LTC7871 no-OS driver

Supported Devices



The LTC7871 is a high performance bidirectional buck or boost switching regulator controller that operates in either buck or boost mode on demand. It regulates in buck mode from VHIGH-to-VLOW and boost mode from VLOW-to-VHIGH depending on a control signal, making it ideal for 48V/12V automotive dual battery systems. An accurate current programming loop regulates the maximum current that can be delivered in either direction. The LTC7871 allows both batteries to supply energy to the load simultaneously by driving energy from either battery to the other.

Its proprietary constant frequency current mode architecture enhances the signal-to-noise ratio enabling low noise operation and provides excellent current matching between phases. Additional features include an SPI-compliant serial interface, discontinuous or continuous mode of operation, OV/UV monitors, independent loop compensation for buck and boost operation, accurate inductor current monitoring and overcurrent protection.

The LTC7871 is available in a 64 pin 10mm × 10mm LWE package.



  • Automotive 48V/12V Dual Battery Systems

  • Backup Power Systems

LTC7871 Device Configuration

Driver Initialization

In order to be able to use the device, you will have to provide the support for the communication protocol (SPI).

The first API to be called is ltc7871_init. Make sure that it returns 0, which means that the driver was initialized correctly.

Reseting LT8491

All write/read registers can be reset via ltc7871_reset. It writes 1 to the reset bit of chip_ctrl register which resets all registers.

Monitoring Fault Condition

Fault condition can be read and monitored via several registers. ltc7871_get_mfr_fault provides the unit'faults condition, ltc7871_get_mfr_oc_fault provides unit's overcurrent fault condition. ltc7871_get_mfr_noc_fault. gives the unit's negative overcurrent condition.

Monitoring Configuration of controller programmed by pins

Using ltc7871_get_mfr_config1_setting setcur pin, DRVcc and maximum current sense can be monitored. ltc7871_get_mfr_config1_setting provide the modes of the device. It tells if the module is on burst mode, DCM, Hi-Z mode, spread spectrum mode and boost/buck mode operation.

Managing communcation fault

LTC7871 communication operates via SPI. Every transaction should contain parity error checking byte to ensure fata inegrity. By using ltc7871_clear_pec_fault and ltc7871_clear_pec_fault, managing/ handling fault related to PEC can be handled.

IDAC configuration

There are three DAC registers that determines vlow and vhigh and setcur by controlling the current magnitude and direction.

To control these, this APIs can be used: ltc7871_get_mfr_idac_vlow/ltc7871_set_mfr_idac_vlow ltc7871_get_mfr_idac_vhigh/ltc7871_set_mfr_idac_vhigh ltc7871_get_mfr_idac_setcur/ltc7871_set_mfr_idac_setcur

Writing on these DAC registers can also be restricted via ltc7871_is_write_protected/ltc7871_set_write_protect

LTC7871 Driver Initialization Example

struct ltc7871_device *dev;

struct no_os_uart_init_param ltc7871_uart_ip = {
        .device_id = UART_DEVICE_ID,
        .baud_rate = UART_BAUDRATE,
        .size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
        .platform_ops = UART_OPS,
        .parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_NO,
        .stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_1_BIT,
        .extra = UART_EXTRA,

struct no_os_spi_init_param ltc7871_spi_ip = {
        .device_id = SPI_DEVICE_ID,
        .extra = SPI_EXTRA,
        .max_speed_hz = SPI_BAUDRATE,
        .platform_ops = SPI_OPS,
        .chip_select = SPI_CS,
        .bit_order = NO_OS_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST,
        .mode = NO_OS_SPI_MODE_0

struct no_os_gpio_init_param ltc7871_pwmen_ip = {
        .port = GPIO_PWMEN_PORT_NUM,
        .pull = NO_OS_PULL_NONE,
        .number = GPIO_PWMEN_PIN_NUM,
        .platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
        .extra = GPIO_EXTRA

struct ltc7871_init_param ltc7871_ip = {
        .spi = &ltc7871_spi_ip,
        .gpio_pwmen = &ltc7871_pwmen_ip,

ret = ltc7871_init(&ltc7871_dev, &ltc7871_ip);
if (ret)
        goto error;

LTC7871 no-OS IIO support

The LT8491 IIO driver comes on top of the LTC7871 driver and offers support for interfacing IIO clients through libiio.

LTC7871 IIO Device Configuration

Channel Attributes

Debug Attributes

The device has a total of 29 debug attributes:

  • vhigh_ov - The OVLOW pin is higher than 1.2V threshold.

  • vhigh_uv - The OVHIGH pin is higher than 1.2V threshold

  • drvcc_uv - The DRVCC pin is undervoltage

  • v5_uv - The V5 pin is undervoltage

  • vref_bad - The internal reference self-check fails

  • over_temp - An over temperature fault has occurred

  • OC_FAULT_[1-6] - Channel x overcurrent fault has occurred

  • NOC_FAULT_[1-6] - Channel x negative overcurrent fault has occurred

  • ss_done - The soft-start is finished.

  • max_current - The maximum current programmed by the ILIM pin is reached.

  • pgood - The regulated VLOW/VHIGH is within ±10% regulation windows

  • sercur_warning - The SETCUR pin is programmed to be above 1.25V

  • drvcc_set - DRVCC value

  • ilim_set - maximum current sense threshold

  • burst - The controller is in burst mode operation.

  • dcm - The controller is in DCM.

  • hiz - The controller is in Hi-Z mode.

  • sprd - The controller is in spread spectrum mode.

  • buck_boost - buc/boost mode operation

Global Attributes

The device has a total of 8 debug attributes:

  • reset - reset al W/R registers.

  • pec_fault - pec fault bit indicating communication error.

  • write_protect - protects IDAC registers from write.

  • idac_vlow - current DAC values for Vlow.

  • idac_vhigh - current DAC values for Vhigh.

  • idac_setcur - current DAC values for Vsetcur.

  • freq_spread_range - frequency spread range.

  • mod_freq - Modulation signal frequency.

LTC7871 IIO Driver Initialization Example

int ret;

struct ltc7871_iio_dev *ltc7871_iio_dev;
struct ltc7871_iio_dev_init_param ltc7871_iio_ip = {
        .ltc7871_init_param = &ltc7871_ip,

struct iio_app_desc *app;
struct iio_app_init_param app_init_param = { 0 };

ret = ltc7871_iio_init(&ltc7871_iio_dev, &ltc7871_iio_ip);
if (ret)
        goto exit;

struct iio_app_device iio_devices[] = {
                .name = "ltc7871",
                .dev = ltc7871_iio_dev,
                .dev_descriptor = ltc7871_iio_dev->iio_dev,

app_init_param.devices = iio_devices;
app_init_param.nb_devices = NO_OS_ARRAY_SIZE(iio_devices);
app_init_param.uart_init_params = ltc7871_uart_ip;

ret = iio_app_init(&app, app_init_param);
if (ret)
        goto remove_iio_ltc7871;

ret = iio_app_run(app);