ADF5611 no-OS driver

Supported Devices


The ADF5611 and ADF5612 allows implementation of fractional-N or Integer N phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers when used with an external loop filter and an external reference source. The wideband microwave voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) design permits frequency operation from 7300 MHz to 14600 MHz for ADF5611 and from 7300 MHz to 8500 MHz for ADF5612 at a single radio frequency (RF) output. A series of frequency dividers with a differential frequency output allows operation from 57 MHz to 14600MHz for ADF5611, while ADF5612 is limited to 57MHz to 8500MHz. Analog and digital power supplies for the PLL circuitry range from 3.15 V to 3.45 V, and the VCO supplies are between 4.75 V and 5.25 V. Both ADF5611 and ADF5612 has an integrated VCO with a fundamental frequency of 3650 MHz to 7300 MHz. These frequencies are internally doubled and routed to the RFOUT pin. An additional differential output allows the doubled VCO frequency to be divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128, allowing the user to generate RF output frequencies as low as 57 MHz. A simple 3 or 4 wire serial port interface (SPI) provides control of all on-chip registers. To conserve power, this divider block can be disabled when not needed through the SPI interface. Likewise, the output power for both the single- ended output and the differential output are programmable. Their integrated phase detector (PD) and delta-sigma (Δ-Σ) modulator, capable of operating at up to 100 MHz, permit wide loop bandwidths and fast frequency tuning with a typical spurious level of −100 dBc. With phase noise levels from −115 dBc/Hz at 7.3 GHz to −109 dBc/Hz at 14.6 GHz and −112 dBc/Hz at 8.5 GHz RFOUT respectively, both synthesizers are equipped to minimize blocker effects, and to improve receiver sensitivity and transmitter spectral purity. The low phase noise floor eliminates any contribution to modulator and mixer noise floor in transmitter applications.


  • Military and Defense

  • Test equipment

  • Clock generation

  • Wireless infrastructure

  • Satellite and very small aperture terminal (VSAT)

  • Microwave radio

ADF5611 Device Configuration

Driver Initialization

Communicating with the device will require the driver to support Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI).

The first API to be called is the adf5611_init. Ensure that the function call returns 0, which means that the driver was initialized correctly. This function also performs a soft reset, putting the device in a known state.

Reference Clock Configuration

By default, the device is set to use a 122.88MHz clock. This can be changed to any value, which is supported by the device, by using the function adf5611_set_ref_clk. The current configuration can be read out using adf5612_get_ref_clk.The input reference clock value for the function will have to be expressed in KHz.

Reference Divider Configuration

On the reference input path there is a divider, allowing the input reference frequency to be divided by up to 16383. Default this is set to 2 and can be changed using adf5611_set_ref_div. The current configuration can be read out using adf5611_get_ref_div.

Together with the reference doubler this feature will determine the PFD frequency.

Charge Pump Current Configuration

The ADF5611 has the option for 16 preset charge pump currents, ranging from 0.2 mA to 3.2 mA. By default the charge pump current is set to 3.2 mA. The supported currents can be configured using adf5611_set_cp_i API, which will expect the register value, ranging form 0 to 15, as inputs. The current configuration can be read out using adf5611_get_cp_i, which will also return the value in the same range.

In order to determine which value corresponds to your design charge pump current, please refer to the datasheet ADF5611 in the register details section for register REG0021h.

Output Frequency Configuration

The ADF5611 and ADF5612 each has a main RF output and a differential divider RF output. The main RF output range from 7300MHz to 14600MHz, and the differential divided output is between 57MHz to 14600MHz for ADF5611, while ADF5612 has a similar minimum main RF output frequency but has maximum main RF output as well as divided output of 8500MHz. The main RF output can be reconfigured by using the adf5611_set_rfout API. The output frequency set by the API is expressed in Hz. The previously configured output frequency can be read out using adf5611_get_rfout.

This attribute will only set the main RFOUT frequency. While the differential output depends on this attribute settings, its output is determined by the Ouput divider settings.

Output Power Configuration

The output power of the RFOUT frequency can be configured using adf5611_set_output_power API. The current configuration can be read out using adf5611_get_output_power.

The Power of the RFOUT frequency is between 0 to 3 with 3 being the default.

