| ad4130_ecg_config.c |
| ECG user configurations file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_ecg_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 ECG user configuration file.
| ad4130_iio.c |
| Implementation of AD4130 IIO application interfaces.
| ad4130_iio.h |
| Header file of AD4130 IIO interface.
| ad4130_loadcell_config.c |
| Loadcell user configurations file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_loadcell_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 loadcell user configuration file.
| ad4130_noise_test_config.c |
| Noise test user configurations file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_noise_test_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 noise test user configuration file.
| ad4130_power_test_config.c |
| Power test user configurations file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_power_test_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 power test user configuration file.
| ad4130_regs.c |
| AD4130 registers map.
| ad4130_regs.h |
| Global declarations for ad4130_regs module.
| ad4130_rtd_config.c |
| RTD user configurations file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_rtd_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 RTD user configuration file.
| ad4130_support.c |
| AD4130 device No-OS driver supports.
| ad4130_support.h |
| Header for AD4130 No-OS driver supports.
| ad4130_temperature_sensor.h |
| ad4130_thermistor_config.c |
| Thermistor user configurations file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_thermistor_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 thermistors user configuration file.
| ad4130_thermocouple_config.c |
| Thermocouple user configurations file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_thermocouple_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 thermocouple user configuration file.
| ad4130_user_config.c |
| User configuration file for AD4130 device.
| ad4130_user_config.h |
| Header for AD4130 user configuration file.
| app_config.c |
| Application configurations module.
| app_config.h |
| Configuration file for AD4130 device applications.
| app_config_mbed.c |
| Application configurations module for Mbed platform.
| app_config_mbed.h |
| Header file for Mbed platform configurations.
| main.c |
| Main module for AD4130 IIO application.