykonos Digital to create a test CW tone on Tx1 and Tx2 RF outputs.

The TxAttenuation is forced in this function to max analog output power, but the digital attenuation is backed off 6dB to make sure the digital filter does not clip and cause spurs in the tx spectrum.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->profilesValid
  • device->tx->txProfile->iqRate_kHz
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
enable0 = Disable Tx NCO, 1 = Enable Tx NCO on both transmitters
tx1ToneFreq_kHzSigned frequency in kHz of the desired Tx1 tone
tx2ToneFreq_kHzSigned frequency in kHz of the desired Tx2 tone
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ENTXNCO_TXPROFILE_INVALIDCan not enable Tx NCO when Tx Profile is not enabled/valid
MYKONOS_ERR_ENTXNCO_TX1_FREQ_INVALIDTx1 NCO Tone frequency out of range (-IQrate/2 to IQrate/2)
MYKONOS_ERR_ENTXNCO_TX2_FREQ_INVALIDTx2 NCO Tone frequency out of range (-IQrate/2 to IQrate/2)

◆ MYKONOS_getAllTrackCalState()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getAllTrackCalState ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t *  trackCals 

Get the Suspended or Resumed state for tracking calibrations.

This function is used to get the suspend or resume state of all active tracking calibrations and the state is stored in trackCals.

Command can be called in Radio On.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
trackCalspointer to store the tracking calibration state. If the bit is set then the tracking calibration is resumed and if not set then the tracking cal is suspended, the bit field follows:
trackCals[bit] Bit description
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETSTATEALL_TRACK_NULL_PARAMNull parameter passed for trackCals
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getApiVersion()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getApiVersion ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t *  siVer,
uint32_t *  majorVer,
uint32_t *  minorVer,
uint32_t *  buildVer 

Get API version number.

This function reads back the version number of the API

devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
siVerA pointer to the current silicon version number.
majorVerA pointer to the current major version number.
minorVerA pointer to the current minor version number.
buildVerA pointer to the current build version number.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_API_VERSION_NULL_PARAMNull parameter passed to the function.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getArmVersion()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getArmVersion ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  majorVer,
uint8_t *  minorVer,
uint8_t *  rcVer,
mykonosBuild_t buildType 

Reads back the version of the ARM binary loaded into the Mykonos ARM memory.

This function reads the ARM memory to read back the major.minor.releaseCandidate version for the ARM binary loaded into ARM memory.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
majorVerThe Major version is returned in this parameter
minorVerThe Minor version is returned in this parameter
rcVerThe release candidate version (build number) is returned in this parameter
buildTypeThe Type of the build [Debug / Test_Object / Release]
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETARMVER_NULL_PARMOne of the function parameters has a NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_getClgcAttenTuningConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getClgcAttenTuningConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosClgcAttenTuningConfig_t attRangeCfg 

Get configuration for CLGC Tx attenuation tuning range.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
attRangeCfgPointer to structure of type mykonosClgcAttenTuningConfig_t which will contain the programmed settings
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getClgcConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getClgcConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device)

◆ MYKONOS_getClgcStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getClgcStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
mykonosClgcStatus_t clgcStatus 

This function reads the CLGC calibration status from the Mykonos ARM processor.

The Closed Loop Gain Control Status is read back from the ARM processor and returned in the function parameter clgcStatus.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for this feature to be enabled.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired Transmit channel to read back CLGC status for (Valid ENUM values: TX1 or TX2 only)
clgcStatusPointer to a structure to return the status information to
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETCLGCSTATUS_NULLPARAMclgcStatus function parameter is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_GETCLGCSTATUS_INV_CHtxChannel parameter is a non supported value.
MYKONOS_ERR_GETCLGCSTATUS_ARMERRFLAGARM reported an error while processing the GET ARM command

◆ MYKONOS_getDacPower()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDacPower ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  channel,
uint16_t *  channelPower 

Obtains an estimate of a TX channel's accumulated power over the sample duration provided in MYKONOS_setupPaProtection(...)

This function uses the 'avgDuration' parameter provided in MYKONOS_setupPaProtection to set the number of samples to accumulate to obtain an estimate for a TX channel specified by the 'channel' parameter. A 12-bit field estimating the channel power is returned in the '*channelPower' pointer. To obtain the dBFS value of the reading: dBFS value = 10*log10(channelPower/MAX_DAC_CODE) where MAX_DAC_CODE = 2^12 = 4096 For example: If channelPower is reading 409 then the channel power in dBFS is -10dBFS.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePoint to the Mykonos device's data structure
channelSelect the channel of interest. Only use TX1 (1) or TX2 (2) of mykonosTxChannels_t
*channelPowerA pointer that stores the selected channels power. Read back is provided as a 12 bit value.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_DAC_PWR_INV_POINTERFunction channelPower parameter is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_SETUP_PA_PROT_INV_TX_CHANNELInvalid Tx Channel passed in function channel parameter (TX1 or TX2)

◆ MYKONOS_getDeframerFifoDepth()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDeframerFifoDepth ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  fifoDepth,
uint8_t *  readEnLmfcCount 

Reads the Mykonos JESD204b Deframer determinstic FIFO depth.

To verify that the deterministic latency FIFO is not close to a underflow or overflow condition, it is recommended to check the FIFO depth. If the FIFO is close to an overflow or underflow condition, it is possible that from power up to powerup, deterministic latency may not be met. If a underflow or overflow occurred, the data would still be correct, but would possibly slip by 1 multiframe (losing deterministic latency). To correct for an overflow/underflow, the BBIC would need to add delay from SYSREF until the first symbol in a multiframe


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
fifoDepthReturn value that describes the depth of the Mykonos deterministic latency deframer FIFO.
readEnLmfcCountReturns the LMFC count value when the deterministic FIFO read enable was asserted. Counts at the Mykonos internal deframer PCLK frequency.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READ_DEFFIFODEPTH_NULL_PARAMError: function parameter fifoDepth is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_READ_DEFFIFODEPTH_LMFCCOUNT_NULL_PARAMError: function parameter readEnLmfcCount is a NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_getDeviceRev()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDeviceRev ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  revision 

Reads back the silicon revision for the Mykonos Device.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to Mykonos device data structure containing settings
revisionReturn value of the Mykonos silicon revision
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getDigDcOffsetEn()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDigDcOffsetEn ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  enableMask 

reads Enable/ Disable channels Digital DC Offset and returns a mask of it. The mask returned will be a combination of the following channel values ( mykonosRxDcOffsettEn_t ).

Channel Value Channel description
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ALL_OFF 0x00 All channels are disabled
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX1 0x01 Rx1 is enabled
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX2 0x02 Rx2 is enabled
MYK_DC_OFFSET_SNF 0x04 Sniffer is enabled
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ORX 0x08 ORx is enabled
MYK_DC_OFFSET_AVAILABLE 0x0F All channels are enabled


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
enableMaskpointer to the variable to store Enable mask of channels
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getDigDcOffsetMShift()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDigDcOffsetMShift ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t  channel,
uint8_t *  mShift 

retrieves the M-Shift value which is the Corner frequency of Rx notch filter for the given channel. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ).

Channel Channel description
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX_CHN Selects Rx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ORX_CHN Selects ORx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_SNF_CHN Selects Sniffer channel


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
channelreceive channel to be selected.
mShiftPointer to the variable to store mshift value of the given channel
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_DC_OFFSET_INV_CHANchannel passed to the function is invalid, refer mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t enum for valid channels.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getDpdActuatorCheck()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdActuatorCheck ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDpdActuatorCheck_t actCheck 

Get configuration for DPD actuator check.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
actCheckPointer to structure of type mykonosDpdActuatorCheck_t which will contain the programmed settings
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getDpdBypassConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdBypassConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t actConfig 

Get configuration for bypassing DPD actuator.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
actConfigactuator structure of type mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getDpdConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device)

◆ MYKONOS_getDpdErrorCounters()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdErrorCounters ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
mykonosDpdErrorCounters_t dpdErrCnt 

This function reads the current error counters for all the DPD error codes from mykonosDpdErrors_t.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
txChannelTx channel selection from mykonosTxChannels_t
dpdErrCntpointer to structure of type mykonosDpdErrorCounters_t to store the read back error counters
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETDPD_ERROR_CNT_INV_CHinvalid selection for getting the error counters tx channel, only valid values are Tx1 and Tx2
MYKONOS_ERR_GETDPD_ERROR_CNT_ARMERRFLAGArm error while reading the error counters for the DPD status
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getDpdStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getDpdStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
mykonosDpdStatus_t dpdStatus 

This function reads the DPD calibration status from the Mykonos ARM processor.

The dpdStatus is read back from the ARM processor and returned in the function parameter dpdStatus.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for this feature to be enabled.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired Transmit channel to read back DPD status for (Valid ENUM values: TX1 or TX2 only)
dpdStatusPointer to a structure to return the status information to
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETDPDSTATUS_NULLPARAMdpdStatus function parameter is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_GETDPDSTATUS_INV_CHtxChannel parameter is a non-supported value.
MYKONOS_ERR_GETDPDSTATUS_ARMERRFLAGARM reported an error while processing the GET ARM command

◆ MYKONOS_getEnabledTrackingCals()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getEnabledTrackingCals ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t *  enableMask 

Reads back which ARM tracking cals are enabled.

enableMask Bit description


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
enableMaskReturned bitmask that shows which tracking cals are enabled to run during radioOn state. See mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t enum of tracking cals.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_getInitCalStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getInitCalStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosInitCalStatus_t initCalStatus 

Gets the device initialization calibration status.

This function requests the init cal status information from the Mykonos ARM processor. The ARM returns information including a bitmask that describes which calibrations have completed during the last cal of runInitCals, as well as the init cals that have run successfully since loading the ARM. If an ARM error does occur during one of the init calibrations, the initErrCal member returns the object ID of the failing calibration. The initErrCode returns the specific ARM error code that caused that calibration to fail. The calsMinimum structure member describes the minimum set of init calibrations required to complete by the ARM before it will allow the device to move to the radioOn state.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceA pointer to the device settings structure
initCalStatusPointer to a structure that returns cal status information such as cals completed since last run, and init error codes
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETINITCALSTATUS_NULL_PARAMif initCalStatus parameter is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_GETINITCALSTATUS_ARMERRORif ARM returned an error while requesting the init cal status information
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_getObsRxDecPower()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxDecPower ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t *  obsRxDecPower_mdBFS 

Performs a power measurement in the ObsRx digital data path.

Due to interdependencies between the AGC and power measurement the power measurement duration and where the measurement is taken is variable. The location of the power measurement is given by device->obsRx->obsRxAgcCtrl->obsRxPwrAgc->pmdMeasConfig The number of samples the power measurement uses is given by 8*2^(device->obsRx->obsRxAgcCtrl->obsRxPwrAgc->pmdMeasConfig) at the IQ rate, if measured at RFIR output. This number of samples must be less than the agcGainUpdateCounter. If the receiver is disabled during the power measurement, this function returns a 0 value for rx2DecPower_mdBFS

The resolution of this function is 0.25dB. The dynamic range of this function is 40dB. Signals lower than 40dBFS may not be measured accurately.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->obsRx->obsRxAgcCtrl->obsRxPwrAgc->pmdMeasConfig
  • device->obsRx->obsRxAgcCtrl->obsRxPwrAgc->pmdMeasConfig
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
obsRxDecPower_mdBFSPointer to store the Rx1 decimated power return. Value returned in mdBFS
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getObsRxGain()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxGain ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  gainIndex 

Gets the gain index of the currently enabled ObsRx channel.

The ObsRx data path can have multiple RF sources. This function will read back the gain index of the currently enabled RF source. If the ObsRx data path is disabled, an error is returned. If the functions uint8_t *gainIndex parameter is a valid pointer, the gain index is returned at the pointers address. Else, if the uint8_t *gainIndex pointer is NULL, the gainIndex read back is stored in the device data structure.

NOTE: if the observation source is chosen by ORX_MODE pins, it is possible that the readback value will be incorrect if the obsRx channel changes while this function reads the gain.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->profilesValid
  • device->obsRx->orxGainCtrl->orx1GainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxGainCtrl->orx2GainIndex
  • device->obsRx->snifferGainCtrl->gainIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure
gainIndexReturn value of the current gain index for the currently enabled ObsRx channel.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETORX1GAIN_INV_POINTERThe ObsRx profile is not valid in the device data structure
MYKONOS_ERR_GETORX2GAIN_INV_POINTERThe ObsRx profile is not valid in the device data structure
MYKONOS_ERR_GETSNIFFGAIN_INV_POINTERThe sniffer profile is not valid in the device data structure
MYKONOS_ERR_GETOBSRXGAIN_CH_DISABLEDThe observation receiver is currently disabled, can not read back gain index.

◆ MYKONOS_getObsRxPathSource()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxPathSource ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosObsRxChannels_t obsRxCh 

Reads back the currently enabled Observation Rx channel in the radioOn state.

In pin mode, the pin could change asynchronous to reading back the current enable ObsRx path. Calling this function while in radioOff will return OBS_RXOFF since all radio channels are powered down.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
obsRxChParameter to return enum of the current observation receive path powered up
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_PU_GETOBSRXPATH_ARMERRORARM returned an error while trying to get the ObsRx Path source

◆ MYKONOS_getObsRxTempGainComp()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getObsRxTempGainComp ( mykonosDevice_t device,
int16_t *  obsRxTempCompGain_mdB 

This function gets the Temperature gain compensation for the observation channel.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
obsRxTempCompGain_mdBWhich will be populated with the Temperature Gain Compensation in mdB value for the observation channel.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OBS_RX_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_NULLobsRxTempCompGain_mdB pointer is null.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getOrxQecStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getOrxQecStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosObsRxChannels_t  orxChannel,
mykonosOrxQecStatus_t orxQecStatus 

Returns the status of the ORxQEC tracking calibration.

The ORx QEC tracking calibration is run during the radioOn state. The function can be called to read back the status of the ORxQEC external calibration including metrics like error codes, percentage of data collected for current cal, the performance of the cal and the number of times the cal has run and updated the hardware.

Before the function is called, the device must be initialized, the ARM loaded, and init cals run. These functions can be called in radioOff or radioOn state.
devicePointer to the device settings structure
orxChannelThe channel whose status is to be read back
orxQecStatusStatus of the ORxQEC external calibration, as a structure of type mykonosOrxQecStatus_t is returned to this pointer address
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETORXQECSTATUS_NULLPARAMFunction parameter orxQecStatus is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getPaProtectErrorFlagStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getPaProtectErrorFlagStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  errorFlagStatus 

Returns PA Protection Error Flag Status.

This function provides a readback of the PA protection Error Flag Status through the '*errorFlagStatus' pointer


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePoint to the Mykonos device's data structure
errorFlagStatusPointer to store the error flag status.
errorFlagStatus error
0 indicates no PA Error Flags are high
1 indicates TX1 Error Flag
2 indicates TX2 Error Flag
3 indicates TX1 and TX2 Error Flags are high
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_PA_FLAG_STATUS_INV_POINTERFunction errorFlagStatus parameter has NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_getPathDelay()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getPathDelay ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosPathDelaySel_t  select,
mykonosPathdelay_t pathDelay 

This function will read the current path delay settings for the selected calibration.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
selectpath delay status selection from mykonosPathDelaySel_t
pathDelaypointer to structure of type mykonosPathdelay_t to store the read back path delay
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_PATH_DELAY_INVALID_SELECTIONinvalid selection for getting the path delay, valid selections are given by mykonosPathDelaySel_t
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_PATH_DELAY_ARMERRFLAGArm error while reading path delay for the selected calibration status
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getPendingTrackingCals()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getPendingTrackingCals ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t *  pendingCalMask 

Returns the tracking calibration pending and error status.

When in radioOn state, the enabled tracking calibrations will set the pending flag when the particular calibration is ready to be run, but has not completed yet. For Tx tracking cals to complete, the BBIC must set the ObsRx path to the INTERNAL CALS mode. If a tracking calibration had an error, the corresponding error flag will be asserted.

pendingCalMask bit Description
[0] Rx1 QEC tracking pending
[1] Rx1 QEC tracking error
[2] Rx2 QEC tracking pending
[3] Rx2 QEC tracking error
[4] ORx1 QEC tracking pending
[5] ORx1 QEC tracking error
[6] ORx2 QEC tracking pending
[7] ORx2 QEC tracking error
[8] Tx1 LOL tracking pending
[9] Tx1 LOL tracking error
[10] Tx2 LOL tracking pending
[11] Tx2 LOL tracking error
[12] Tx1 QEC tracking pending
[13] Tx1 QEC tracking error
[14] Tx2 QEC tracking pending
[15] Tx2 QEC tracking error
[16] Tx1 DPD tracking pending
[17] Tx1 DPD tracking error
[18] Tx2 DPD tracking pending
[19] Tx2 DPD tracking error
[20] Tx1 CLGC tracking pending
[21] Tx1 CLGC tracking error
[22] Tx2 CLGC tracking pending
[23] Tx2 CLGC tracking error
[24] Tx1 VSWR tracking pending
[25] Tx1 VSWR tracking error
[26] Tx2 VSWR tracking pending
[27] Tx2 VSWR tracking error


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
pendingCalMaskBit mask that describes which tracking cals are pending or had errors
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETPENDTRKCALS_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter pendingCalMask is a NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_getProductId()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getProductId ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  productId 

Reads back the Product ID for the Mykonos Device.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to Mykonos device data structure containing settings
productIdReturn value of the Mykonos product Id
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETPRODUCTID__NULL_PARAMrecovery action for bad parameter check
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getRadioState()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRadioState ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t *  radioStatus 

Reads the current ARM radio state.

Currently, *radioStatus only returns data in the lower 8 bits, but is defined as a 32bit status to allow for more information to be returned in the future.

radioStatus Bitfield
[1:0] State[1:0], 0=POWERUP, 1=READY, 2=INIT, 3=RADIO ON
[3:2] unused
[4] TDD_nFDD , 1= TDD, 0=FDD
[7:5] unused


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
radioStatusThe current ARM radio state is returned in this parameter
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRADIOSTATE_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter radioStatus has a NULL pointer
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_getRfDcOffsetCnt()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRfDcOffsetCnt ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t  channel,
uint16_t *  measureCount 

retrieves the measure count which is the number of samples taken before DC offset correction is applied for the given Rf channel. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ).

Channel Channel description
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX_CHN Selects Rx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ORX_CHN Selects ORx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_SNF_CHN Selects Sniffer channel


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
channelreceive channel to be selected.
measureCountpointer to the variable to store the read value.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_DC_OFFSET_INV_CHANchannel passed to the function is invalid, refer mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t enum for valid channels.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getRfPllFrequency()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRfPllFrequency ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosRfPllName_t  pllName,
uint64_t *  rfPllLoFrequency_Hz 

Gets the RF PLL local oscillator frequency (RF carrier frequency).

This function is used to get the RF PLL's frequency. It can get the RX PLL, TX PLL Sniffer PLL, and CLKPLL.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
  • device->clocks->deviceClock_kHz
deviceis structure pointer to the MYKONOS data structure containing settings
pllNameName of the PLL for which to read the frequency
rfPllLoFrequency_HzRF LO frequency currently set for the PLL specified
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_PLLFREQ_INV_REFCLKDIVInvalid CLKPLL reference clock divider read from Mykonos device
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_PLLFREQ_INV_HSDIVInvalid CLKPLL high speed clock divider read from Mykonos device
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRFPLL_INV_PLLNAMEInvalid PLL name, can not get PLL frequency. Use PLL name ENUM.
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRFPLL_ARMERRORARM Command to get RF PLL frequency failed
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRFPLL_NULLPARAMrfPllLoFrequency_Hz function parameter pointer is NULL

◆ MYKONOS_getRfPllLoopFilter()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRfPllLoopFilter ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosRfPllName_t  pllName,
uint16_t *  loopBandwidth_kHz,
uint8_t *  stability 

Gets the RF PLL loop filter bandwidth and stability.

This function is used to get the RF PLL loop bandwidth. It can get the RX PLL, TX PLL Sniffer PLL.

Command can be called in Radio Off state or On state. ARM must be initialized.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
  • device->clocks->deviceClock_kHz
deviceis structure pointer to the MYKONOS data structure containing settings
pllNameName of the PLL for which to read the frequency
loopBandwidth_kHzRF PLL loop bandwidth for the PLL specified
stabilityRF PLL loop stability
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRFPLL_LF_INV_PLLNAMEInvalid PLL name, can not get PLL frequency. Use PLL name ENUM.
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRFPLL_LF_ARMERRORARM Command to get RF PLL frequency failed

◆ MYKONOS_getRx1DecPower()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx1DecPower ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t *  rx1DecPower_mdBFS 

Performs a power measurement in the Rx1 digital data path.

Due to interdependencies between the AGC and power measurement the power measurement duration and where the measurement is taken is variable. The location of the power measurement is given by device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->rxPwrAgc->pmdMeasConfig The number of samples the power measurement uses is given by 8*2^(device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->rxPwrAgc->pmdMeasDuration) at the IQ rate, if measured at RFIR output. This number of samples must be less than the agcGainUpdateCounter. If the receiver is disabled during the power measurement, this function returns a 0 value for rx1DecPower_mdBFS

The resolution of this function is 0.25dB. The dynamic range of this function is 40dB. Signals lower than 40dBFS may not be measured accurately.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->rxPwrAgc->pmdMeasConfig
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->rxPwrAgc->pmdMeasDuration
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
rx1DecPower_mdBFSPointer to store the Rx1 decimated power return. Value returned in mdBFS
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getRx1Gain()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx1Gain ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  rx1GainIndex 

Reads the Rx1 Gain Index for Manual or AGC gain control mode.

This function reads the Rx1 gain index for manual or AGC modes. If the *rx1GainIndex pointer is nonzero, the read back gain index will be returned in the parameter. If the *rx1GainIndex pointer is NULL, the device data structure will be updated with the new read back value


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rxTxSettings->rxGainControl->rx1GainIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
rx1GainIndexuint8_t Pointer to the Rx1 gain index value

◆ MYKONOS_getRx1TempGainComp()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx1TempGainComp ( mykonosDevice_t device,
int16_t *  rx1TempCompGain_mdB 

This function gets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx1.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
rx1TempCompGain_mdBWhich will be populated with the Temperature Gain Compensation in mdB value for Rx1 channel.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_RX1_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_NULLrx1TempCompGain_mdB pointer is null.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getRx2DecPower()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx2DecPower ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t *  rx2DecPower_mdBFS 

Performs a power measurement in the Rx2 digital data path.

Due to interdependencies between the AGC and power measurement the power measurement duration and where the measurement is taken is variable. The location of the power measurement is given by device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->rxPwrAgc->pmdMeasConfig The number of samples the power measurement uses is given by 8*2^(device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->rxPwrAgc->pmdMeasDuration) at the IQ rate, if measured at RFIR output. This number of samples must be less than the agcGainUpdateCounter. If the receiver is disabled during the power measurement, this function returns a 0 value for rx2DecPower_mdBFS

The resolution of this function is 0.25dB. The dynamic range of this function is 40dB. Signals lower than 40dBFS may not be measured accurately.


  • device->spiSettings
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
rx2DecPower_mdBFSPointer to store the Rx1 decimated power return. Value returned in mdBFS
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getRx2Gain()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx2Gain ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  rx2GainIndex 

Reads the Rx2 Gain Index for Manual or AGC gain control mode.

This function reads the Rx2 gain index for manual or AGC modes. If the *rx1GainIndex pointer is nonzero, the read back gain index will be returned in the parameter. If the *rx1GainIndex pointer is NULL, the device data structure will be updated with the new read back value


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rxTxSettings->rxGainControl->rx2GainIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
rx2GainIndexDesired Rx2 gain index

◆ MYKONOS_getRx2TempGainComp()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRx2TempGainComp ( mykonosDevice_t device,
int16_t *  rx2TempCompGain_mdB 

This function gets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx2.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
rx2TempCompGain_mdBWhich will be populated with the Temperature Gain Compensation in mdB value for Rx2 channel.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_RX2_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_NULLrx2TempCompGain_mdB pointer is null.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getRxQecStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getRxQecStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosRxChannels_t  rxChannel,
mykonosRxQecStatus_t rxQecStatus 

Returns the status of the RxQEC tracking calibration.

The Rx QEC tracking calibration is run during the radioOn state. The function can be called to read back the status of the RxQEC external calibration including metrics like error codes, percentage of data collected for current cal, the performance of the cal and the number of times the cal has run and updated the hardware.

Before the function is called, the device must be initialized, the ARM loaded, and init cals run. These functions can be called in radioOff or radioOn state.
devicePointer to the device settings structure
rxChannelThe channel (Rx1/Rx2) whose status is to be read back
rxQecStatusStatus of the RxQEC calibration, as a structure of type mykonosRxQecStatus_t is returned to this pointer address
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRXQECSTATUS_NULLPARAMFunction parameter rxQecStatus is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_GETRXQECSTATUS_INV_CHChannel selection not valid
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getTrackingCalState()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTrackingCalState ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t  trackingCal,
uint8_t *  trackCalState 

Get the Suspended or Resumed state for individual tracking calibration.

