ADES1754 no-OS driver

Supported Devices



The ADES1754/ADES1755/ADES1756 are flexible data-acquisition systems for the management of high- voltage and low-voltage battery modules. The systems can measure 14 cell voltages and a combination of six temperatures or system voltage measurements with fully redundant measurement engines in 162μs, or perform all inputs solely with the ADC measurement engine in 99μs. Fourteen internal balancing switches rated for >300mA for cell-balancing current support extensive built-in diagnostics.

Cell and bus-bar voltages ranging from -2.5V to +5V are measured differentially over a 65V common-mode range, with a typical accuracy of 100μV. If oversampling is enabled, up to 128 measurements per channel can be averaged internally with 14-bit resolution and combined with digital post-processing IIR filtering for increased noise immunity.


  • Residential Battery Storage Systems

  • High-Voltage Battery Stacks

  • Battery-Backup Systems (UPS)

  • Super-Cap Systems

  • Battery-Powered Tools

  • EV Charging

Driver Initialization

In order to be able to use the device, you will have to provide support for the communication protocol (UART) which can be done either using the host UNIT UART peripheral, or by using MAX17851 SPI-to-UART bridge as an UART peripheral (see MAX17851 device driver and documentation for it).

The first API to be called is ades1754_init. Make sure it return 0, which means that the driver was intialized correctly.

Scan Configuration

One can set the ADC scaning method by calling ades1754_set_adc_method function, or switching the used scan mode by calling the ades1754_switch_scan_mode function.

More than this the user can trigger the scanning, or stop it by using ades1754_start_scan function.

Cell Configuration

Cell polarity can be changed by using the ades1754_set_cell_poll function.

Cell voltage can be read back from the accumulator registers after or before triggering a scan by calling ades1754_get_cell_data function.

IIR Configuration

ADES1754 also comes along with an integrated IIR filter to be used for acquisition.

IIR filter coefficient can be set with ades1754_set_iir function. IIR settings such as Alert Issuance to be based on IIR filter results, IIR data to be stored inside the accumulators or output data to take or not the IIR data in consideration can be set by using ades175_set_iir_ctrl function.

Buffer Configuration

Buffer can be set to be normall sized, or double sized based on the ades1754_set_buffer_mode function that sets the mode.

Alert Configration

User can set the alert threshold values by using ades1754_set_alert_thr function, and read alert status of specific alerts by suing ades1754_get_alert function.

Cell-Balancing Configuration

Cell-Balancing mode is to be set by using ades1754_set_balancing_mode function. Cell-Balancing measurement is to be set by using ades1754_set_balancing_meas function. Cell-Balancing calibration is to be performed by using ades1754_set_balancing_calib function.

ADES1754 Driver Initialization Example

struct ades1754_desc *ades1754_desc;
struct no_os_uart_init_param ades1754_comm_ip = {
        .device_id = 1,
        .baud_rate = 500000,
        .asynchronous_rx = false,
        .size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
        .platform_ops = &max_uart_ops,
        .parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_ODD,
        .stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_2_BIT,
        .extra = &ades1754_comm_extra,
struct ades1754_init_param ades1754_ip = {
        .uart_param = &ades1754_comm_ip,
        .id = ID_ADES1754,
        .uart_bridge = true,
        .dev_addr = 0,
        .no_dev = 1,

ret = ades1754_init(&ades1754_desc, &ades1754_ip);
if (ret)
        return ret;

ret = ades1754_set_cell_polarity(ades1754, ADES1754_UNIPOLAR);
if (ret)
        goto error;