ADP1050 no-OS driver
Supported Devices
The ADP1050 is an advanced digital controller with a PMBusā¢ interface targeting high density, high efficiency dc-to-dc power conversion. This controller implements voltage mode control with high speed, input voltage feedforward operation for enhanced transient and noise performance. The ADP1050 has four programmable pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs capable of controlling most high efficiency power supply topologies, with the added control of synchronous rectification (SR).
High density, isolated dc-to-dc power supplies
Intermediate bus converters
High availability parallel power systems
Server, storage, industrial, networking, and communications infrastructure
ADP1050 Device Configuration
Driver Initialization
In order to be able to use the device, you will have to provide the support for the communication protocol (I2C) alongside other GPIO pins if needed in the specific application (depends on the way the device is used).
The first API to be called is adp1050_init. Make sure that it return 0, which means that the driver was initialized correctly.
The initialization API uses the device descriptor and an initialization parameter, which contains an unsigned 8-bit integer variable on_off_config containing the information to be sent to the ON_OFF_CONFIG command in the PMBus commands which tells the device how it will be started-up, default configuration for this can be found in the header file of the driver.
VOUT Configuration
Since the device is to be connected in parallel to other circuit, VOUT is referring to the VS pins which are actually Voltage Input pins to which a resistor divider is applied in orde to have the VS differential voltage at 1V. Depending on the resistor divider information a scale is to be set for the VOUT using the adp1050_vout_scale API.
The VOUT_COMMAND sets the output voltage referrence which commands the PWMs (actual outputs of the ADP1050), if the voltage sensed by the VS pins is greater than VOUT_COMMAND, the PWMs will be set off, regarding the state set by the user. Also the VOUT_MAX value can be changed with the same API, and this applies a limit to the previous mentioned VOUT_COMMAND. The API used for setting these two values is adp1050_vout_value.
VOUT also has an offset that can be set in order to correctly sense the voltage output of the parallel-connected circuit using adp1050_vout_offset API, and also a transition rate using adp1050_vout_tr API.
For VOUT margins can also be set for the case where at the start-up of the device margin low/high values will be used for the voltage output value using adp1050_vout_margin API.
Voltage value sensed on the VS pins can be read using adp1050_read_vsense API, correct values will be returned only if vout scale is set using the previous mentioned API.
VIN Configuration
VIN_ON and VIN_OFF command values can be set using adp1050_set_vin API and they refer to the input voltage at which the unit starts, respectively stops the power conversion.
More than that the value of the input voltage(value read at the VF pin) can be read using adp1050_read_value API, and correct values will be returned only if VIN_SCALE_MONITOR command value is written accordingly to the datasheet using adp1050_write API.
CS1 Configuration
Current Sense fast fault configuration and limit reference can be set using adp1050_set_climit API, and other settings as debounce time and leading edge can be set using adp1050_set_cs1_settings API.
Also the currrent value at the CS1 pin can be read using adp1050_read_value, and will return correct values only if the IN_SCALE_MONITOR command value is written accordingly to the datasheet using adp1050_write API.
Status Configuration
Statuses bytes/words of the device can be read using adp1050_read_status API.
PWM configuration
PWMs duty-cycle and modulation can be set using the adp1050_pwm_duty_cycle andd adp1050_pwm_modulation API but also each PWM can be enabled using adp1050_set_pwm API which also selects the frequency of the specific set PWM channel.
Feedforward and Pulse Skipping configuration
Feedforward operation at the VF pin can be set using adp1050_set_feedforward API and also Pulse Skipping can be set using adp1050_pulse_skipping API. Pulse Skipping can be set only if open-loop operation is set for the device.
Loop Configuration
The ADP1050 can be set to work on a closed-loop using adp1050_set_close_loop API or on a open-loop using adp1050_set_open_loop.
Frequency Synchronization
Frequency Synchronization can be disabled or enabled using adp1050_freq_sync API if the SYNI/FLGI pin is used as a SYNI pin.
FLGI pin configuration
FLGI pin response can be set using the adp1050_set_flgi_response if SYNI/FLGI pin is set as an FLGI pin.
Trim configuration
VOUT/VIN/IIN can be trimmed accordingly to the datasheet values using the adp1050_trim API.
Passwords configuration
Passwords for the CHIP/EEPROM/TRIM commands can be unlocked, locked and changed using adp1050_unlock_pass, adp1050_lock_pass and adp1050_change_pass APIs.
Software Reset Configuration
Software Reset operation is available through adp1050_software_reset API.
ADP1050 Driver Initialization Example
struct adp1050_desc *adp1050_desc;
struct no_os_i2c_init_param adp1050_i2c_ip = {
.device_id = 0,
.max_speed_hz = 100000,
.platform_ops = &max_i2c_ops,
.slave_address = ADP1050_PMBUS_10KOHM_ADDRESS,
.extra = &adp1050_i2c_extra,
struct no_os_gpio_init_param adp1050_pg_alt_ip = {
.port = 0,
.number = 24,
.pull = NO_OS_PULL_NONE,
.platform_ops = &max_gpio_ops,
.extra = *&adp1050_gpio_extra_ip,
struct adp1050_init_param adp1050_ip = {
.i2c_param = &adp1050_i2c_ip,
.pg_alt_param = &adp1050_pg_alt_ip,
.flgi_param = NULL,
.syni_param = NULL,
.on_off_config = ADP1050_ON_OFF_DEFAULT_CFG,
ret = adp1050_init(&adp1050_desc, &adp1050_ip);
if (ret)
goto error;
ADP1050 no-OS IIO support
The ADP1050 IIO driver comes on top of the ADP1050 driver and offers support for interfacing IIO clients through libiio.
ADP1050 IIO Device Configuration
Input Channel Attributes
VOUT/VIN/IIN/TEMP channels are the input channels of the ADP1050 IIO device and each of them has a total of 2 channel attributes:
raw - the raw value of the channel
scale - the scale value of the channel calculated accordingly to each specific channel using a priv
Output Channel Attributes
OUTA/OUTB/SR1/SR2 channels are thee output channels of the ADP1050 IIO device and each of them has a total of 7 channel attributes:
enable - state of the channel
enable_available - list of available states for the channel
frequency - frequency of the channel, all channels share the same frequency
frequency_available - list of available frequency for the output channels
duty_cycle - duty cylce value for the channel
modulation - modulation of the channel
modulation_available - types of modulation available for the output channels
Global Attributes
The device has a total of 13 global attributes:
vout_command - VOUT_COMMAND value of the device
vout_margin_low - VOUT_MARGIN_LOW value of the device
vout_margin_high - VOUT_MARGIN_HIGH value of the device
vout_scale_monitor - VOUT_SCALE_MONITOR value of the device
vout_offset - VOUT_OFFSET value of the device
freq_sync - Frequency synchronization state of the device
freq_sync_available - Frequency synchronization avilable states of the device
feedforward - Feedforward state of the device
feedforward_available - Feedforward avilable states of the device
loop - loop operation mode of the device
loop_available - loop operation modes available for the device
pulse_skipping - pulse skipping state of the device, can be enabled only in open-loop mode
pulse_skipping_available - pulse skipping available states of the device
Debug Attributes
status_vout - VOUT status byte value of the device
status_input - INPUT status byte value of the device
status_temperature - TEMPERATURE status byte value of the device
status_cml - CML status byte value of the device
status_word - Status word value of the device
ADP1050 IIO Driver Initialization Example
int ret;
struct adp1050_iio_desc *adp1050_iio_desc;
struct adp1050_iio_desc_init_param adp1050_iio_ip = {
.adp1050_init_param = &adp1050_ip,
.vout_scale_monitor = 0xA155,
.vin_scale_monitor = 0xB033,
.iin_scale_monitor = 0x01,
struct iio_app_desc *app;
struct iio_app_init_param app_init_param = { 0 };
ret = adp1050_iio_init(&adp1050_iio_desc, &adp1050_iio_ip);
if (ret)
goto exit;
struct iio_app_device iio_devices[] = {
.name = "adp1050",
.dev = adp1050_iio_desc,
.dev_descriptor = adp1050_iio_desc->iio_dev,
app_init_param.devices = iio_devices;
app_init_param.nb_devices = NO_OS_ARRAY_SIZE(iio_devices);
app_init_param.uart_init_params = adp1050_uart_ip;
ret = iio_app_init(&app, app_init_param);
if (ret)
goto remove_iio_adp1050;
return iio_app_run(app);