Reference Divider Configuration

On the differential ouput path there is a divider, allowing the main RFOUT frequency to be divided evenly up to 128. By default, this is set to 1, which is equal to the RFOUT frequency and can be changed using adf5611_set_rfoutdiv_divider. The current configuration can be read out using adf5611_get_rfoutdiv_divider.

Differential Divider Output Power Configuration

The differential divider output power can be configured using adf5611_set_rfoutdiv_power API. The current configuration can also be read out using adf5611_get_rfoutdiv_power.

The Power of differential output is between 0 to 3 with 3 being the default.

Differential Output Enable Configuration

The differential ouput path can be activated independently without affecting the main RF output using adf5611_set_en_rfoutdiv API. The API expects a boolean value to enable or disable the path. The current status can be determined using the adf5611_get_en_rfoutdiv API.

By default the path is disabled. 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled.

ADF5611 Frequency Generation

Frequency Setting

As mentioned above, using the default values the generated frequency will be of 12 GHz. This frequency depends on all of the previous configurations and is recalculated based on them using the adf5611_set_rfout API. When the API is called, it will calculate the VCO frequency, the integer and fractional parts of the feedback loop for the PLL while trying to obtain the configured output frequency. The API will also write the corresponding registers with the computed values.

ADF5611 Driver Initialization Example

SPI Communication Example

    struct adf5611_dev *dev;
    int ret;

    struct no_os_uart_init_param adf5611_uart_ip = {
            .device_id = UART_DEVICE_ID,
    .irq_id = UART_IRQ_ID,
    .asynchronous_rx = true,
    .baud_rate = UART_BAUDRATE,
    .size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
    .parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_NO,
    .stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_1_BIT,
    .extra = UART_EXTRA,
    .platform_ops = UART_OPS,

    struct no_os_spi_init_param adf5611_spi_ip = {
            .device_id = SPI_DEVICE_ID,
    .max_speed_hz = 1500000,
    .bit_order = NO_OS_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST,
    .mode = NO_OS_SPI_MODE_0,
    .platform_ops = SPI_OPS,
    .chip_select = SPI_CS,
    .extra = SPI_EXTRA,

struct no_os_i2c_init_param adf5611_i2c_ip = {
    .device_id = I2C_DEVICE_ID,
    .platform_ops = I2C_OPS,
    .max_speed_hz = 100000,
    .extra = I2C_EXTRA,
    .slave_address = 0x54

struct eeprom_24xx32a_init_param adf5611_eeprom_init_param = {
    .i2c_init = &adf5611_i2c_ip,

struct no_os_eeprom_init_param adf5611_eeprom_ip = {
    .device_id = 5,
    .platform_ops = &eeprom_24xx32a_ops,
    .extra = &adf5611_eeprom_init_param,

    struct adf4368_init_param adf5611_ip = {
            .spi_init = &adf5611_spi_ip,
    .spi4wire = true,
    .cmos_3v3 = false,
    .ref_clk_freq = 122880000,
    .rfout_freq = 12000000000,
    .ref_div = 2,
    .cp_i = 15,
    .bleed_word = 17,
    .ld_count = 12,
    .id = ID_ADF5611,

    ret = adf5611_init(&dev, &adf5611_ip);
    if (ret)
            goto error;

    ret = adf5611_set_freq(dev, 12000000000);
    if (ret)
            goto error;

ADF5611 no-OS IIO support

The ADF5611 IIO driver comes on top of ADF5611 driver and offers support for interfacing IIO clients through IIO lib.

ADF5611 IIO Device Configuration

Device Attributes

ADF5611 and ADF5612 has only one channel for the the RF output frequency, which makes most of the attributes, device attributes.

The attributes are:

  • reference_frequency - Sets the current Reference Frequency.

  • reference_divider - Sets the current Reference Divider ratio.

  • charge_pump_current - Sets the current Charge Pump Configuration.

  • charge_pump_current_available - Returns the available Charge Pump Currents.

  • rfoutdiv_power - Sets the current Differential Divider Output Power.

  • rfoutdiv_divider - Sets the current Differential Divider ratio.

  • rfoutdiv_divider_available - Returns the available Differential Divider Ratios.

  • en_rfoutdiv - Enables or Disables the Differential Output path.

Device Channels

ADF5611 and ADF5612 IIO device has 1 output channel which corresponds to the RF output frequency.

Which is represented as:

  • output altvoltage0 - corresponding to channel 1 on the device

The channel has 2 attributes:

  • rfout_frequency - Sets the current RF Output Frequency.

  • rfout_power - Sets the current RF Output Power.

ADF5611 IIO Driver Initialization Example

    struct adf5611_iio_dev *adf5611_iio_dev;
    struct adf5611_iio_dev_init_param adf5611_iio_ip;
    struct iio_app_desc *app;
    struct iio_app_init_param app_init_param = { 0 };
    struct iio_ctx_attr *context_attributes;
    int ret;

    struct no_os_uart_init_param adf5611_uart_ip = {
    .device_id = UART_DEVICE_ID,
    .irq_id = UART_IRQ_ID,
    .asynchronous_rx = true,
    .baud_rate = UART_BAUDRATE,
    .size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
    .parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_NO,
    .stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_1_BIT,
    .extra = UART_EXTRA,
    .platform_ops = UART_OPS,

struct no_os_spi_init_param adf5611_spi_ip = {
    .device_id = SPI_DEVICE_ID,
    .max_speed_hz = 1500000,
    .bit_order = NO_OS_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST,
    .mode = NO_OS_SPI_MODE_0,
    .platform_ops = SPI_OPS,
    .chip_select = SPI_CS,
    .extra = SPI_EXTRA,

struct no_os_i2c_init_param adf5611_i2c_ip = {
    .device_id = I2C_DEVICE_ID,
    .platform_ops = I2C_OPS,
    .max_speed_hz = 100000,
    .extra = I2C_EXTRA,
    .slave_address = 0x54

struct eeprom_24xx32a_init_param adf5611_eeprom_init_param = {
    .i2c_init = &adf5611_i2c_ip,

struct no_os_eeprom_init_param adf5611_eeprom_ip = {
    .device_id = 5,
    .platform_ops = &eeprom_24xx32a_ops,
    .extra = &adf5611_eeprom_init_param,

struct adf5611_init_param adf5611_ip = {
    .spi_init = &adf5611_spi_ip,
    .spi4wire = true,
    .cmos_3v3 = false,
    .ref_clk_freq = 122880000,
    .rfout_freq = 12000000000,
    .ref_div = 2,
    .cp_i = 15,
    .bleed_word = 17,
    .ld_count = 12,
    .id = ID_ADF5611,

    adf5611_iio_ip.adf5611_dev_init = &adf5611_ip;
    ret = adf5611_iio_init(&adf5611_iio_dev, &adf5611_iio_ip);
    if (ret)
            return ret;

    struct iio_app_device iio_devices[] = {
                    .name = "adf5611",
                    .dev = adf5611_iio_dev,
                    .dev_descriptor = adf5611_iio_dev->iio_dev,

struct no_os_eeprom_desc *eeprom_dev;
    ret = eeprom_24xx32a_ops.init(&eeprom_dev, &adf5611_eeprom_ip);
            return ret;
    char board_name[17] ={0};
    char hw_mezz[25];
    uint32_t eeprom_address = 0x1B;

    ret =, eeprom_address,
                    (uint8_t *)board_name, sizeof(board_name));
            return ret;
    int i, index = 0;
    for (i = 0; board_name[i] != '\0'; i++)
            if (isalnum((unsigned char)board_name[i]) || board_name[i] == '-') {
                    hw_mezz[index++] = board_name[i];
    hw_mezz[index] = '\0';

    ret = eeprom_24xx32a_ops.remove(eeprom_dev);
            return ret;

    context_attributes = (struct iio_ctx_attr *)calloc(NUM_CTX_ATTR,
    context_attributes[0].name = "hw_mezzanine";
    context_attributes[0].value = hw_mezz;
    context_attributes[1].name = "hw_carrier";
    context_attributes[1].value = HW_CARRIER;
    context_attributes[2].name = "hw_name";
    context_attributes[2].value = ACTIVE_DEVICE_NAME;
    context_attributes[3].name = "hw_vendor";
    context_attributes[3].value = ACTIVE_DEVICE_VENDOR;

    app_init_param.devices = iio_devices;
    app_init_param.nb_devices = NO_OS_ARRAY_SIZE(iio_devices);
    app_init_param.uart_init_params = adf5611_uart_ip;
    app_init_param.ctx_attrs = context_attributes;
    app_init_param.nb_ctx_attr = NUM_CTX_ATTR;

    ret = iio_app_init(&app, app_init_param);
    if (ret)
            goto exit;