ADF4377 No-OS Driver
Supported Devices
The ADF4377 is a high performance, ultralow jitter, dual output integer-N phased locked loop (PLL) with an integrated voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) ideally suited for data converter and mixed signal front end (MxFE) clock applications. The high performance PLL has a figure of merit of −239 dBc/Hz, ultralow 1/f noise, and a high phase frequency detector (PFD) frequency that can achieve ultralow in-band noise and integrated jitter. The fundamental VCO and output divider of the ADF4377 generate frequencies from 800 MHz to 12.8 GHz. The ADF4377 integrates all necessary power supply bypass capacitors, saving board space on compact boards.
For multiple data converter and MxFE clock applications, the ADF4377 simplifies clock alignment and calibration routines required with other clock solutions by implementing the automatic reference to output synchronization feature, the matched reference to output delays across process, voltage, and temperature feature, and the less than ±0.1 ps, jitter free reference to output delay adjustment capability feature.
These features allow for predictable and precise multichip clock and system reference (SYSREF) alignment. JESD204B and JESD204C Subclass 1 solutions are supported by pairing the ADF4377 with an integrated circuit (IC) that distributes pairs of reference and SYSREF signals.
High performance data converters
Wireless infrastructure (MC-GSM, 5G)
Test and measurement equipment
ADF4377 Device Configuration
Driver Initialization
In order to be able to use the device, you will have to provide the support for the communication protocol (SPI).
The first API to be called is adf4377_init. Make sure that it returns 0, which means that the driver was initialized correctly. This function will also reset the ADF4377 by performing a soft reset, putting the device in a known state.
Reference Clock Configuration
By default, the device is set to use a 125MHz clock. This can be changed to any value, which is supported by the device, by using the function adf4377_set_ref_clk. The current configuration can be read out using adf4377_get_ref_clk.The input reference clock value for the function will have to be expressed in Hz.
Reference Doubler Configuration
The ADF4377 has a reference doubler on the input path for the reference frequency. By default it is enabled and can be disabled using adf4377_set_en_ref_doubler. The current configuration can be read out using adf4377_get_en_ref_doubler.
This feature can only be enable or disabled.
Together with the reference divider this feature will determine the PFD frequency.
Reference Divider Configuration
On the reference input path there is a divider, allowing the input reference frequency to be divided by up to 63. Default this is set to 2 and can be changed using adf4377_set_ref_div. The current configuration can be read out using adf4377_get_ref_div.
Together with the reference doubler this feature will determine the PFD frequency.
Charge Pump Current Configuration
The ADF4377 has the option for 16 preset charge pump currents, ranging from 0.79 mA to 11.1 mA. By default the charge pump current is set to 11.1 mA. The supported currents can be configured using adf4377_set_cp_i API, which will expect the register value, ranging form 0 to 15, as inputs. The current configuration can be read out using adf4377_get_cp_i, which will also return the value in the same range.
In order to determine which value corresponds to your design charge pump current, please refer to the datasheet ADF4377 in the register details section for register REG0015.
Bleed Current Configuration
The charge pump current can be optimized using the bleed current feature, set by default to 1023. This can be configured using the adf4377_set_bleed_word API, by providing the bleed word as a parameter on 10 bits. The current configuration can be read out using adf4377_get_bleed_word.
Output Frequency Configuration
The ADF4377 has two channels which can be configured to output the a frequency in the range of 800 MHz to 12.8 GHZ. By default the output frequency is set to 10 GHz and can be reconfigured by using the adf4377_set_rfout API. The output frequency set by the API is expressed in Hz. The previously configured output frequency can be read out using adf4377_get_rfout.
This attribute will set the frequency for both channels as they are not independently configurable.
Output Power Configuration
Though the ADF4377 does not permit independent frequencies on each channel, the output power on each channel can be configured using adf4377_set_out_power API by providing the channel and the desired power output expressed in mV.The current configuration of each channel can be read out using adf4377_get_out_power.
Power of each channel is between 0 to 3, by default they are both set to 1 (420mV).
Output Enable Configuration
Each channel can be activated individually using adf4377_set_en_chan API. The API expects the channel number and a boolean value for enable or disable. To determine if a channel is currently set the adf4377_get_en_chan API can be used.
By default only channel 1 is enabled.
ADF4377 Frequency Generation
Frequency Setting
As mentioned above, using the default values the generated frequency will be of 10 GHz. This frequency depends on all of the previous configurations and is recalculated based on them using the adf4377_set_freq API. When the API is called, it will calculate the VCO, the output divider, the integer parts of feedback loop for the PLL while trying to obtain the configured output frequency. The API will also write the corresponding registers with the computed values.
Because of the link between the calculated values and the configurations, when an attribute is reconfigured using the corresponding API it will not have any effect until the adf4377_set_freq API is called.