Command can be called in Radio On.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
trackingCalSelects the tracking calibration to get the resumed or suspended state.
trackCalStatepointer to store the tracking calibration state, if set then the selected tracking calibration is resumed and if not set then the tracking cal is suspended
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETSTATE_TRACK_NULL_PARAMNull parameter passed to trackCalState
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getTx1Attenuation()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTx1Attenuation ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t *  tx1Attenuation_mdB 

Reads back the Tx1 RF output Attenuation.

This function reads back the TxAttenuation setting currently applied to the transmit chain. The function will work with SPI mode or pin controlled TxAtten mode using the increment/decrement GPIO pins. For the readback value to be valid the Tx data path must be powered up. If the Tx data path is powered down or radioOff state, the last TxAtten setting while the Tx was powered up will be read back.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
tx1Attenuation_mdBThe readback value of the Tx1 Attenuation in milli-dB (Range: 0 to 41950 mdB)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETTX1ATTEN_NULL_PARMtx1Attenuation_mdB return parameter has NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_getTx2Attenuation()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTx2Attenuation ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t *  tx2Attenuation_mdB 

Reads back the Tx2 RF output Attenuation.

This function reads back the TxAttenuation setting currently applied to the transmit chain. The function will work with SPI mode or pin controlled TxAtten mode using the increment/decrement GPIO pins. For the readback value to be valid the Tx data path must be powered up. If the Tx data path is powered down or radioOff state, the last TxAtten setting while the Tx was powered up will be read back.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
tx2Attenuation_mdBThe readback value of the Tx2 Attenuation in milli-dB (Range: 0 to 41950 mdB)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETTX2ATTEN_NULL_PARMtx2Attenuation_mdB return parameter pointer is NULL

◆ MYKONOS_getTxFilterOverRangeStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTxFilterOverRangeStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  txFilterStatus 

Checks the Tx Filter over-range bit assignments for digital clipping in the Tx data path.


  • device->spiSettings

txFilterStatus bit-field assignments are: txFilterStatus[0] = TFIR Ch1 Overflow txFilterStatus[1] = HB1 Ch1 Overflow txFilterStatus[2] = HB2 Ch1 Overflow txFilterStatus[3] = QEC Ch1 Overflow txFilterStatus[4] = TFIR Ch2 Overflow txFilterStatus[5] = HB1 Ch2 Overflow txFilterStatus[6] = HB2 Ch2 Overflow txFilterStatus[7] = QEC Ch2 Overflow

devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
txFilterStatusis an 8-bit Tx filter over-range status bit-field
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GET_TXFILTEROVRG_NULL_PARMFunction txFilterStatus parameter pointer is NULL

◆ MYKONOS_getTxLolStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTxLolStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
mykonosTxLolStatus_t txLolStatus 

Returns the status of the TxLOL external tracking calibration.

The Tx LOL external tracking calibration is run during the radioOn state. The function can be called to read back the status of the TxLOL external calibration including metrics like error codes, percentage of data collected for current cal, the performance of the cal and the number of times the cal has run and updated the hardware.

Before the function is called, the device must be initialized, the ARM loaded, and init cals run. These functions can be called in radioOff or radioOn state.
devicePointer to the device settings structure
txChannelThe channel (Tx1/Tx2) whose status is to be read back
txLolStatusStatus of the TxLOL external calibration, as a structure of type mykonosTxLolStatus_t is returned to this pointer address
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETTXLOLSTATUS_NULLPARAMFunction parameter mykonosTxLolStatus_t is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_GETTXLOLSTATUS_INV_CHChannel selection not valid
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getTxQecStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getTxQecStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
mykonosTxQecStatus_t txQecStatus 

Returns the status of the TxQEC tracking calibration.

The Tx QEC tracking calibration is run during the radioOn state. The function can be called to read back the status of the TxQEC calibration including metrics like error codes, percentage of data collected for current cal, the performance of the cal and the number of times the cal has run and updated the hardware.

Before the function is called, the device must be initialized, the ARM loaded, and init cals run. These functions can be called in radioOff or radioOn state.
devicePointer to the device settings structure
txChannelThe channel (Tx1/Tx2) whose status is to be read back
txQecStatusStatus of the TxQEC external calibration, as a structure of type mykonosTxQecStatus_t is returned to this pointer address
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_GETTXQECSTATUS_NULLPARAMFunction parameter txQecStatus is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_GETTXQECSTATUS_INV_CHChannel selection not valid
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_getVswrConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getVswrConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device)

◆ MYKONOS_getVswrStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_getVswrStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
mykonosVswrStatus_t vswrStatus 

This function reads the VSWR calibration status from the Mykonos ARM processor.

The VSWR Status is read back from the ARM processor and returned in the function parameter vswrStatus.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for this feature to be enabled.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired Transmit channel to read back VSWR status for (Valid ENUM values: TX1 or TX2 only)
vswrStatusPointer to a structure to return the status information to
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_GETVSWRSTATUS_NULLPARAMvswrStatus function parameter is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_GETVSWRSTATUS_INV_CHtxChannel parameter is a non supported value.
MYKONOS_ERR_GETVSWRSTATUS_ARMERRFLAGARM reported an error while processing the GET ARM command

◆ MYKONOS_initArm()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initArm ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Resets the ARM processor and performs initialization.

Sets ARM Run = 0, Disables parity checks, sets ARM and SPI reg clock selects, resets ARM, and enables ARM SPI register access


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->rx->rxProfile->iqRate_kHz
  • device->deviceClock_kHz
  • device->rx->rxProfile->rfBandwidth_Hz
  • device->tx->txProfile->rfBandwidth_Hz
  • device->rx->rxProfile->rxFirDecimation
  • device->rx->rxProfile->rhb1Decimation
  • device->spiSettings
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_INITARM_INV_REGCLKCould not calculate a valid ARM Register clock divider
MYKONOS_ERR_INITARM_INV_ARMCLK_PARAMCould not calculate a valid ARM clock divider

◆ MYKONOS_initDigitalClocks()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initDigitalClocks ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets the CLKPLL output frequency.

This code updates the Synth and Loop filter settings based on a VCO frequency LUT. The VCO frequency break points for the Synth LUT can be found in an array called vcoFreqArrayMhz.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
  • device->deviceClock_kHz
  • device->rxSettings->rxProfile->vcoFreq_kHz
  • device->rxSettings->rxProfile->clkPllHsDiv
  • device->rxSettings->rxProfile->clkPllVcoDiv
deviceis structure pointer to the MYKONOS data structure containing settings
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_initialize()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initialize ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Initializes the Mykonos device based on the desired device settings.

This function initializes the mykonos device, setting up the CLKPLL, digital clocks, JESD204b settings, FIR Filters, digital filtering. It does not load the ARM or perform any of the ARM init calibrations. It also sets the Rx Manual gain indexes and TxAttenuation settings to the initial values found in the device data structure. It leaves the Mykonos in a state ready for multichip sync (which can bring up the JESD204 links), the ARM to be loaded, and the init calibartions run.


  • device (all variables)
devicePointer to Mykonos device data structure containing settings
Returns enum mykonosErr_t, MYKONOS_ERR_OK=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR_OK=fail

◆ MYKONOS_initSubRegisterTables()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_initSubRegisterTables ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Write indirect registers (Programmable FIRs, Rx gain tables, JESD204B settings). Must be done after Multi Chip Sync.

The BBP should never need to call this function. It is called automatically by the initArm function. This function is a continuation of the MYKONOS_initialize() function. This part of initialization must be done after the BBP has completed Multi chip Sync. These registers include FIR filters, Rx gain tables, and JESD204B framer/deframer config registers.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings an error.
Returns enum mykonosErr_t, MYKONOS_ERR_OK=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR_OK=fail
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_jesd204bIlasCheck()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_jesd204bIlasCheck ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t *  mismatch 

Reads the lane 0 JESD204B deframer configuration and compares it against the ILAS received values.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
mismatch[15-0] is a bit-encoded word which for mismatch[15] = '0' = no mismatch, '1' = mismatch for one or more parameters mismatch bits [14-0] are aligned with the mykonosJesd204bLane0Config_t structure members starting at '0' = DID. The aligned bit is set to '1' if the configuration parameter does not agree with its corresponding received ILAS value, otherwise '0' if they agree.

The bit assignments for the 16-bit word are:

mismatch bit description
[0] JESD204B DID: device ID
[1] JESD204B BID: bank ID
[2] JESD204B LID0: lane ID
[3] JESD204B L: lanes per data converter
[4] JESD204B SCR: scramble setting
[5] JESD204B F: octets per frame
[6] JESD204B K: frames per multiframe
[7] JESD204B M: number of data converters
[8] JESD204B N: data converter sample resolution
[9] JESD204B CS: number of control bits transferred per sample per frame
[10] JESD204B NP: JESD204B word size based on the highest data converter resolution
[11] JESD204B S: number of samples per converter per frame
[12] JESD204B CF: '0' = control bits appended to each sample, '1' = control bits appended to end of frame
[13] JESD204B HD: high density bit, where '0' = samples are contained with single lane, '1' = samples are divided over more than one lane
[14] JESD204B FCHK0: configuration checksum OK bit. where '1' = fail, '0' = pass
[15] MISMATCH DETECTED BIT: bits 0-14 are ored together to set this bit
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_JESD204B_ILAS_MISMATCH_NULLPARAMFunction parameter mismatch has NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_loadAdcProfiles()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_loadAdcProfiles ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Function called automatically that loads the ADC profiles into the ARM.

User should not need to call this function normally. It is called automatically during MYKONOS_initArm() to load the ADC profiles (tunes the ADC performance).

Rx ADC profile is only loaded if the Rx Profile is valid, ORx ADC profile is only loaded if the ORx Profile is valid. Sniffer ADC profile is only loaded if the Sniffer profile is valid. The Loopback ADC profile is always loaded. If Tx profile is valid, the loopback ADC profile is chosen based on the Tx Primary Signal bandwidth. If no valid Tx Profile, the Rx profile is used to set the Loopback ADC profile. Else, ORx, then sniffer profiles are used to set the loopback ADC profile.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_INV_VCODIVMykonos CLKPLL has invalid VCO divider in the clocks structure
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_MISSING_ORX_PROFILEWhen Tx Profile used, a matching ORx Profile must be provided with a valid ADC divider. The ORx digital filters and clock dividers are used with the Loopback Rx path for Tx calibrations.
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_CUSTOM_RXREQUIREDADC Profile Lookup table does not have a match for current Rx Profile settings. Custom ADC profile required
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_CUSTOM_ORXREQUIREDADC Profile Lookup table does not have a match for current ORx Profile settings. Custom ADC profile required
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_CUSTOM_SNRXREQUIREDADC Profile Lookup table does not have a match for current Sniffer Rx Profile settings. Custom ADC profile required
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_CUSTOM_LBREQUIREDADC Profile Lookup table does not have a match for Loopback passband BW and ADC Clock frequency settings. Custom ADC profile required
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_RXADCDIV_ZERORx Profile has invalid ADC divider = 0, causing a divide by zero error
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_ORXADCDIV_ZEROORx profile has invalid ADC divider = 0, causing a divide by zero error
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ADCPROFILE_SNRX_ADCDIV_ZEROSniffer profile has invalid ADC divider = 0, causing a divide by zero error
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_RXADCPROFILE_ARMMEM_FAILEDError returned while trying to write Rx ADC profile to ARM memory
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_ORXADCPROFILE_ARMMEM_FAILEDError returned while trying to write ORx ADC profile to ARM memory
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_SNRXADCPROFILE_ARMMEM_FAILEDError returned while trying to write Sniffer ADC profile into ARM memory
MYKONOS_ERR_LOAD_LBADCPROFILE_ARMMEM_FAILEDError returned while trying to write Loopback ADC profile into ARM memory
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_loadArmConcurrent()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_loadArmConcurrent ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  binary,
uint32_t  count 

Loads binary byte array into ARM program memory. This API function allows user to load the ARM concurrently. This is specially to reduce the system initialization time.

MYKONOS_initArm() function must be called before calling this API.
after calling this function the user must verify: Arm Checksum using MYKONOS_verifyArmChecksum(mykonosDevice_t *device) verify ARM state is in MYKONOS_ARM_READY state using MYKONOS_checkArmState(device, MYK_ARM_READY);


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
binaryis a byte array containing ARM program memory data bytes (directly from .bin file)
countis the number of bytes in the byte array
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_LOADARMCON_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter binary has a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_LOADARMCON_INVALID_BYTECOUNTCount parameter must be 98304 bytes
MYKONOS_ERR_ARM_INV_ADDR_PARMInvalid memory address

◆ MYKONOS_loadArmFromBinary()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_loadArmFromBinary ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  binary,
uint32_t  count 

Loads binary byte array into ARM program memory.

This function assumes the ARM auto increment bit is set in 0x0D00[2]. Valid memory addresses are: Program Memory (0x01000000 - 0x01017FFF)


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
binaryis a byte array containing ARM program memory data bytes (directly from .bin file)
countis the number of bytes in the byte array
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_LOADBIN_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter binary has a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_LOADBIN_INVALID_BYTECOUNTCount parameter must be 98304 bytes

◆ MYKONOS_obsRxInjectPrbsError()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_obsRxInjectPrbsError ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Initiates a PRBS error injection into the Observation RX data path.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_programFir()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_programFir ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosfirName_t  filterToProgram,
mykonosFir_t firFilter 

Configures one or more FIR filters in the device.

The device stores up to 6 FIR filters (2Rx, 2Obs Rx/Sniffer, and 2Tx). Rx filters can have 24, 48, or 72 taps. Tx filters can have 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, or 96 taps.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
filterToProgramName of the desired filter to program
firFilterPointer to the filter to write into the device
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_PROGRAMFIR_NULL_PARMERROR: firFilter parameter is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_PROGRAMFIR_INV_FIRNAME_PARMERROR: Invalid FIR filter name in filterToProgram parameter
MYKONOS_ERR_PROGRAMFIR_INV_NUMTAPS_PARMERROR: Invalid number of taps for the filter
MYKONOS_ERR_RXFIR_INV_GAIN_PARMERROR: Rx FIR filter has invalid gain setting
MYKONOS_ERR_SRXFIR_INV_GAIN_PARMERROR: OBSRX_B (Sniffer) FIR filter has invalid gain setting
MYKONOS_ERR_TXFIR_INV_GAIN_PARMERROR: Tx FIR filter has invalid gain setting
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_programRxGainTable()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_programRxGainTable ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  gainTablePtr,
uint8_t  numGainIndexesInTable,
mykonosGainTable_t  rxChannel 

Programs the gain table settings for either Rx1, Rx2, Rx1 + Rx2, ORx, or SnRx receiver types.

The gain table for a receiver type is set with the parameters passed by uint8_t gainTablePtr array. gainTablePtr is a 4 x n array, where there are four (4) elements per index, and the array length (n) is dependent upon receiver type. The (n) value is conveyed by numGainIndexesInTable. All gain tables have a maximum index of 255 when used with this function. The minimum gain index is application dependent.

Where for Rx1, Rx2, and ObsRx: [A, B, C, D]: A = Front End Gain, B = External Control, C = Digital Attenuation/Gain, D = Attenuation/Gain select

Where for SnRx: [A, B, C, D]: A = Front End Gain, B = LNA Bypass, C = Digital Attenuation/Gain, D = Attenuation/Gain select

The gain table starting address changes with each receiver type. This function accounts for this change as well as the difference between byte [B] for {Rx1, Rx2, ObsRx} and SnRx receiver array values and programs the correct registers.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
gainTablePtrPointer to 4 x n array containing gain table program values
numGainIndexesInTableThe number of 'n' indices in 4 x n array. A range check is performed to ensure the maximum is not exceeded.
rxChannelmykonosGainTable_t enum type to select either Rx1, Rx2, Rx1 + Rx2, ORx, or SnRx gain table for programming. A channel check is performed to ensure a valid selection.
Returns enum MYKONOS_ERR, MYKONOS_ERR_OK if successful, MYKONOS_ERR_RXGAINTABLE_INV_CHANNEL if invalid channel is selected, MYKONOS_ERR_RXGAINTABLE_INV_GAIN_INDEX_RANGE if numGainIndexesInTable exceeds range for selected receiver gain table
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_radioOff()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_radioOff ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Instructs the ARM processor to move the radio state to the off state.

When the ARM moves from the Radio On state to Radio Off (Idle) the ARM tracking calibrations are stopped and the TxEnable/RxEnable, etc GPIO control pins will be ignored. This will also keep the receive and transmit chains powered down until the MYKONOS_radioOn() function is called again.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ARM_RADIOOFF_FAILEDARM returned error running this command

◆ MYKONOS_radioOn()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_radioOn ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Instructs the ARM processor to move the radio state to the Radio ON state.

When the ARM to the Radio On state, the enabled Rx and Tx signal chains will power up, and the ARM tracking calibrations will begin. To exit this state back to a low power, offline state, call the MYKONOS_radioOff() function.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ARM_RADIOON_FAILEDARM returned error running this command

◆ MYKONOS_readArmCmdStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmCmdStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t *  errorWord,
uint16_t *  statusWord 

Reads the Mykonos ARM 64-bit command status register.

A 64-bit status register consisting of a pending bit and three-bit error type is read one byte at a time for opcodes 0-30. The function parses the pending bits and error bits into two (2) separate 16-bit words containing pending bits, and error bits if the error type > 0 The words are weighted according to each even-numbered opcode from 0-30, where, 0x0001 = opcode '0', 0x0002 = opcode '2', 0x0004 = opcode '4', 0x0008 = opcode '6' and so on.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
errorWord16-bit error word comprised of weighted bits according to each opcode number The weighted bit = '1' if error type > 0, '0' if OK
statusWord16-bit pending bits word comprised of weighted bits according to each opcode number
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READARMCMDSTATUS_NULL_PARMFunction parameters errorWord or statusWord have a NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_readArmCmdStatusByte()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmCmdStatusByte ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  opCode,
uint8_t *  cmdStatByte 

Isolated byte read of the Mykonos ARM 64-bit command status register based on the opcode.

A single byte read is performed on the 64-bit command status register according to the opcode of interest. The pending bit and the error type are extracted from the status register and returned as a single byte in the lower nibble.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
opCodeValid values are even increments from 0-30. The ARM opCode is used to determine which status register byte to read
cmdStatBytereturns cmdStatByte[3:1] = error type, cmdStatByte[0] = pending flag for selected opCode
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READARMCMDSTATUS_INV_OPCODE_PARMARM opcode is out of range (valid 0-30, even only)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_readArmConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  objectId,
uint16_t  offset,
uint8_t *  data,
uint8_t  byteCount 

Low level helper function used by Mykonos API to read the ARM memory config structures.

Normally this function should not be required to be used directly by the BBIC. This is a helper function used by other Mykonos API commands to read settings from the ARM memory.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
objectIdARM id of a particular structure or setting in ARM memory
offsetByte offset from the start of the objectId's memory location in ARM memory
dataA byte array containing data to write to the ARM memory buffer.
byteCountNumber of bytes in the data array (Valid size = 1-255 bytes)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READARMCFG_ARMERRFLAGARM read config command failed with a nonzero error code
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_readArmMem()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readArmMem ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t  address,
uint8_t *  returnData,
uint32_t  bytesToRead,
uint8_t  autoIncrement 

Read from the Mykonos ARM program or data memory.

Valid memory addresses are: Program Memory (0x01000000 - 0x01017FFF), Data Memory (0x20000000 - 0x2000FFFF)


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
addressThe 32bit ARM address to read from.
returnDataByte(uint8_t) array containing the data read from the ARM memory.
bytesToReadNumber of bytes in the returnData array.
autoIncrementis boolean flag to enable or disable autoincrement of ARM register address
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READARMMEM_INV_ADDR_PARMARM memory address is out of range
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_readDeframerPrbsCounters()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readDeframerPrbsCounters ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  counterSelect,
uint32_t *  prbsErrorCount 

Reads the deframer PRBS counters.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
counterSelectselects the PRBS error counter to be read based on values between 0-3 If counterSelect exceeds this value an error is thrown.
prbsErrorCountis return value after reading the PRBS error count
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READ_DEFRAMERPRBS_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter prbsErrorCount has NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_PRBS_CNTR_SEL_PARAMif counterSelect is out of bounds

◆ MYKONOS_readDeframerStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readDeframerStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  deframerStatus 

Reads the transceiver's deframer status.


  • device->spiSettings
deframerStatus Bit Name Description
[7] Unused Unused
[6] Deframer IRQ This bit indicates that the IRQ interrupt was asserted.
[5] Deframer SYSREF Received When this bit is set, it indicates that the SYSREF pulse was received by the deframer IP
[4] Deframer Receiver Error This bit is set when PRBS has received an error.
[3] Valid Checksum This bit is set when the received ILAS checksum is valid.
[2] EOF Event This bit captures the internal status of the framer End of Frame event. Value =1 if framing error during ILAS
[1] EOMF Event This bit captures the internal status of the framer End of Multi-Frame event. Value =1 if framing error during ILAS
[0] FS Lost This bit captures the internal status of the framer Frame Symbol event. Value =1 if framing error during ILAS or user data (invalid replacement characters)
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
deframerStatusis the deframer status byte read
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READ_DEFRAMERSTATUS_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter deframerStatus has NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_readEventStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readEventStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
waitEvent_t  waitEvent,
uint8_t *  eventDone 

Performs a readback with no wait for a Mykonos calibration or Pll Lock.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
waitEventthe enum value of the event to wait for
eventDoneReturn value: 1= calibration event is complete. 0 = Event is still pending
Returns enum mykonosErr_t, MYKONOS_ERR_OK=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR_OK=fail

◆ MYKONOS_readFir()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readFir ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosfirName_t  filterToRead,
mykonosFir_t firFilter 

Reads the FIR filter programmed into the device.

The device stores up to 6 FIR filters (2Rx, 2Obs Rx/Sniffer, and 2Tx). Rx filters can have 24, 48, or 72 taps. Tx filters can have 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, or 96 taps.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
filterToReadName of the desired filter to be read
firFilterPointer to the filter to be read from the device
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READFIR_NULL_PARMERROR: firFilter parameter is a NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_READFIR_INV_FIRNAME_PARMERROR: Invalid FIR filter name in filterToRead parameter
MYKONOS_ERR_READFIR_INV_NUMTAPS_PARMERROR: Invalid number of taps for the filter
MYKONOS_ERR_RXFIR_INV_GAIN_PARMERROR: Rx FIR filter has invalid gain setting
MYKONOS_ERR_SRXFIR_INV_GAIN_PARMERROR: OBSRX_B (Sniffer) FIR filter has invalid gain setting
MYKONOS_ERR_TXFIR_INV_GAIN_PARMERROR: Tx FIR filter has invalid gain setting

◆ MYKONOS_readOrxFramerStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readOrxFramerStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  obsFramerStatus 

Reads the transceiver's Observation RX framer status.


  • - device->spiSettings
obsFramerStatus Description
[7] SYSREF phase error ? a new SYSREF had different timing than the first that set the LMFC timing.
[6] Framer lane FIFO read/write pointer delta has changed. Can help debug issues with deterministic latency.
[5] Framer has received the SYSREF and has retimed its LMFC
[4:2] Framer ILAS state: 0=CGS, 1= 1st Multframe, 2= 2nd Multiframe, 3= 3rd Multiframe, 4= 4th multiframe, 5= Last multiframe, 6=invalid, 7= ILAS complete
[1:0] Framer Tx state: 0=CGS, 1= ILAS, 2 = ADC Data
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
obsFramerStatusis the OBSRX framer status byte read
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READ_ORXFRAMERSTATUS_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter obsFramerStatus has NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_readRxFramerStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_readRxFramerStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t *  framerStatus 

Reads the transceiver's RX framer status.


  • device->spiSettings
framerStatus Description
[7] SYSREF phase error ? a new SYSREF had different timing than the first that set the LMFC timing.
[6] Framer lane FIFO read/write pointer delta has changed. Can help debug issues with deterministic latency.
[5] Framer has received the SYSREF and has retimed its LMFC
[4:2] Framer ILAS state: 0=CGS, 1= 1st Multframe, 2= 2nd Multiframe, 3= 3rd Multiframe, 4= 4th multiframe, 5= Last multiframe, 6=invalid, 7= ILAS complete
[1:0] Framer Tx state: 0=CGS, 1= ILAS, 2 = ADC Data
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
framerStatusis the RX framer status byte read
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_READ_RXFRAMERSTATUS_NULL_PARAMFunction parameter framerStatus has NULL pointer

◆ MYKONOS_rescheduleTrackingCal()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_rescheduleTrackingCal ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t  trackingCal 

Reschedules a tracking calibration to run. Can be used to override the tracking calibration timer and force a tracking calibration to run. Can be used to reschedule a tracking calibration after a tracking calibration error has been detected. Only one tracking calibration object can be scheduled per channel per function call.

