ADE7816 no-OS documentation

Supported Devices

ADE7816 <>


The ADE7816 is a highly accurate, multichannel metering device that is capable of measuring one voltage channel and up to six current channels. It measures line voltage and current and calculates active and reactive energy, as well as instantaneous rms voltage and current. The device incorporates seven sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) ADCs with a high accuracy energy measurement core. The six current input channels allow multiple loads to be measured simultaneously. The voltage channel and the six current channels each have a complete signal path allowing for a full range of measurements. Each input channel supports a flexible gain stage and is suitable for use with current transformers (CTs). Six on- chip digital integrators facilitate the use of the Rogowski coil sensors.

ADE7816 Device Configuration

Both SPI or I2C communication protocols are supported but only one can be used and it is to be set at the device initialization.

The first API to be called is ade7816_init. Make sure that it returns 0, which means that the driver was initialized correctly.

Active and Reactive Energy Measurements

Bot active and reactive energy can be read from their registers by using either ade7816_read_active_energy or ade7816_read_reactive_energy APIs, more to this active and reactive energy threshold values can be set depending on the desired update rate.

Line-Cycle mode and no-load conditions can be set by using ade7816_set_lcycle_mode API and ade7816_set_no_load API.

Root Mean Square Measurement

The RMS value for any channel can be read using ade7816_read_rms API.


Gain, offset, phase and rms can be calibrated by using the following APIs: ade7816_set_gain, ade7816_set_offset, ade7816_set_phase and ade7816_calib_rms.

Group Selection

Channels can be grouped in thirds (A,B,C or D,E,F) by using ade7816_group_sel API, more to this zero-crossing, peak detection, power direction and angle measurements are available by using the following APIs: ade7816_zx_detect, ade7816_peak_detect, ade7816_power_dir and ade7816_angle_meas.

Interrupt Configuration

Each interrupt available on the IRQ0 and IRQ1 pins depending on the STATUS0 and STATUS1 registers can be configured using ade7816_set_interrupt API.

Default interrupt handlers are provided within the driver in case user doesn’t assign a callback to the initialization parameter referring to the specific IRQ pin.

Priorities for the interrupt handlers can also be configured by changing the priority variable in the initialization parameter structure before init.

For a more detailed description about interrupt priorities see : NoOS Interrupt API <>

RMS Scaling

RMS value can be scaled in microunits by using ade7816_rms_to_micro API.

ADE7816 Driver Initialization Example

struct ade7816 *ade7816;
struct no_os_spi_init_param spi_ip = {
        .device_id = 0,
        .extra = &ade7816_spi_extra,
        .max_speed_hz = 100000,
        .platform_ops = &max_spi_ops,
        .chip_select = 0,
struct ade7816_init_param max22196_ip = {
        .spi_param = &ade7816_spi_ip,
        .i2c_param = NULL,
        .reset_param = &ade7816_reset_ip,
        .ss_param = NULL,
        .gpio_irq0_param = &ade7816_gpio_irq0_ip,
        .gpio_irq1_param = NULL,
        .active_irq = ADE7816_IRQ0,
        .irq0_callback = NULL,
        .comm_type = ADE7816_SPI,
        .handle_irq0 = MXC_GPIO_GET_GPIO(2),
        .irq0_priority = 1,

/** GPIO Pin Interrupt Controller */
struct no_os_irq_ctrl_desc *gpio_irq_desc;
struct no_os_irq_init_param gpio_irq_desc_param = {
        .irq_ctrl_id = GPIO_IRQ_ID,
        .platform_ops = GPIO_IRQ_OPS,
        .extra = GPIO_IRQ_EXTRA

ret = no_os_irq_ctrl_init(&gpio_irq_desc, &gpio_irq_desc_param);
if (ret)
        goto exit;

ade7816_ip.irq_ctrl = gpio_irq_desc;

ret = ade7816_init(&ade7816, &ade7816_ip);
if (ret)
        goto error;