app Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for app:


file  ad7124_console_app.c
 : Implementation for the menu functions that handle the AD7124
file  ad7124_console_app.h [code]
 : defines the console menu structure for the AD7124 example code
file  ad7124_regs_config_a.c
 : Configuration file A for AD7124
file  ad7124_regs_config_b.c
 : Configuration file B for AD7124
file  ad7124_regs_configs.h [code]
file  ad7124_support.c
 : Provides useful support functions for the AD7124 NoOS driver
file  ad7124_support.h [code]
 : Provides useful support functions for the AD7124 NoOS driver
file  app_config.h [code]
 Configuration file of AD7124 firmware example program.
file  main.c
 : main module for AD7124 application interface