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mykonosClgcConfig_t Struct Reference

Structure to configure CLGC (Closed Loop Gain Control) (Only valid for a DPD-enabled transceiver) More...

#include <t_mykonos.h>

Public Attributes

int16_t tx1DesiredGain
int16_t tx2DesiredGain
uint16_t tx1AttenLimit
uint16_t tx2AttenLimit
uint16_t tx1ControlRatio
uint16_t tx2ControlRatio
uint8_t allowTx1AttenUpdates
uint8_t allowTx2AttenUpdates
int16_t additionalDelayOffset
uint16_t pathDelayPnSeqLevel
uint16_t tx1RelThreshold
uint16_t tx2RelThreshold
uint8_t tx1RelThresholdEn
uint8_t tx2RelThresholdEn

Detailed Description

Structure to configure CLGC (Closed Loop Gain Control) (Only valid for a DPD-enabled transceiver)

This information is loaded into the ARM memory using the MYKONOS_configClgc() function before running the CLGC init or tracking calibrations. These values can be changed when the ARM is in the radioOff or radioOn states.

Member Data Documentation

◆ additionalDelayOffset

int16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::additionalDelayOffset

16th of an ORx sample (16=1sample), (default 0, valid -64 to 64)

◆ allowTx1AttenUpdates

uint8_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::allowTx1AttenUpdates

0= allow CLGC to run, but Tx1Atten will not be updated. User can still read back power measurements. 1=CLGC runs, and Tx1Atten automatically updated

◆ allowTx2AttenUpdates

uint8_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::allowTx2AttenUpdates

0= allow CLGC to run, but Tx2Atten will not be updated. User can still read back power measurements. 1=CLGC runs, and Tx2Atten automatically updated

◆ pathDelayPnSeqLevel

uint16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::pathDelayPnSeqLevel

Default 255 (-30dBFs=(20Log10(value/8192)), (valid range 1 to 8191)

◆ tx1AttenLimit

uint16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx1AttenLimit

(valid range 0 - 40dB), no default, depends on PA, Protects PA by making sure Tx1Atten is not reduced below the limit

◆ tx1ControlRatio

uint16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx1ControlRatio

valid range 1-100, default 45

◆ tx1DesiredGain

int16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx1DesiredGain

(value = 100 * dB (valid range -32768 to 32767) - total gain and attenuation from Mykonos Tx1 output to ORx1 input in (dB * 100)

◆ tx1RelThreshold

uint16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx1RelThreshold

Threshold for Tx1 in order to stop tracking, value = 100 * dB, default 6db then value = 600

◆ tx1RelThresholdEn

uint8_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx1RelThresholdEn

Threshold feature enable for Tx1, 0 = disable, 1 = enable, default = 0

◆ tx2AttenLimit

uint16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx2AttenLimit

(valid range 0 - 40dB), no default, depends on PA, Protects PA by making sure Tx2Atten is not reduced below the limit

◆ tx2ControlRatio

uint16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx2ControlRatio

valid range 1-100, default 45

◆ tx2DesiredGain

int16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx2DesiredGain

(value = 100 * dB (valid range -32768 to 32767) - total gain and attenuation from Mykonos Tx2 output to ORx2 input in (dB * 100)

◆ tx2RelThreshold

uint16_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx2RelThreshold

Threshold for Tx2 in order to stop tracking, value = 100 * dB, default 6db then value = 600

◆ tx2RelThresholdEn

uint8_t mykonosClgcConfig_t::tx2RelThresholdEn

Threshold feature enable for Tx2, 0 = disable, 1 = enable, default = 0

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: