LT8491 no-OS driver
Supported Devices
The LT8491 is a buck-boost switching regulator battery charger that implements a constant-current constant-voltage (CCCV) charging profile used for most battery types, including sealed lead-acid (SLA), flooded, gel and lithium-ion.
The device operates from input voltages above, below or equal to the output voltage and can be powered by a solar panel or a DC power supply. On-chip logic provides automatic maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for solar powered applications. The LT8491 can perform automatic temperature compensation by sensing an external thermistor thermally coupled to the battery. The STATUS pin can be used to drive an LED indicator lamp. The device is available in a low profile (0.75mm) 7mm x 11mm 64-lead QFN package.
Solar Powered Battery Chargers
Multiple Types of Lead-Acid Battery Charging
Li-Ion Battery Charger
Battery Equipped Industrial or Portable Military Equipment
LT8491 Device Configuration
Driver Initialization
In order to be able to use the device, you will have to provide the support for the communication protocol (I2C).
The first API to be called is lt8491_init. Make sure that it returns 0, which means that the driver was initialized correctly.
Restarting LT8491
The startup sequence is initiated when the VDD pin rises above 2.7V (typical). If the device is already powered on, the startup sequence can be re-initiated via lt8491_restart_chip API. This resets the device register values.
Enabling or Disabling Charger
Enabling or disabling charger is done using lt8491_write_enable API. This can also be read using lt8491_read_enable API. Enabling charger starts battery charging, restricts I2C write access, and commences telemetry acquisition.
Charging Status
The charging status can be read via lt8491_read_charging_status API.
1 indicates that battery charging is ongoing in one of the 4 charging stages (Stage 0 to 3).
0 indicates that the charging is not active, and the power stage has been turned off. This is indicated due to any of the following conditions:
The charging logic is disabled
The charging has been stopped due to a fault condition
The charging has reached the done charging stage
The charging logic was recently enabled but the logic hasn’t started Stage 0 charging yet
Charging Stage
The charging stage can be read via lt8491_read_charging_stage API. Values read can be any of the following:
‘0’ - Stage 0
‘1’ - Stage 1
‘2’ - Stage 2
‘3’ - Stage 3
‘d’ - Done Charging
Configuring Telemetry
Specific device registers must contain valid data before the LT8491 can properly calculate telemetry for volts, amprs, power, and efficiency. The contents of these registers don’t affect any aspect of the charger’s operation. The contents of these registers are only used by the LT8491 to calculate the read-only telemetry values.
These register values can be set via setting the resistor values inside lt8491_init_param and using lt8491_configure_telemetry API.
Telemetry Acquisition
TBAT - battery temperature in millidegrees Celsius read via lt8491_read_tbat API
POUT - power delivered out of the charger in milliWatts read via lt8491_read_pout API
PIN - power draw from VIN supply in milliWatts read via lt8491_read_pin API
EFF - power conversion efficiency in 0.001 % read via lt8491_read_efficiency API
IOUT - current flowing out of the charger in milliamps read via lt8491_read_iout API
IIN - current flowing into the charger in milliamps read via lt8491_read_iin API
VBAT - battery voltage in millivolts read via lt8491_read_vbat API
VIN - input voltage from the supply in millivolts read via lt8491_read_vin API
Using Scratch Pad Register
The scratch pad register can be read and write via lt8491_read_scratch and lt8491_write_scratch APIs, respectively.
Serial Number
LT8491 has a unique serial number that consists of three (3) 16-bit numbers that can be read via lt8491_read_serial_id API.
LT8491 Driver Initialization Example
struct lt8491_device *dev;
struct no_os_uart_init_param uip = {
.device_id = UART_DEVICE_ID,
.baud_rate = UART_BAUDRATE,
.size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
.parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_NO,
.stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_1_BIT,
.platform_ops = UART_OPS,
.extra = UART_EXTRA,
const struct no_os_i2c_init_param lt8491_i2c_ip = {
.device_id = I2C_DEVICE_ID,
.max_speed_hz = 100000,
.slave_address = 0x10,
.platform_ops = I2C_OPS,
.extra = I2C_EXTRA,
struct lt8491_init_param lt8491_ip = {
.i2c_init_param = lt8491_i2c_ip,
.rsense1_micro_ohms = 5000,
.rimon_out_ohms = 124000,
.rsense2_micro_ohms = 3000,
.rdaco_ohms = 64900,
.rfbout1_ohms = 113000,
.rfbout2_ohms = 10000,
.rdaci_ohms = 7000,
.rfbin2_ohms = 3480,
.rfbin1_ohms = 10200,
ret = lt8491_init(&dev, <8491_ip);
if (ret)
goto error;
LT8491 no-OS IIO support
The LT8491 IIO driver comes on top of the LT8491 driver and offers support for interfacing IIO clients through libiio.
LT8491 IIO Device Configuration
Channel Attributes
LT8491 has a total of 10 channel attributes:
in_temp_raw - raw battery temperature value
in_temp_scale - scale that has to be applied to the raw value in order to obtain the temperature value in mC
out_current_raw - raw current value flowing out of the charger
out_current_scale - scale that has to be applied to the raw value in order to obtain the current value in mA
in_current_supply_raw - raw current value flowing into the charger
in_current_supply_scale - scale that has to be applied to the raw value in order to obtain the current value in mA
out_voltage_raw - raw battery voltage value
out_voltage_scale - scale that has to be applied to the raw value in order to obtain the voltage value in mV
in_voltage_supply_raw - raw input voltage value
in_voltage_supply_scale - scale that has to be applied to the raw value in order to obtain the voltage value in mV
Debug Attributes
The device has a total of 9 debug attributes:
pout - Power delivered out of the charger in milliWatts
pin - Power draw from VIN supply in milliWatts
efficiency - Power conversion efficiency in 0.001 %
charging_stage - Charging stage
charging_status - Charging status
enable - Enable or disable charger
reset - Restart LT8491
scratch - Scratch pad register
serial_id - Serial number
LT8491 IIO Driver Initialization Example
int ret;
struct lt8491_iio_device *lt8491_iio_dev;
struct lt8491_iio_init_param lt8491_iio_ip = {
.lt8491_init_param = <8491_ip,
struct iio_app_desc *app;
struct iio_app_init_param app_init_param = {0};
ret = lt8491_iio_init(<8491_iio_dev, <8491_iio_ip);
if (ret)
goto exit;
struct iio_app_device iio_devices[] = {
.name = "lt8491",
.dev = lt8491_iio_dev,
.dev_descriptor = lt8491_iio_dev->iio_dev,
app_init_param.devices = iio_devices;
app_init_param.nb_devices = NO_OS_ARRAY_SIZE(iio_devices);
app_init_param.uart_init_params = uip;
ret = iio_app_init(&app, app_init_param);
if (ret)
goto remove_iio_lt8491;
return iio_app_run(app);