Command can be called in either Radio On or Radio Off state. ARM must be initialized.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
trackingCalSelects the tracking calibration to schedule.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_RESCHEDULE_TRACK_CAL_INVNot valid calibration passed
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_resetDeframer()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetDeframer ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Resets the JESD204B Deframer.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_resetDevice()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetDevice ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Performs a hard reset on the MYKONOS DUT (Toggles RESETB pin on device)

Toggles the Mykonos devices RESETB pin. Only resets the device with the SPI chip select indicated in the device->spiSettings structure.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to Mykonos device data structure containing settings
Returns enum mykonosErr_t, MYKONOS_ERR_OK=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR_OK=fail

◆ MYKONOS_resetDpd()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetDpd ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
mykonosDpdResetMode_t  reset 

This function resets the DPD model.

This function allows the user to reset the DPD actuator and prior model in radioOn or radioOff mode. The reset can restore prior model if the parameter passed is set to 2: this resets DPD first and then restores the previously loaded model into ARM memory for use with subsequent iterations of DPD.

If reset is 1 then the reset function just reset the DPD actuator and not use any model.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for DPD to be enabled. DPD init cal has been run and DPD tracking enable.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired Transmit channel to be reseted (Valid ENUM values: TX1, TX2 or TX1_TX2)
resetis the required reset condition that is needed, the available options are given by the enum mykonosDpdResetMode_t
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_RESETDPD_INV_TXCHANNELTx channel is not valid (Valid ENUM values: TX1, TX2 or TX1_TX2)
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_resetExtTxLolChannel()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetExtTxLolChannel ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  channelSel 

Performs reset to the External Tx LO Leakage tracking calibration channel estimate.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
channelSelEnum selects the channel to reset
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_RESET_TXLOL_INV_PARAMSelected channel is not valid
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_resetRxAgc()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_resetRxAgc ( mykonosDevice_t device)

This function resets the AGC state machine.

Calling this function resets all state machines within the gain control and maximum gain.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_restoreDpdModel()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_restoreDpdModel ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
uint8_t *  modelDataBuffer,
uint32_t  modelNumberBytes 

This function will allow loading of the DPD model file.

This function writes a copy of the user's DPD model to ARM memory and instructs the ARM to install that DPD model into hardware. Note that initializing the device will over write DPD model data. Note that the DPD model being restored must match the PA for which it is configured. Restoring a DPD model to a different PA than for which it is configured will not yield the desired performance. The user is responsible to insure the DPD model matches the PA configuration.

deviceStructure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired transmit channel to which to write the DPD model file (Valid ENUM type mykonosTxChannels_t: TX1 or TX2 or TX1_TX2)
modelDataBufferPointer to the user buffer containing the history/model data to be loaded to a txChannel Valid sizes: 182 bytes for a single model load to either TX1 or TX2. 364 bytes for a dual model load to both TX1_TX2, where the TX1 model data will occupy the first 182 bytes and TX2 model data will occupy the second 182 bytes.
modelNumberBytesTotal buffer size of the user history/model data buffer. Allowed sizes are 182 bytes for TX1 or TX2 and 364 bytes for TX1_TX2.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_RESTDPDMOD_WRONGBUFFERSIZEUser suppled modelNumberBytes size is incorrect. TX1 or TX2 = 182, TX1_TX2 = 364
MYKONOS_ERR_RESTDPDMOD_INVALID_TXCHANNELUser supplied txChannel does not match TX1 or TX2 or TX1_TX2

◆ MYKONOS_runInitCals()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_runInitCals ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t  calMask 

Runs the Mykonos initialization calibrations.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex

ENUM mykonosInitCalibrations_t can be used to OR together to generate the calMask parameter.

calMask Bit Calibration
0 Tx BB Filter
1 ADC Tuner
2 TIA 3dB Corner
3 DC Offset
4 Tx Attenuation Delay
5 Rx Gain Delay
6 Flash Cal
7 Path Delay
8 Tx LO Leakage Internal
9 Tx LO Leakage External
10 Tx QEC Init
11 LoopBack Rx LO Delay
12 LoopBack Rx Rx QEC Init
13 Rx LO Delay
14 Rx QEC Init
15 DPD Init
16 Tx CLGC (Closed Loop Gain Control)
17 Tx VSWR Init
[31-18] Ignored - Future space for new calibrations
deviceA pointer to the device settings structure
calMaskA bitmask that informs the Mykonos ARM processor which calibrations to run
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_rxInjectPrbsError()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_rxInjectPrbsError ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Injects a PRBS error into the RX data path.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_saveDpdModel()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_saveDpdModel ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
uint8_t *  modelDataBuffer,
uint32_t  modelNumberBytes 

This function called during RadioOff, will allow retrieval of the DPD model file.

This function reads a copy of the DPD model from ARM memory to user memory specified by the modelDataBuffer pointer. The user must provide the correct buffer size with the modelNumberBytes argument.

deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired Transmit channel to read back DPD status for (Valid ENUM type mykonosTxChannels_t: TX1 or TX2 or TX1_TX2)
modelDataBuffera pointer to the user buffer where the model data is to be written. Valid sizes: 182 bytes for a single model load to either TX1 or TX2. 364 bytes for a dual model load to both TX1_TX2, where the TX1 model data will occupy the first 182 bytes and TX2 model data will occupy the second 182 bytes.
modelNumberBytesis the total buffer size of the user model data buffer. Allowed sizes are 182 bytes for TX1 or TX2 and 364 bytes for TX1_TX2.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SAVEDPDMODEL_ARMSTATE_ERRORARM is not in the RadioOff state, call MYKONOS_radioOff()
MYKONOS_ERR_SAVEDPDMODEL_BUFFERSIZE_ERRORsuppled modelNumberBytes size is incorrect. TX1 or TX2 = 182, TX1_TX2 = 364

◆ MYKONOS_sendArmCommand()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_sendArmCommand ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  opCode,
uint8_t *  extendedData,
uint8_t  extendedDataNumBytes 

Sends a command to the Mykonos ARM processor.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
opCodeValue (0-30, even only) indicating the desired function to run in the ARM.
extendedDataA byte array containing extended data to write to the ARM command interface.
extendedDataNumBytesNumber of bytes in the extendedData array (Valid size = 0-4 bytes)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMCMD_NULL_PARMFunction parameter extendedData is NULL and extendedDataNumBytes is positive
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMCMD_INV_OPCODE_PARMARM opcode is out of range (valid 0-30, even only)
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMCMD_INV_NUMBYTES_PARMNumber of extended bytes parameter is out of range (valid 0-4)
MYKONOS_ERR_TIMEDOUT_ARMMAILBOXBUSYARM control interface is busy, command could not be executed by ARM
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setAllTrackCalState()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setAllTrackCalState ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t  trackCals 

Suspend or resume tracking calibrations in RADIO_ON.

This function is used to suspend or resume active tracking calibrations based on the passed mask trackingCals.

Command can be called in Radio On.
trackCals[bit] Bit description


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
trackCalsSelects the tracking calibrations to suspend or resume during the radio ON state. mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t enumerated types are or'd together to form the tracking calibration mask word. If the bit is high the calibration will resume, if the bit is low the calibration will be suspended.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SETSTATEALL_TRACK_CAL_INVNot valid calibration mask passed for trackCals
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setClgcAttenTuningConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setClgcAttenTuningConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosClgcAttenTuningConfig_t attRangeCfg 

CLGC feature to set the TX attenuation tuning range to a relative range around a nominal value.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
attRangeCfgPointer to structure of type mykonosClgcAttenTuningConfig_t which contains the settings to be programmed
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_CFGCLGC_TXORX_PROFILE_INVTx and ObsRx profiles must be valid to use the CLGC feature
MYKONOS_ERR_CLGCATTENTUNCFG_INVALID_MODEInvalid mode in attRangeCfg member, for valid modes mykonosClgcAttenTuningMode_t
MYKONOS_ERR_CLGCATTENTUNCFG_INVALID_PRESETInvalid AttenTuningPreset in attRangeCfg member, valid range is from 0 to 839 (0 to 41.95dB)
MYKONOS_ERR_CLGCATTENTUNCFG_INVALID_RANGEInvalid AttenTuningRange in attRangeCfg member, valid range is from 0 to 420 (0 to 21dB)
MYKONOS_ERR_CLGCATTENTUNCFG_INVALID_TX1_SETTINGSInvalid Tx1 AttenTuningRange and AttenTuningPreset combination
MYKONOS_ERR_CLGCATTENTUNCFG_INVALID_TX2_SETTINGSInvalid Tx2 AttenTuningRange and AttenTuningPreset combination
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setClgcGain()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setClgcGain ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
int16_t  gain 

This function updates the CLGC desired gain parameter.

This function can be called in either Radio On or Off state.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for CLGC to be enabled. CLGC init cal has been run and CLGC tracking enable.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired Transmit channel to set the (Valid ENUM values: TX1 or TX2 only)
gainTotal gain and attenuation (dB * 100) for the selected channel txChannel
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SETCLGCGAIN_INV_TXCHANNELERROR: Tx channel is not valid (Valid ENUM values: TX1 or TX2 only)
MYKONOS_ERR_SETCLGCGAIN_INV_DESIREDGAINERROR: CLGC gain parameter is out of range, valid range is from -10000 to 10000.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setDefaultObsRxPath()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDefaultObsRxPath ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosObsRxChannels_t  defaultObsRxCh 

Sets the default Obs Rx channel to enter when device moves from radioOff to radioOn.

By default, the observation receiver remains powered down when the device moves into the radioOn state. If the BBIC prefers a particular ObsRx channel to be enabled, this function can be called in radioOff to set the default channel to power up when the device moves to radioOn.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->obsRx->defaultObsRxChannel
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
defaultObsRxChis mykonosObsRxChannels_t enum type which selects the desired observation receive path to power up
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SETDEFOBSRXPATH_NULL_OBSRX_STRUCTObservation profile not valid, device->obsRx structure is NULL
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setDigDcOffsetEn()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDigDcOffsetEn ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  enableMask 

Enable/ Disable Digital DC Offset channels using the channel mask. The mask can be a combination of the following channel values ( mykonosRxDcOffsettEn_t ).

Channel Value Channel description
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ALL_OFF 0x00 Disable all the channels
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX1 0x01 Enables Rx1
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX2 0x02 Enables Rx1
MYK_DC_OFFSET_SNF 0x04 Enables Sniffer
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ORX 0x08 Enables ORx
MYK_DC_OFFSET_AVAILABLE 0x0F Enables all the channels


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
enableMaskwith bits of channels to be enabled.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_DIG_DC_OFFSET_INV_ENABLE_MASKenable mask passed to the function is invalid, refer mykonosRxDcOffsettEn_t enum.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setDigDcOffsetMShift()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDigDcOffsetMShift ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t  channel,
uint8_t  mShift 

Sets M-Shift value which is the Corner frequency of Rx notch filter for the given channel. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ).

Channel Channel description
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX_CHN Selects Rx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ORX_CHN Selects ORx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_SNF_CHN Selects Sniffer channel


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
channelreceive channel to be selected.
mShiftvalue to be configured for the given channel
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_DC_OFFSET_INV_CHANchannel passed to the function is invalid, refer mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t enum for valid channels.
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_DIG_DC_OFFSET_INV_MSHIFTmShift value passed is invalid.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setDpdActState()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDpdActState ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTxChannels_t  txChannel,
uint8_t  actState 

This function sets the state of the DPD actuator.

This function can be called in either Radio On or Off state.

A DPD-enabled transceiver is required for DPD to be enabled. DPD init cal has been run and DPD tracking enable.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
txChannelDesired Transmit channel to set the Actuator State (Valid ENUM values: TX1, TX2 or TX1_TX2)
actStateDesired actuator state for the DPD, valid states are 0-disable and 1-enable
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SETDPDACT_INV_TXCHANNELERROR: Tx channel is not valid (Valid ENUM values: TX1, TX2 or TX1_TX2)
MYKONOS_ERR_SETDPDACT_INV_STATEERROR: Invalid Actuator state, valid states are 0-disable and 1-enable.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setDpdActuatorCheck()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDpdActuatorCheck ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDpdActuatorCheck_t actCheck 

DPD feature to set the actuator gain difference check. If the gain before and after the actuator exceeds the value actCheck->actuatorGainCheckLevel an error will be issued and the actuator will reset depending on the actCheck->actuatorGainCheckMode.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
actCheckPointer to structure of type mykonosDpdActuatorCheck_t which contains the settings to be programmed
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SETDPDACTCHECK_INV_ACTMODEinvalid mode in actCheck->actuatorGainCheckMode for valid modes mykonosDpdResetMode_t
MYKONOS_ERR_SETDPDACTCHECK_INV_LEVELactCheck->actuatorGainCheckLevel outside the range, valid range is from 0 to 3000 (0 to 30dB)
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setDpdBypassConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setDpdBypassConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t actConfig 

DPD feature to set the bypassing actuator when Tx signal power is below a programmable threshold given in mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t lowPowerActuatorBypassLevel.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
actConfigPointer to actuator structure of type mykonosDpdBypassConfig_t which contains the settings to be programmed
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SETDPDACT_INV_ACTMODEinvalid mode in actConfig->lowPowerActuatorBypassMode for valid modes mykonosDpdResetMode_t
MYKONOS_ERR_SETDPDACT_INV_LEVELactConfig->lowPowerActuatorBypassLevel outside the range, valid range is 0 to 6000 (0 to 60dB)
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setObsRxAgcMinMaxGainIndex()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxAgcMinMaxGainIndex ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosObsRxChannels_t  obsRxChannelSelect,
uint8_t  maxGainIndex,
uint8_t  minGainIndex 

This function sets the min/max gain indexes for AGC in the observation channel.

Allows to change min/max gain index on runtime.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
obsRxChannelSelectObservation channel for setting the max and min gain index settings
maxGainIndexMax gain index setting
minGainIndexMin gain index setting
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_ORX_MAX_GAIN_INDEXMax gain index bigger than max gain index loaded table.
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_ORX_MIN_GAIN_INDEXMin gain index lower than min gain index loaded table.
MYKONOS_ERR_AGC_MIN_MAX_ORX_CHANNELWrong observation channel selected
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setObsRxFramerDataSource()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxFramerDataSource ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  dataSource 

Select data to inject into the ObsRx framer input (ADC data or Loopback data from deframer output)

This function allows inputting deframed data (IQ samples) from the Tx data path into the Obs Rx framer. For this to work correctly, the IQ data rate of the Tx data path must match the ORx IQ data rate. Framer/Deframer JESD204 config parameters can vary as long as the Obs Rx and Tx IQ rates match.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceA pointer to the device settings structure
dataSource0 = ADC data at ObsRx Framer input, 1 = Deframed Tx JESD204 IQ samples input into Obs Rx framer
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setObsRxGainControlMode()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxGainControlMode ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosGainMode_t  mode 

Configures the ObsRx gain control mode.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->obsRx->orxGainCtrl->gainMode
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
modeis a mykonosGainMode_t enumerated gain control mode type

When the mode enumerated type is passed, the ObsRx gain mode is set to this value and the ObsRX agcType mykonosAgcCfg_t structure member is updated with the new value

Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_INV_ORX_GAIN_MODE_PARMInvalid Observation Rx Gain control mode selected (use mykonosGainMode_t ENUM values)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setObsRxManualGain()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxManualGain ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosObsRxChannels_t  obsRxCh,
uint8_t  gainIndex 

Sets the Rx gain of the ObsRx channel.

The ObsRx channel can have different RF inputs (ORx1/ORx2/SnRx A,B,C) This function sets the ObsRx gain index independently for ORx1/ORx2, or SnRx. SnRx A, B, and C share the same gain index. Please note that ORx1/ORx2 share a gain table, as does SnRx A, B, and C. The maximum index is 255 and the minimum index is application specific.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->obsRx->orxGainCtrl->maxGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxGainCtrl->minGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxGainCtrl->orx1GainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxGainCtrl->orx2GainIndex
  • device->obsRx->snifferGainCtrl->maxGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->snifferGainCtrl->minGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->snifferGainCtrl->gainIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure
obsRxChis an enum type mykonosObsRxChannels_t to identify the desired RF input for gain change
gainIndexDesired manual gain table index to set
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SETORXGAIN_INV_ORX1GAINInvalid gain requested for ORx1: outside gain table min/max index
MYKONOS_ERR_SETORXGAIN_INV_ORX2GAINInvalid gain requested for ORx2: outside gain table min/max index
MYKONOS_ERR_SETORXGAIN_INV_SNRXGAINInvalid gain requested for Sniffer: outside gain table min/max index
MYKONOS_ERR_SETORXGAIN_INV_CHANNELFunction parameter obsRxCh has an invalid enum value
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setObsRxPathSource()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxPathSource ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosObsRxChannels_t  obsRxCh 

Powers up or down the Observation Rx signal chain in the radioOn state.

When the ARM radio control is in ARM command mode, this function allows the user to selectively power up or down the desired ObsRx data path. If this function is called when the ARM is expecting GPIO pin control of the ObsRx path source, an error will be returned.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
obsRxChis mykonosObsRxChannels_t enum type which selects the desired observation receive path to power up
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_PU_OBSRXPATH_INV_PARAMInvalid obsRxCh function parameter
MYKONOS_ERR_PU_OBSRXPATH_ARMERRORARM returned an error while trying to set the ObsRx Path source

◆ MYKONOS_setObsRxTempGainComp()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setObsRxTempGainComp ( mykonosDevice_t device,
int16_t  obsRxTempCompGain_mdB 

This function sets the Temperature gain compensation for the observation channel.

The temperature gain compensation control allow for a +3000mdB to -3000mdB digital gain in the data path. The resolution of the temperature compensation gain is 250mdB.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
obsRxTempCompGain_mdBgain compensation for observation channel, the range is from -3000mdB to +3000mdB in steps of 250mdB
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OBS_RX_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_RANGEThe temp gain compensation is outside range (-3000mdB to 3000mdB)
MYKONOS_ERR_OBS_RX_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_STEPNot valid temp gain compensation, step size is 250mdB
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setPathDelay()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setPathDelay ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosPathdelay_t pathDelay 

This function will configure the path delay settings for all the features: DPD, VSWR and CLGC.

A DPD device is required.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
pathDelaypointer to structure of type mykonosPathdelay_t to be programmed
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_PATH_DELAY_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGEpath delay valid range is from 0 to 4095 at 1/16 sample resolution of ORx sample rate
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setRadioControlPinMode()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRadioControlPinMode ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Configures the Radio power up/down control for Rx and Tx paths to be controlled by pins (TX1/2_ENABLE, RX1/2_ENABLE, and GPIO pins) or an API function call.

The BBP should not have to call this as it will automatically be setup at the end of the MYKONOS_loadArmFromBinary() function call. If the BBP wishes to change the radio power up/down control method this function can be called again to change the configuration while the ARM is in the radioOff state.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->auxIo->armGpio->useRx2EnablePin
  • device->auxIo->armGpio->useTx2EnablePin
  • device->auxIo->armGpio->txRxPinMode
  • device->auxIo->armGpio->orxPinMode
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_RADIOCTRL_PINS_ARMERRORARM returned an error and did not accept the command.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setRfDcOffsetCnt()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRfDcOffsetCnt ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t  channel,
uint16_t  measureCount 

Sets the measure count which is the number of samples taken before DC offset correction is applied for the given RF channel. This value should be changed after ARM initialization. channel can be one of the following ( mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t ).

Channel Channel description
MYK_DC_OFFSET_RX_CHN Selects Rx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_ORX_CHN Selects ORx channel
MYK_DC_OFFSET_SNF_CHN Selects Sniffer channel

The total duration 'tCount' is calculated as, [tCount = (measureCount * 1024) / IQ data rate of the channel]. There is a minimum limit for the value of measureCount, the value passed should satisfy the condition 'tCount > 800us'.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
channelReceive channel to be selected.
measureCountValue to be configured for the selected channel which is the number of samples taken before DC offset correction is applied.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_DC_OFFSET_INV_CHANchannel passed to the function is invalid, refer mykonosDcOffsetChannels_t enum for valid channels.
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_RF_DC_OFFSET_INV_MEASURECNTmeasurement count value passed is invalid
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_RF_DC_OFFSET_MEASURECNT_MIN_LIMITThe measureCount value passed is less than the minimum limit allowed.

◆ MYKONOS_setRfPllFrequency()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRfPllFrequency ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosRfPllName_t  pllName,
uint64_t  rfPllLoFrequency_Hz 

Sets the RF PLL local oscillator frequency (RF carrier frequency).


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the MYKONOS data structure containing settings
pllNameName of the PLL to configure
rfPllLoFrequency_HzDesired RF LO frequency
MYKONOS_ERR_OK Function completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SETRFPLL_ARMERROR ARM Command to set RF PLL frequency failed

◆ MYKONOS_setRfPllLoopFilter()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRfPllLoopFilter ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosRfPllName_t  pllName,
uint16_t  loopBandwidth_kHz,
uint8_t  stability 

Sets the RF PLL loop filter bandwith.

Command should be called in Radio Off state. ARM must be initialized.
Loop filter should lock successfully


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the MYKONOS data structure containing settings
pllNameName of the PLL to configure.RX_PLL and TX_PLL can be configured.SNIFFER_PLL can not be configured.
loopBandwidth_kHzDesired RF pll bandwith to be set. The valid values range of loopBandwidth_kHz for Rx and Tx is 50 to 750.For SRX valid values lies from 500 to 750.
stabilityPLL Loop stability to be set.The valid values range of stability is from 3 to 15.
MYKONOS_ERR_OK Function completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SETRFPLL_LF_ARMERROR ARM Command to set RF PLL loop filter bandwidth failed
MYKONOS_ERR_SETRFPLL_LF_INV_STABILITY Invalid stability range, valid range is 3-15

◆ MYKONOS_setRx1ManualGain()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx1ManualGain ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  gainIndex 

Sets the Rx1 Manual Gain Index.

If the value passed in the gainIndex parameter is within range of the gain table minimum and maximum indexes, the Rx1 gain index will be updated in the device data structure and written to the transceiver. Else, an error will be returned. The maximum index is 255 and the minimum index is application specific.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rxSettings->rxGainControl->rx1GainIndex
  • device->rxSettings->rxGainControl->rx1MaxGainIndex
  • device->rxSettings->rxGainControl->rx1MinGainIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
gainIndexDesired Rx1 gain index
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setRx1TempGainComp()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx1TempGainComp ( mykonosDevice_t device,
int16_t  rx1TempCompGain_mdB 

This function sets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx1 channel.

The temperature gain compensation control allow for a +3000mdB to -3000mdB digital gain in the data path. The resolution of the temperature compensation gain is 250mdB.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
rx1TempCompGain_mdBgain compensation for Rx1, the range is from -3000mdB to +3000mdB in steps of 250mdB
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_RX1_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_RANGEThe temp gain compensation is outside range (-3000mdB to 3000mdB)
MYKONOS_ERR_RX1_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_STEPNot valid temp gain compensation, step size is 250mdB
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setRx2ManualGain()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx2ManualGain ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  gainIndex 

Sets the Rx2 Manual Gain index.

If the value passed in the gainIndex parameter is within range of the gain table minimum and maximum indexes, the Rx2 gain index will be updated in the device data structure and written to the transceiver. Else, an error will be returned. The maximum index is 255 and the minimum index is application specific.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rxTxSettings->rxGainControl->rx2GainIndex
  • device->rxTxSettings->rxGainControl->rx2MaxGainIndex
  • device->rxTxSettings->rxGainControl->rx2MinGainIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
gainIndexDesired Rx2 gain index
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setRx2TempGainComp()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRx2TempGainComp ( mykonosDevice_t device,
int16_t  rx2TempCompGain_mdB 

This function sets the Temperature gain compensation for Rx2 channel.

The temperature gain compensation control allow for a +3000mdB to -3000mdB digital gain in the data path. The resolution of the temperature compensation gain is 250mdB.


  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
rx2TempCompGain_mdBgain compensation for Rx1, the range is from -3000mdB to +3000mdB in steps of 250mdB
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_RX2_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_RANGEThe temp gain compensation is outside range (-3000mdB to 3000mdB)
MYKONOS_ERR_RX2_TEMP_GAIN_COMP_STEPNot valid temp gain compensation, step size is 250mdB
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setRxAgcMinMaxGainIndex()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxAgcMinMaxGainIndex ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosRxChannels_t  rxChannelSelect,
uint8_t  maxGainIndex,
uint8_t  minGainIndex 

This function sets the min/max gain indexes for AGC in the main RX channel.

Allows to change min/max gain index on runtime. If RX1_RX2 selected, then the maxGainIndex/minGainIndex value will be applied to both channels. If only Rx1 selected, then only Rx1 min/max gain indices will be updated, along with their device data structure values. If only Rx2 selected, then only Rx2 min/max gain indices will be updated, along with their device data structure values.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing the device SPI settings
rxChannelSelectRX channel for setting the max and min gain index settings
maxGainIndexMax gain index setting
minGainIndexMin gain index setting
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_RX_MAX_GAIN_INDEXMax gain index bigger than max gain index loaded table.
MYKONOS_ERR_SET_RX_MIN_GAIN_INDEXMin gain index lower than min gain index loaded table.
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setRxFramerDataSource()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxFramerDataSource ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  dataSource 

Select data to inject into the Rx framer input (ADC data or Loopback data from deframer output)

This function allows inputting deframed data (IQ samples) from the Tx data path into the Rx framer. For this to work correctly, the IQ data rate of the Tx data path must match the Rx IQ data rate. Framer/Deframer JESD204 config parameters can vary as long as the Rx and Tx IQ rates match.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceA pointer to the device settings structure
dataSource0 = ADC data at Rx Framer input, 1 = Deframed Tx JESD204 IQ samples input into Rx framer
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setRxGainControlMode()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxGainControlMode ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosGainMode_t  mode 

Configures the Rx gain control mode.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->rx->rxGainCtrl->gainMode
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
modeis a mykonosGainMode_t enumerated gain control mode type where: Manual Gain = MGC, Automatic Gain Control = AGC, and hybrid mode = HYBRID

When the mode enumerated type is passed, the Rx1 and Rx2 gain mode is set to this value and the Rx gainMode structure member is updated with the new value

Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_INV_RX_GAIN_MODE_PARMInvalid AGC mode pass in function mode paramter
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setRxPfirSyncClk()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setRxPfirSyncClk ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets the digital Rx PFIR SYNC clock divider.