ADF4377 Driver Initialization Example
SPI Communication Example
struct adf4377_dev *dev;
int ret;
struct no_os_spi_init_param adf4377_spi_ip = {
.device_id = SPI_DEVICE_ID,
.max_speed_hz = 2000000,
.chip_select = SPI_CS,
.mode = NO_OS_SPI_MODE_0,
.platform_ops = SPI_OPS,
.extra = SPI_EXTRA
struct no_os_gpio_init_param gpio_ce_param = {
.number = GPIO_CE,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_EXTRA
struct no_os_gpio_init_param gpio_enclk1_param = {
.number = GPIO_ENCLK1,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_EXTRA
struct no_os_gpio_init_param gpio_enclk2_param = {
.number = GPIO_ENCLK2,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_EXTRA
struct no_os_uart_init_param adf4377_uart_ip = {
.device_id = UART_DEVICE_ID,
.irq_id = UART_IRQ_ID,
.asynchronous_rx = true,
.baud_rate = UART_BAUDRATE,
.size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
.parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_NO,
.stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_1_BIT,
.extra = UART_EXTRA,
.platform_ops = UART_OPS,
struct adf4377_init_param adf4377_ip = {
.dev_id = ADF4377,
.spi_init = &adf4377_spi_ip,
.spi4wire = true,
.gpio_ce_param = &gpio_ce_param,
.gpio_enclk1_param = &gpio_enclk1_param,
.gpio_enclk2_param = &gpio_enclk2_param,
.clkin_freq = 125000000,
.ref_doubler_en = 1,
.f_clk = 10000000000,
.ref_div_factor = 2,
.clkout_op = ADF4377_CLKOUT_420MV,
.muxout_select = ADF4377_MUXOUT_HIGH_Z,
.cp_i = ADF4377_CP_10MA1,
ret = adf4377_init(&dev, &adf4377_ip);
if (ret)
goto error;
ret = no_os_gpio_get(&arduino_gpio, &adf4377_gpio_ip);
if (ret)
goto error;
ret = no_os_gpio_direction_output(arduino_gpio, 1);
if (ret)
goto error;
ret = adf4377_set_rfout(dev, 10000000000);
if (ret)
goto error;
return ret;
ADF4377 no-OS IIO support
The ADF4377 IIO driver comes on top of ADF4377 driver and offers support for interfacing IIO clients through IIO lib.
ADF4377 IIO Device Configuration
Device Attributes
While the ADF4377 has two channels these cannot output independent frequencies, therefore most of the attributes will be device attributes.
The attributes are:
bleed_current - is the adjustment value for the set charge pump current.
charge_pump_current - is the current set in your design.
- charge_pump_current_available - lists the available and predefined charge
pump currents of the ADF4377.
reference_divider - is the current value of the input divider.
rfout_divider - sets the current value of the output divider.
- rfout_divider_available - lists the available and predefined output dividers
of the ADF4377.
reference_doubler_en - enables the input doubler.
reference_frequency - is the current set input frequency.
Device Channels
ADF4377 IIO device has 2 output channels which can have independent output powers.
The channels are:
output altvoltage0 - corresponding to channel 1 on the device
output altvoltage1 - corresponding to channel 2 on the device
Each channel has 2 individual attributes:
en - enables the channel.
output_power - determines the output power of the channel between 0 and 15.
Each channel has 2 common attributes:
- frequency - is the desired output frequency which the driver will try
to obtain given the configuration.
ADF4377 IIO Driver Initialization Example
struct adf4377_iio_dev *adf4377_iio_dev;
struct adf4377_iio_dev_init_param adf4377_iio_ip;
struct iio_app_desc *app;
struct iio_app_init_param app_init_param = { 0 };
int ret;
struct no_os_spi_init_param adf4377_spi_ip = {
.device_id = SPI_DEVICE_ID,
.max_speed_hz = 2000000,
.chip_select = SPI_CS,
.mode = NO_OS_SPI_MODE_0,
.platform_ops = SPI_OPS,
.extra = SPI_EXTRA
struct no_os_gpio_init_param gpio_ce_param = {
.number = GPIO_CE,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_EXTRA
struct no_os_gpio_init_param gpio_enclk1_param = {
.number = GPIO_ENCLK1,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_EXTRA
struct no_os_gpio_init_param gpio_enclk2_param = {
.number = GPIO_ENCLK2,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_EXTRA
struct no_os_uart_init_param adf4377_uart_ip = {
.device_id = UART_DEVICE_ID,
.irq_id = UART_IRQ_ID,
.asynchronous_rx = true,
.baud_rate = UART_BAUDRATE,
.size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
.parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_NO,
.stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_1_BIT,
.extra = UART_EXTRA,
.platform_ops = UART_OPS,
struct adf4377_init_param adf4377_ip = {
.dev_id = ADF4377,
.spi_init = &adf4377_spi_ip,
.spi4wire = true,
.gpio_ce_param = &gpio_ce_param,
.gpio_enclk1_param = &gpio_enclk1_param,
.gpio_enclk2_param = &gpio_enclk2_param,
.clkin_freq = 125000000,
.ref_doubler_en = 1,
.f_clk = 10000000000,
.ref_div_factor = 2,
.clkout_op = ADF4377_CLKOUT_420MV,
.muxout_select = ADF4377_MUXOUT_HIGH_Z,
.cp_i = ADF4377_CP_10MA1,
adf4377_iio_ip.adf4377_dev_init = &adf4377_ip;
ret = adf4377_iio_init(&adf4377_iio_dev, &adf4377_iio_ip);
if (ret)
return ret;
struct iio_app_device iio_devices[] = {
.name = "adf4377",
.dev = adf4377_iio_dev,
.dev_descriptor = adf4377_iio_dev->iio_dev,
app_init_param.devices = iio_devices;
app_init_param.nb_devices = NO_OS_ARRAY_SIZE(iio_devices);
app_init_param.uart_init_params = adf4377_uart_ip;
ret = iio_app_init(&app, app_init_param);
if (ret)
goto exit;