Unless otherwise indicated, properties are non-tunable, which means you cannot change their values after calling the object. Objects lock when you call them, and the release function unlocks them.
If a property is tunable, you can change its value at any time.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Frequency of NCO in fine decimators in receive path. Property must be a [1,N] vector where each value is the frequency of an NCO in hertz, and N is the number of channels available.
Test mode of receive path. Options are: 'off' 'midscale_short' 'pos_fullscale' 'neg_fullscale' 'checkerboard' 'pn9' 'pn32' 'one_zero_toggle' 'user' 'pn7' 'pn15' 'pn31' 'ramp'
Test mode of receive path. Options are: 'off' 'midscale_short' 'pos_fullscale' 'neg_fullscale' 'checkerboard' 'pn9' 'pn32' 'one_zero_toggle' 'user' 'pn7' 'pn15' 'pn31' 'ramp'
Test mode of receive path. Options are: 'off' 'midscale_short' 'pos_fullscale' 'neg_fullscale' 'checkerboard' 'pn9' 'pn32' 'one_zero_toggle' 'user' 'pn7' 'pn15' 'pn31' 'ramp'
Test mode of receive path. Options are: 'off' 'midscale_short' 'pos_fullscale' 'neg_fullscale' 'checkerboard' 'pn9' 'pn32' 'one_zero_toggle' 'user' 'pn7' 'pn15' 'pn31' 'ramp'
Enable use of PFIR/PFILT filters for Chip A
Enable use of PFIR/PFILT filters for Chip B
Enable use of PFIR/PFILT filters for Chip C
Enable use of PFIR/PFILT filters for Chip D
Path(s) to FPIR/PFILT filter file(s). Input can be a string or cell array of strings. Files are loading in order for Chip A
Path(s) to FPIR/PFILT filter file(s). Input can be a string or cell array of strings. Files are loading in order for Chip B
Path(s) to FPIR/PFILT filter file(s). Input can be a string or cell array of strings. Files are loading in order for Chip C
Path(s) to FPIR/PFILT filter file(s). Input can be a string or cell array of strings. Files are loading in order for Chip D
Attenuation value of external HMC425a
Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer from 2 to 16,777,216. Using values less than 3660 can yield poor performance.
Enable interpolation (TX) or decimation (RX) by 2 when enabled to correct interface rate to 125 MS/s. This will scale the input and output data length by either 1/2 (RX) or 2 (TX).
Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant
Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.QuadMxFE.Rx/uri is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base
Example Usage
%% Rx set up
rx = adi.QuadMxFE.Rx('uri','ip:analog.local');
rx.SamplesPerFrame = 2^14;
rx.EnabledChannels = 1;
%% Run
for k=1:10
valid = false;
while ~valid
[out, valid] = rx();
%% Cleanup