This function is a helper function. It is called automatically in MYKONOS_initialize() and should not need to be called by the BBIC.

This function sets the digital clock divider that is used to synchronize the Rx/ORx/Sniffer PFIRs each time the channels power up. The Sync clock must be set equal to or slower than the slowest Rx/ORx/Sniffer PFIR processing clock.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
  • device->rx->rxProfile->rxFir
  • device->rx->rxProfile->rxFir->numFirCoefs
  • device->rx->rxProfile->iqRate_kHz
  • device->obsRx->orxProfile->rxFir
  • device->obsRx->orxProfile->rxFir->numFirCoefs
  • device->obsRx->orxProfile->iqRate_kHz
  • device->obsRx->snifferProfile->rxFir
  • device->obsRx->snifferProfile->rxFir->numFirCoefs
  • device->obsRx->snifferProfile->iqRate_kHz
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_RXFIR_TAPSEXCEEDEDERROR: the number of Rx FIR taps exceeds the number of taps accommodated by the FIR processing clock
MYKONOS_ERR_ORXFIR_TAPSEXCEEDEDERROR: the number of ORx FIR Taps exceeds the number of taps accommodated by the FIR processing clock
MYKONOS_ERR_SNRXFIR_TAPSEXCEEDEDERROR: the number of sniffer FIR taps exceeds the number of taps accommodated by the FIR processing clock

Calculate Rx SYNC Clock divider for Rx PFIR. Same Rx SYNC Clock is used for Rx, ORx, and Sniffer PFIRs, and must be slow enough to handle the slowest PFIR rate.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setSnifferChannel()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setSnifferChannel ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosSnifferChannel_t  snifferChannel 

Selects the Sniffer RF input to use for the observation receiver when in ObsRx pin mode and ORX_MODE = SNIFFER(4)

This function is only valid when using the ObsRx Pin mode. In pin mode, 3 GPIO pins select an Observation Rx source. See mykonosObsRxChannels_t enum values less than 7. When the ORX_MODE GPIO pins are set to 4 for Sniffer, Sniffer inputs A, B, and C can be chosen by calling this function. This function can be called any time after the ARM is loaded and running. It can be called in radioOn or radioOff state.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
snifferChannelDesired channel to set. This channel will be enabled when ORX_MODE = SNIFFER.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setSpiSettings()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setSpiSettings ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets the Mykonos device SPI settings (3wire/4wire, MSBFirst, etc).

This function will use the settings in the device->spiSettings structure to set SPI stream mode, address auto increment direction, MSBFirst/LSBfirst, and 3wire/4wire mode. The Mykonos device always uses SPI MODE 0 (CPHA=0, CPOL=0). This function will update your device->spiSettings to set CHPA=0 and CPOL=0 and longInstructionWord =1 to use a 16bit instruction word.


  • writes device->spiSettings->CPHA = 0
  • writes device->spiSettings->CPOL = 0
  • writes device->spiSettings->longInstructionWord = 1
  • device->spiSettings->MSBFirst
  • device->spiSettings->enSpiStreaming
  • device->spiSettings->autoIncAddrUp
  • device->spiSettings->fourWireMode
devicePointer to Mykonos device data structure containing settings
Returns enum mykonosErr_t, MYKONOS_ERR_OK=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR_OK=fail
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setTrackingCalState()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTrackingCalState ( mykonosDevice_t device,
mykonosTrackingCalibrations_t  trackingCal,
uint8_t  trackCalState 

Suspend or resume individual tracking calibration.

The tracking calibration must have been enabled with MYKONOS_enableTrackingCals(), this command can be called in Radio On.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the device settings structure
trackingCalSelects the tracking calibration to resume or suspend.
trackCalStateif set then the selected tracking calibration will be resumed and if not set then the tracking cal will be suspended
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_SETSTATE_TRACK_CAL_INVNot valid calibration passed
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully

◆ MYKONOS_setTx1Attenuation()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTx1Attenuation ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t  tx1Attenuation_mdB 

Sets the Tx1 RF output Attenuation.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->tx->txAttenStepSize
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
tx1Attenuation_mdBThe desired TxAttenuation in milli-dB (Range: 0 to 41950 mdB)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SETTX1ATTEN_INV_PARMtx1Attenuation_mdB parameter is out of range (0 - 41950)
MYKONOS_ERR_SETTX1ATTEN_INV_STEPSIZE_PARMdevice->tx->txAttenStepSize is not a valid enum value
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setTx2Attenuation()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTx2Attenuation ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t  tx2Attenuation_mdB 

Sets the Tx2 RF output Attenuation (Step size is 0.05dB.)


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->tx->txAttenStepSize
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
tx2Attenuation_mdBThe desired TxAttenuation in milli-dB (Range: 0 to 41950 mdB)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SETTX2ATTEN_INV_PARMtx2Attenuation_mdB parameter is out of range (0 - 41950)
MYKONOS_ERR_SETTX2ATTEN_INV_STEPSIZE_PARMdevice->tx->txAttenStepSize is not a valid enum value
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setTxPfirSyncClk()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setTxPfirSyncClk ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets the digital Tx PFIR SYNC clock divider.

This function is a helper function. It is called automatically in MYKONOS_initialize() and should not need to be called by the BBIC.

This function sets the digital clock divider that is used to synchronize the Tx PFIR each time the Tx channel power up. The Sync clock must be set equal to or slower than the FIR processing clock.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->profilesValid
  • device->tx->txProfile->txFir
  • device->tx->txProfile->txFir->numFirCoefs
  • device->tx->txProfile->txFirInterpolation
  • device->tx->txProfile->iqRate_kHz
devicePointer to the Mykonos data structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_TXFIR_INV_NUMTAPS_PARMInvalid number of Tx FIR coefficients
MYKONOS_ERR_TXFIR_INV_NUMROWSInvalid number of PFIR coefficient rows
MYKONOS_ERR_TXFIR_TAPSEXCEEDEDToo many Tx PFIR taps for the IQ sample rate. FIR processing clock can not run fast enough to handle the number of taps
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setupDeserializers()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupDeserializers ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets up the JESD204B Deserializers.

This function enables the necessary deserializer lanes, sets the deserializer clocks PN inversion settings, and EQ settings based on the info found in the device data structure.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->tx->txProfile->clkPllVcoDiv
  • device->tx->txProfile->vcoFreq_kHz
  • device->tx->txProfile->txIqRate_kHz
  • device->tx->deframer->M
  • device->tx->deframer->deserializerLanesEnabled
  • device->tx->deframer->invertLanePolarity
  • device->tx->deframer->EQSetting
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_INITDES_INV_TXPROFILETx Profile is not valid in data structure - can not setup deserializer
MYKONOS_ERR_DESER_INV_M_PARMInvalid M (valid 2 or 4)
MYKONOS_ERR_DESER_INV_L_PARMInvalid L (valid 1,2,4)
MYKONOS_ERR_DESER_INV_HSCLK_PARMInvalid HSCLK, must be 6.144G or less after CLKPLL VCO divider - verify CLKPLL config
MYKONOS_ERR_DESER_INV_LANERATE_PARMInvalid lanerate, must be between 614.4 Mbps to 6144 Mbps
MYKONOS_ERR_DESER_INV_LANEEN_PARMInvalid deserializerLanesEnabled (valid 0-15 in 1,2,4 lane combinations)
MYKONOS_ERR_DESER_INV_EQ_PARMInvalid EQ parameter (valid 0-4)
MYKONOS_ERR_DESER_INV_LANEPN_PARMInvalid PN invert setting, (valid 0-15, invert bit per lane)
MYKONOS_ERR_DES_HS_AND_LANE_RATE_NOT_INTEGER_MULTInvalid clock settings, HSCLK is not an integer multiple of lane rate
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setupJesd204bDeframer()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupJesd204bDeframer ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets up the JESD204B Deframer.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->tx->deframer->M
  • device->tx->deframer->bankId
  • device->tx->deframer->lane0Id
  • device->tx->deframer->K
  • device->tx->deframer->deserializerLanesEnabled
  • device->tx->deframer->externalSysref
  • device->tx->deframer->newSysrefOnRelink
  • device->tx->deframer->enableAutoChanXbar
  • device->tx->deframer->lmfcOffset
  • device->tx->deframer->scramble
devicePointer to device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_M_PARMInvalid M parameter in deframer structure
MYKONOS_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_BANKID_PARMInvalid BankId parameter in deframer structure (Valid 0-15)
MYKONOS_ERR_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_LANEID_PARMInvalid Lane0Id parameter in deframer structure (Valid 0-31)
MYKONOS_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_K_PARAMInvalid K parameter in deframer structure (valid 1-32 with other constraints)
MYKONOS_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_FK_PARAMInvalid F*K parameter (Valid F*K > 20, F*K must be divisible by 4), K must be <= 32
MYKONOS_ERR_DEFRAMER_INV_K_OFFSET_PARAMInvalid K offset parameter in deframer structure (must be less than K)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setupJesd204bFramer()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupJesd204bFramer ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets up the JESD204B Framer.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->rx->framer->M
  • device->rx->realIfData
  • device->rx->framer->bankId
  • device->rx->framer->lane0Id
  • device->rx->framer->serializerLanesEnabled
  • device->rx->framer->obsRxSyncbSelect
  • device->rx->framer->K
  • device->rx->framer->externalSysref
  • device->rx->rxChannels
  • device->rx->framer->newSysrefOnRelink
  • device->rx->framer->enableAutoChanXbar
  • device->rx->framer->lmfcOffset
  • device->rx->framer->scramble
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_FRAMER_INV_REAL_IF_DATA_PARMInvalid framer M, M can only = 1 in real IF mode
MYKONOS_ERR_FRAMER_INV_M_PARMInvalid framer M (valid 1,2,4)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setupJesd204bObsRxFramer()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupJesd204bObsRxFramer ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets up the JESD204B OBSRX Framer.


  • device->rxChannels
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->obsRx->framer->bankId
  • device->obsRx->framer->M
  • device->obsRx->framer->serializerLanesEnabled
  • device->obsRx->framer->externalSysref
  • device->spiSettings
  • device->obsRx->framer->deviceId
  • device->obsRx->framer->lane0Id
  • device->obsRx->framer->K
  • device->obsRx->framer->lmfcOffset
  • device->obsRx->framer->scramble
  • device->obsRx->framer->obsRxSyncbSelect
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_OBSRX_FRAMER_INV_REAL_IF_DATA_PARMM parameter can only be 1 when real IF data mode is enabled
MYKONOS_ERR_OBSRX_FRAMER_INV_M_PARMObsRx Framer M parameter can only be 1 or 2
MYKONOS_ERR_OBSRXFRAMER_INV_FK_PARAMInvalid F*K value (F * K must be > 20 and divisible by 4)
MYKONOS_ERR_OBSRX_FRAMER_INV_K_OFFSET_PARAMInvalid K offset, must be less than K
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setupObsRxAgc()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupObsRxAgc ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets up the device ObsRx Automatic Gain Control (AGC) registers.

