AD5293 no-OS driver
Supported Devices
The AD5293 is a single-channel, 1024-position digital potentiometer with a <1% end-to-end resistor tolerance error. The AD5293 performs the same electronic adjustment function as a mechanical potentiometer with enhanced resolution, solid state reliability, and superior low temperature coefficient performance. This device is capable of operating at high voltages and supporting both dual-supply operation at ±10.5 V to ±15 V and single-supply operation at 21 V to 30 V. (in this documentation, the terms digital potentiometer and RDAC are used interchangeably)
The AD5293 contains a serial interface (SYNC, SCLK, DIN, and SDO) that is compatible with SPI standards, as well as most DSPs. The device allows data to be written to every register via the SPI.
Mechanical potentiometer replacement
Instrumentation: gain and offset adjustment
Programmable voltage-to-current conversion
Programmable filters, delays, and time constants
Programmable power supply
Low resolution DAC replacements
Sensor calibration
Device Configuration
Single Chips Use
Single chip use is compatible for normal SPI device hardware topology. For this configuration set chip num to 1 in initilazation struct.
Multiple Chips Use
Multiple chips could be used in application, daisy chaining topology can minimizes the number of port pins required from the controlling IC. For this driver, if more than 1 chip are used, daisy-chain hardware topology is required. All RESET pins are required to connect together. For this configuration set chip num greater than 1 in initilazation struct.
Device Operation
Write Operation
In order to write to the RDAC calibration mode, you will need to call the ad5293_update_cali to update calibration on specific chip struct, then call the ad5293_write_cali to perform a write performance.
In order to write to the RDAC wiper value, you will need to call the ad5293_update_wiper to update wiper value on specific chip struct, then call the ad5293_write_cali to perform a write performance. RDAC register write protect register is only unlocked in ad5293_write_cali to pervent undesired wiper write.
Each write perform will write all chips, for multiple chips application, update all relevant data before perform write.
Read Operation
In order to read the RDAC calibration mode, you will need to call the ad5293_read_reg_cali, calibration mode will be updated to chip struct.
In order to read the RDAC wiper value, you will need to call the ad5293_read_reg_wiper, wiper value will be updated to chip struct.
In order to read the RDAC chips, you will need to call the ad5293_hard_reset to implement hardware reset with a low-to-high transition of the hardware RESET pin, or call the ad5293_soft_reset to implement software reset through SPI interface. After reset, RDAC registers are loaded with midscale, the control registers are restored with default bits.
Minimize The SDO Power Dissipation
The SDO pin contains an open-drain N-channel FET that requires a pull-up resistor if this pin is used. This pin could be place in by calling ad5293_sdo_setfloat high impedence to minimize power dissipation. ( User should be careful with this operation, SPI comminications integrity may be affected)
Get Data
In order to get the RDAC calibration mode or wiper value from chips struct, you will need to call the ad5293_get_cali or ad5293_get_wiper, which returns data of specified chip.
RDAC can be placed in a special state in which Terminal A is open-circuited and Wiper W is connected to Terminal B, this is shutdown mode. Contents in RDAC are not changed and all command through SPI are supported in this mode. In order to RDAC to shut down mode, call ad5293_shutdown and input parameter from enmu type shutdown_t.
Driver Initialization
In order to be able to use the device, you will have to provide the support for the communication protocol (SPI) as mentioned above.
Device Struct Description
struct ad5293_dev {
/* SPI */
struct no_os_spi_desc *spi_desc;
/* GPIO */
struct no_os_gpio_desc *gpio_reset;
/* number of chips */
uint16_t chip_num;
/* pointer of chip struct */
struct ad5293_chip_info* chip; //point to chip 0
- ad5293_dev
overall device information holder, multiple chips are regards as one device
- no_os_spi_desc
no-os lib definded spi device instance handler
- no_os_gpio_desc
no-os lib definded gpio instance handler for reset pin
- chip_num
number of chip
- ad5293_chip_info
pointer to allocated memory for ad5293_chip_info structs, total amount is chip_num*sizeof(ad5293_chip_info), different chip information is accessed by different pointer offset(array operation)
Driver Initialization Example
An initialization and test example on stm32 could be
#define RESET_PORT 0 //PORT A
#define RESET_PIN 11
#define RDAC_CS_PORT 1 //PORT B
#define RDAC_CS_PIN 12
uint32_t get_spi2_clock(void);
//adi device pointer define
struct ad5293_dev* pad5293_dev;
uint32_t get_spi2_clock(void)
void rdac_init(void)
int32_t ret = 0;
struct ad5293_init_param rdac_init;
//start timer 5 as delay counter
struct no_os_gpio_init_param RESET_init;
struct stm32_gpio_init_param RESET_init_stm;
RESET_init.port = RESET_PORT;
RESET_init.number = RESET_PIN;
RESET_init.pull = NO_OS_PULL_NONE;
RESET_init.platform_ops = & stm32_gpio_ops;
RESET_init.extra = (void*) & RESET_init_stm;
RESET_init_stm.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP;
RESET_init_stm.speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH;
RESET_init_stm.alternate = 0;
rdac_init.gpio_reset = & RESET_init;
//spi GPIO init struct preparation
struct stm32_spi_init_param stm32_spi_init;
stm32_spi_init.chip_select_port = RDAC_CS_PORT; //GPIO CS PORT
stm32_spi_init.get_input_clock = & get_spi2_clock;
stm32_spi_init.alternate = 0;
rdac_init.spi_init.extra = (void*) & stm32_spi_init;
rdac_init.spi_init.platform_ops = & stm32_spi_ops;
rdac_init.spi_init.device_id = 2; //spi device 1
rdac_init.spi_init.max_speed_hz = 200 * 1000; //3mHz
rdac_init.spi_init.chip_select = RDAC_CS_PIN; //GPIO CS PIN
rdac_init.spi_init.mode = NO_OS_SPI_MODE_1;
rdac_init.spi_init.bit_order = NO_OS_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST;
rdac_init.spi_init.platform_delays.cs_delay_first = 0; //delay before transfer
rdac_init.spi_init.platform_delays.cs_delay_last = 0; //delay after transfer
rdac_init.chip_num = 6;
ret = ad5293_init( & pad5293_dev, & rdac_init);
printf("rdac init error. \r\n");
void rdac_test(void)
int i, cali_val[pad5293_dev->chip_num];
int16_t wp_value[pad5293_dev->chip_num];
for(i = 0;i < pad5293_dev->chip_num;i++)
ad5293_update_cali(pad5293_dev, CALI_NORMAL, i);
ad5293_update_wiper(pad5293_dev, 768, i);
for(i = 0;i < pad5293_dev->chip_num;i++)
cali_val[i] = ad5293_get_cali(pad5293_dev, i);
wp_value[i] = ad5293_get_wiper(pad5293_dev, i);
ad5293_shutdown(pad5293_dev, SHUTDOWN);
ad5293_shutdown(pad5293_dev, NORMAL);
for(i = 0;i < pad5293_dev->chip_num;i++)
ad5293_update_cali(pad5293_dev, CALI_NORMAL, i);
ad5293_update_wiper(pad5293_dev, 256, i);