LTC4162L no-OS driver
Supported Devices
The LTC4162-L is an advanced monolithic synchronous step-down switching battery charger and PowerPathâ„¢ manager that seamlessly manages power distribution between input sources such as wall adapters, backplanes, solar panels, etc., and a rechargeable Lithium-Ion/Polymer battery.
A high-resolution measurement system provides extensive telemetry information for circuit voltages, currents, battery resistance and temperature which can all be read back over the I2C port. The I2C port can also be used to configure many charging parameters including charging voltages and currents, termination algorithms and numerous system status alerts.
The LTC4162-L can charge Lithium-Ion cell stacks from 1 cell to 8 cells with as much as 3.2A of charge current. The power path topology decouples the output voltage from the battery allowing a portable product to start up instantly under very low battery voltage conditions. The LTC4162-L is available in a thermally enhanced 28-pin 4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm QFN surface mount package.
Medical Instruments
USB-C Power Delivery
Industrial Handhelds
Ruggedized Notebooks
Tablet Computers
LTC4162L Device Configuration
Driver Initialization
In order to be able to use the device, you will have to provide the support for the communication protocol (I2C).
The first API to be called is ltc4162l_init. Make sure that it returns 0, which means that the driver was initialized correctly.
Battery Count
The battery count can be acquired via ltc4162l_get_cell_count API.
Battery Chemistry Type
The battery chemistry type can be acquired via ltc4162l_get_chem_type API.
The following read register values indicates the chemistry type of the battery:
LTC4162_LAD = 0
LTC4162_L42 = 1
LTC4162_L41 = 2
LTC4162_L40 = 3
LTC4162_FAD = 4
LTC4162_FFS = 5
LTC4162_FST = 6
LTC4162_SST = 8
LTC4162_SAD = 9
Battery Charge State
The battery charge state can be acquired via ltc4162l_get_charger_state API.
The following read register values indicates the charge state of the battery:
bat_detect_failed_fault = 4096,
battery_detection = 2048,
charger_suspended = 256,
precharge = 128,
cc_cv_charge = 64,
ntc_pause = 32,
timer_term = 16,
c_over_x_term = 8,
max_charge_time_fault = 4,
bat_missing_fault = 2,
bat_short_fault = 1
Charge Status
The charging stage can be read via ltc4162l_read_charge_status API. Values read can be any of the following:
ilim_reg_active = 32,
thermal_reg_active = 16,
vin_uvcl_active = 8,
iin_limit_active = 4,
constant_current = 2,
constant_voltage = 1,
charger_off = 0
Battery Online Status
The battery charge state can be acquired via ltc4162l_get_charger_state API.
Indicates that the VIN pin voltage is sufficiently above the battery voltage to begin a charge cycle (typically +150mV).
LTC4162L Driver Initialization Example
struct ltc4162l_device *dev;
struct no_os_uart_init_param uip = {
.device_id = UART_DEVICE_ID,
.irq_id = UART_IRQ_ID,
.asynchronous_rx = true,
.baud_rate = UART_BAUDRATE,
.size = NO_OS_UART_CS_8,
.parity = NO_OS_UART_PAR_NO,
.stop = NO_OS_UART_STOP_1_BIT,
.platform_ops = UART_OPS,
.extra = UART_EXTRA,
const struct no_os_i2c_init_param ltc4162l_i2c_ip = {
.device_id = I2C_DEVICE_ID,
.max_speed_hz = 100000,
.slave_address = 0x68,
.platform_ops = I2C_OPS,
.extra = I2C_EXTRA,
struct ltc4162l_init_param ltc4162l_ip = {
.i2c_init_param = ltc4162l_i2c_ip,
.rsnsb = 1000,
.rsnsi = 1000,
.type = ID_LTC4162L,
ret = ltc4162l_init(&dev, <c4162l_ip);
if (ret)
goto error;
LTC4162L no-OS IIO support
The LTC4162L IIO driver comes on top of the LTC4162L driver and offers support for interfacing IIO clients through libiio.
LTC4162L IIO Device Configuration
Channel Attributes
LTC4162L has a total of 6 channel attributes:
in_vbat_raw - raw battery voltage value
in_avg_vbat_raw - raw average battery voltage value
in_ibat_raw - raw battery current value
in_voltage_raw - raw input voltage value
in_current_raw - raw input current value
in_temp_raw - raw battery temperature value
Debug Attributes
The device has a total of 9 debug attributes:
cell_count - Number of cells
chem_type - Battery chemistry type
charger_status - Battery charging status
charge_state - Battery charge state
online_status - Battery online status
icharge - Charge current
vcharge - Charge voltage
term_current - Termination current
telemetry - Telemetry data
LTC4162L IIO Driver Initialization Example
int ret;
struct ltc4162l_iio_device *ltc4162l_iio_dev;
struct ltc4162l_iio_init_param ltc4162l_iio_ip = {
.ltc4162l_init_param = <c4162l_ip,
struct iio_app_desc *app;
struct iio_app_init_param app_init_param = {0};
ret = ltc4162l_iio_init(<c4162l_iio_dev, <c4162l_iio_ip);
if (ret)
goto exit;
struct iio_app_device iio_devices[] = {
.name = "ltc4162l",
.dev = ltc4162l_iio_dev,
.dev_descriptor = ltc4162l_iio_dev->iio_dev,
app_init_param.devices = iio_devices;
app_init_param.nb_devices = NO_OS_ARRAY_SIZE(iio_devices);
app_init_param.uart_init_params = uip;
ret = iio_app_init(&app, app_init_param);
if (ret)
goto remove_iio_ltc4162l;
return iio_app_run(app);