Three data structures (of types mykonosAgcCfg_t, mykonosPeakDetAgcCfg_t, mykonosPowerMeasAgcCfg_t) must be instantiated prior to calling this function. Valid ranges for data structure members must also be provided.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcRx1MaxGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcRx1MinGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcRx2MaxGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcRx2MinGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcObsRxMaxGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcObsRxMinGainIndex
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcObsRxSelect
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcPeakThresholdMode
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcLowThsPreventGainIncrease
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcGainUpdateCounter
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcSlowLoopSettlingDelay
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcPeakWaitTime
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcResetOnRxEnable
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->agcEnableSyncPulseForGainCounter
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdHighThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdLowThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2HighThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2LowThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2VeryLowThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdHighThreshExceededCnt
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdLowThreshExceededCnt
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2HighThreshExceededCnt
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2LowThreshExceededCnt
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2VeryLowThreshExceededCnt
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdHighGainStepAttack
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdLowGainStepRecovery
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2HighGainStepAttack
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2LowGainStepRecovery
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2VeryLowGainStepRecovery
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdFastAttack
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2FastAttack
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2OverloadDetectEnable
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2OverloadDurationCnt
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2OverloadThreshCnt
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperHighThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperLowThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerHighThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerLowThresh
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperHighGainStepAttack
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperLowGainStepAttack
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerHighGainStepRecovery
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerLowGainStepRecovery
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdMeasDuration
  • device->obsRx->orxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdMeasConfig
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings The pointer to the Mykonos AGC data structure containing settings is checked for a null pointer to ensure it has been initialized. If not an error is thrown.
Return values
ReturnsMYKONOS_ERR=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR=fail
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setupPaProtection()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupPaProtection ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint16_t  powerThreshold,
uint8_t  attenStepSize,
uint8_t  avgDuration,
uint8_t  stickyFlagEnable,
uint8_t  txAttenControlEnable 

Writes Mykonos device registers with settings for the PA Protection block.

This function writes register settings for the Mykonos PA Protection Block. This function does not enable the PA Protection functionality. Note that independent control of PA protection for both Tx channels is not possible. The PA Protection block allows for error flags to go high if the accumulated TX power in the data path exceeds a programmable threshold level based on samples taken in a programmable duration.

After calling this function the user will need to call MYKONOS_enablePaProtection(...)


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device's data structure
powerThresholdPA Protection Threshold sets the power level that, if detected in the TX data path, raises the PA error flags. The range is 0 to 4096. To calculate the required setting for the power threshold: powerThreshold = MAX_DAC_CODE * (10^((txPowerThresh_dBFS/10))) For example: If the required dBFS for the threshold is -10 dBFS, then the powerThreshold passed should be 409.
attenStepSizeAttenuation Step Size sets the size of the attenuation step when Tx Atten Control is Enabled. The range is 0 to 128 with a resolution is 0.2dB/LSB.
avgDurationAveraging Duration for the TX data path power measurement. The range is 0 to 14 specified in number of cycles of the TX IQ Rate.
stickyFlagEnable"1" Enables the PA Error Flags to stay high after being triggered, even if the power decreases below threshold. "0" disables this functionality.
txAttenControlEnable"1" Enables autonomous attenuation changes in response to PA error flags. "0" disables this functionality.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_SETUP_PA_PROT_INV_AVG_DURATIONavgDuration parameter invalid (valid 0-15)
MYKONOS_ERR_SETUP_PA_PROT_INV_ATTEN_STEPattenStepSize function parameter invalid (valid 0-127)

◆ MYKONOS_setupRxAgc()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupRxAgc ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets up the device Rx Automatic Gain Control (AGC) registers.

Three data structures (mykonosAgcCfg_t, mykonosPeakDetAgcCfg_t, mykonosPowerMeasAgcCfg_t) must be instantiated prior to calling this function. Valid ranges for data structure members must also be provided.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcRx1MaxGainIndex
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcRx1MinGainIndex
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcRx2MaxGainIndex
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcRx2MinGainIndex
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcObsRxMaxGainIndex
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcObsRxMinGainIndex
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcObsRxSelect
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcPeakThresholdMode
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcLowThsPreventGainIncrease
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcGainUpdateCounter
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcSlowLoopSettlingDelay
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcPeakWaitTime
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcResetOnRxEnable
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->agcEnableSyncPulseForGainCounter
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdHighThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdLowThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2HighThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2LowThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2VeryLowThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdHighThreshExceededCnt
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdLowThreshExceededCnt
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2HighThreshExceededCnt
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2LowThreshExceededCnt
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2VeryLowThreshExceededCnt
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdHighGainStepAttack
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdLowGainStepRecovery
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2HighGainStepAttack
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2LowGainStepRecovery
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2VeryLowGainStepRecovery
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->apdFastAttack
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2FastAttack
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2OverloadDetectEnable
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2OverloadDurationCnt
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->peakAgc->hb2OverloadThreshCnt
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperHighThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperLowThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerHighThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerLowThresh
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperHighGainStepAttack
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdUpperLowGainStepAttack
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerHighGainStepRecovery
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdLowerLowGainStepRecovery
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdMeasDuration
  • device->rx->rxAgcCtrl->powerAgc->pmdMeasConfig
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings The pointer to the Mykonos AGC data structure containing settings is checked for a null pointer to ensure it has been initialized. If not an error is thrown.
Return values
ReturnsMYKONOS_ERR=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR=fail
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_setupSerializers()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_setupSerializers ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Sets up the JESD204B Serializers.

This function uses the Rx framer and ObsRx framer structures to setup the 4 serializer lanes that are shared between the two framers. If the Rx profile is valid the serializer amplitude and preEmphasis are used from the Rx framer. If only the ObsRx profile is valid, the obsRx framer settings are used.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->rx->framer->M
  • device->rx->framer->serializerAmplitude
  • device->rx->framer->preEmphasis
  • device->rx->framer->serializerLanesEnabled
  • device->rx->framer->invertLanePolarity
  • device->obsRx->framer->serializerLanesEnabled
  • device->obsRx->framer->invertLanePolarity
  • device->obsRx->framer->M
  • device->obsRx->framer->serializerLanesEnabled
  • device->obsRx->framer->serializerAmplitude
  • device->obsRx->framer->preEmphasis
devicePointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_INITSER_INV_VCODIV_PARMMykonos CLKPLL has invalid VCO divider, verify CLKPLL config
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_LANE_CONFLICT_PARMWhen both Rx and ObsRx framers are enabled, framers can not share the same physical lane.
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_REAL_IF_DATA_PARMRx Framer M can only = 1 when Real IF mode is enabled
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_M_PARMInvalid Rx Framer M (valid 1,2,4)
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_LANEEN_PARMInvalid Rx framer serializerLanesEnabled (valid 0-15)
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_AMP_PARMInvalid Rx serializer amplitude (valid 0-31)
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_PREEMP_PARMInvalid Rx serializer pre-emphesis (valid 0-7)
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_LANEPN_PARMInvalid Rx serializer PN invert setting (valid 0-15)
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_L_PARMInvalid Rx serializer lanes enabled (must use 1, 2 or 4 lanes)
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_LANERATE_PARMInvalid Rx serializer lane rate (valid 614.4Mbps - 6144Mbps)
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_LANE_RATE_CONFLICT_PARMNecessary lane rates for Rx and ObsRx framer can not be obtained with possible divider settings
MYKONOS_ERR_HS_AND_LANE_RATE_NOT_INTEGER_MULTHSCLK is not an integer multiple of the lane clock rate
MYKONOS_ERR_SER_INV_TXSER_DIV_PARMNo valid Tx serializer divider to obtain desired lane rates
MYKONOS_ERR_INITSER_INV_PROFILERx/ObsRx and sniffer profiles are not valid - can not config serializers
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_verifyArmChecksum()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_verifyArmChecksum ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Verifies the ARM checksum value.

The checksum which is written into the .hex file is verified with the calculated checksum in the Mykonos ARM after the hex file has been loaded


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_verifyDeviceDataStructure()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_verifyDeviceDataStructure ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Verifies the integrity of the Mykonos device data structure.

The Mykonos device data structure has many pointers to other structures. The main purpose of this function to verify that the necessary pointers within the device data structure have non zero pointers. The focus is on the Rx/Tx/ObsRx profiles and FIR filters where if a channel is disabled, it may be valid for some pointers to be NULL. This function updates device->profileValid to remember which profile pointers are valid. profileValid[3:0] = {SnifferProfileValid, ObsRxProfileValid, RxProfileValid, TxProfileValid};


  • device (all variables)
devicePointer to Mykonos device data structure containing settings
Returns enum mykonosErr_t, MYKONOS_ERR_OK=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR_OK=fail
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_verifyProfiles()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_verifyProfiles ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Verifies the init structure profiles are valid combinations.

This function checks that the Rx/Tx/ORx/Sniffer profiles have valid clock rates in order to operate together. Rx/Tx and ORx/Sniffer share a common high speed digital clock. If an invalid combination of profiles is detected, an error will be returned. If a profile in the init structure is unused, the user should zero out all members of that particular profile structure. If a Rx/Tx/ORx/Sniffer profile has an IQ rate = 0, it is assumed that the profile is disabled.

This function is private and is not called directly by the user.

This function uses mykVerifyTxProfile() and mykVerifyRxProfile() as helper functions.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceStructure pointer to Mykonos device data structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_PROFILES_HSDIGCLKprofiles loaded are not valid
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_waitArmCmdStatus()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_waitArmCmdStatus ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  opCode,
uint32_t  timeoutMs,
uint8_t *  cmdStatByte 

Mykonos ARM command status wait function polls command status until opcode completes.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
opCodeValid values are even increments from 0-30. The ARM opCode is used to determine which pending bit to wait for
timeoutMsconveys the time-out period in milliseconds
cmdStatBytereturns cmdStatByte[3:1] = error type, cmdStatByte[0] = pending flag for selected opCode
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMCMDSTATUS_NULL_PARMFunction parameter cmdStatByte has NULL pointer
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMCMDSTATUS_INV_OPCODE_PARMInvalid ARM opcode (valid 0-30, even numbers only)
MYKONOS_ERR_ARMCMDSTATUS_ARMERRORARM Mailbox error flag for requested opcode returned a nonzero error flag
MYKONOS_ERR_WAITARMCMDSTATUS_TIMEOUTTimeout occurred before ARM command completed
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_waitForEvent()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_waitForEvent ( mykonosDevice_t device,
waitEvent_t  waitEvent,
uint32_t  timeout_us 

Performs a blocking wait for a Mykonos calibration or Pll Lock.


  • device->spiSettings
  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
devicePointer to the Mykonos device data structure containing settings
waitEventthe enum value of the event to wait for
timeout_usIf timeout_us time has passed, function will return with an error.
Returns enum mykonosErr_t, MYKONOS_ERR_OK=pass, !MYKONOS_ERR_OK=fail
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_waitInitCals()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_waitInitCals ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t  timeoutMs,
uint8_t *  errorFlag,
uint8_t *  errorCode 

Blocking waits for the Mykonos initialization calibrations to complete.

The *errorFlag and *errorCode parameters are optional. If the pointers are set to null, no values will be returned. If the function returns an error that the init calibration failed, use the MYKONOS_getInitCalStatus() function to get more detailed information about why the init cal failed.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceA pointer to the device settings structure
timeoutMsA timeout value in Ms to wait for the calibrations to complete
errorFlagA 3bit error flag that helps identify what went wrong in the ARM. 0=No Error
errorCodeThe value represents the init calibration object ID that caused a failure.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_WAIT_INITCALS_ARMERRORARM returned error unrelated to init cals

◆ MYKONOS_writeArmConfig()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_writeArmConfig ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint8_t  objectId,
uint16_t  offset,
uint8_t *  data,
uint8_t  byteCount 

Low level helper function used by Mykonos API to write the ARM memory config structures.

Normally this function should not be required to be used directly by the BBIC. This is a helper function used by other Mykonos API commands to write settings into the ARM memory.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
objectIdARM id of a particular structure or setting in ARM memory
offsetByte offset from the start of the objectId's memory location in ARM memory
dataA byte array containing data to write to the ARM memory buffer.
byteCountNumber of bytes in the data array (Valid size = 1-255 bytes)
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_WRITEARMCFG_ARMERRFLAGARM write config command failed with a nonzero error code
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_writeArmMem()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_writeArmMem ( mykonosDevice_t device,
uint32_t  address,
uint8_t *  data,
uint32_t  byteCount 

Write to the Mykonos ARM program or data memory.

Valid memory addresses are: Program Memory (0x01000000 - 0x01017FFF), Data Memory (0x20000000 - 0x2000FFFF)


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
  • device->spiSettings
deviceis structure pointer to the Mykonos data structure containing settings
addressThe 32bit ARM address to write to.
dataByte(uint8_t) array containing the data to write to the ARM memory.
byteCountNumber of bytes in the data array.
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
MYKONOS_ERR_WRITEARMMEM_NULL_PARMFunction parameter data has NULL pointer when byteCount is >0
MYKONOS_ERR_WRITEARMMEM_INV_ADDR_PARMARM memory address is out of range of valid ARM memory
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MYKONOS_writeArmProfile()

mykonosErr_t MYKONOS_writeArmProfile ( mykonosDevice_t device)

Mykonos ARM configuration write.


  • device->spiSettings->chipSelectIndex
deviceis a pointer to the device settings structure
Return values
MYKONOS_ERR_OKFunction completed successfully
Here is the caller graph for this function: