AD405x IIO Application

Supported Hardware

Supported Devices:

Supported Evaluation Boards:

Supported Carrier Boards:


This page gives an overview of using the ARM platforms supported firmware example with Analog Devices AD4052/AD4050 Evaluation boards and SDP-K1 controller board. This example code leverages the ADI developed IIO (Industrial Input Output) ecosystem to evaluate the AD4052 or AD4050 device by providing a device debug and data capture support.

The interface used for communicating with PC based IIO clients is either Virtual Serial Or UART. IIO Firmware leverages the ADI created no-os and platform driver software layers to communicates with IIO device.


This code has been developed and tested on the SDP-K1 Controller Board with Arduino headers. However, the same code can be used with minimal modifications on any STM32 enabled board which has Arduino Header support on it.

Hardware Connections

Required: SDP-K1 (or an STM32 board ), EVAL-AD4052 or EVAL-AD4050 board and USB cable.

Connect the EVAL-AD4052/EVAL-AD4050 board to SDP-K1 board (or an equivalent STM32 board). Connect controller board to the PC using the USB cable.

Jumper Settings

SDP-K1 :

Connect the VIO_ADJUST jumper on the SDP-K1 to 3.3V position to drive SDP-K1 GPIOs at 3.3V


Please refer to the user guide for the jumper connections on the EVAL-AD4052/AD4050 board

Communication Interface


For data transmission to IIO clients, IIO firmware applications uses Virtual Serial Or UART as primary communication links. Firmware by default uses the Virtual Serial interface for higher speed data transmission as SDP-K1 MCU board supports both Virtual Serial and UART interface. If you target a different MCU board that does not support Virtual Serial, just set UART as communication link in the firmware (app_config.h file).

SDP-K1 is powered through USB connection from the computer. SDP-K1 MCU board acts as a serial device when connected to PC, which creates a serial ports to connect to IIO client application running on PC. The serial port assigned to a device can be seen through the device manager for windows-based OS as shown below:



The serial port naming is used differently on different operating systems. For example, Linux uses terms such as dev/ttyUSB* and Mac uses terms such as dev/tty.USB*. Please check serial port naming for your selected OS.

Identifying Virtual Serial Port (Windows-OS):

To identify if serial port is virtual, right click on the port name and select ‘Properties’. Select ‘Events’ from menu option and check for below highlighted VIDs/PIDs and firmware name which is currently running on MCU.


SDP-K1 can support high speed Virtual Serial USB interface, so by default Virtual Serial is configured as default interface. The interface can be set to Physical (UART) serial port by defining macro USE_PHY_COM_PORT in the app_config.h file.

/* Enable the UART/VirtualCOM port connection (default VCOM) */
//#define USE_PHY_COM_PORT           // Uncomment to select UART

Build Guide

Build Prerequisites

Prior to building a firmware project, it is required to set up an environment so that the build process may find the necessary tools (compiler, linker, SDK etc.). Use the following steps to prepare your environment for building firmware projects for respective platform.

Building a project

Once the build enviornment is setup, follow the guide below to build your project and generate executable file (.bin/.hex)

  • Open the respective project directory by navigating into the “precision_converters_firmware/projects/” folder.

  • In the “STM32” folder present within the project directory, double click and open the .ioc file present within.

  • Click on the “Generate Code” option seen on the top right corner

  • Upon successful generation of drivers for the selected MCU, the autogenerated files would be seen in the same directory where the .ioc file was present. Double click and open the “.project” file seen in the list of files

  • After the project is loaded to the STM32CubeIDE, unfold the adxxxx_iio project seen in the project explorer, right click the “app” folder, select “Settings” under the “C/C++ Build” section on the left pane and un-check the “Exclude resources from build” checkbox. This would ensure that the project specific files are included by the build system

  • In order to choose STM32 platform in the firmware, select the “ACTIVE_PLATFORM” as “STM32_PLATFORM” in the app_config.h from the respective project. Alternately , add compiler flag “ACTIVE_PLATFORM=value of STM32_PLATFORM in app_config.h” for selecting stm32 platform.

  • Add compiler flags “-u _printf_float” to the project settings.

  • Exclude the generated file syscalls.c from the build process

  • To generate the binary file, right click on the adxxxx_iio project seen in the project explorer and select “Properties”, select “Settings” under the “C/C++ Build” section on the left pane, select “MCU Post build outputs” under “Tool Settings” section and check the “Convert to binary file (-O binary)” checkbox.
  • Build the project by right-clicking on the adxxxx_iio project seen in the project explorer and select “Build Project”

Running a project

Once the firmware build is successful and binary file is generated, copy the generated binary into USB drive hosted by your MCU board (e.g. USB drive hosted by SDP-K1 board on windows). This will flash the binary file into MCU present on the controller board. Programming might vary based on the tools used for building a project. The ‘Project Build’ section above talks about this exception at the end of all build steps.

Using the IIO Ecosystem

IIO (Industrial Input/Output) is a flexible ecosystem that allows various client tools to communicate with IIO device to configure the device, capture device data, generate waveforms, access registers, etc. Below diagram demonstrates the high level architecture of IIO ecosystem.

IIO Tools:

IIO Oscilloscope ADI IIO Oscilloscope is a cross platform GUI application, which demonstrates how to interface different evaluation boards within an IIO ecosystem. It supports raw data capture, FFT analysis, DMM measurement, device configuration, register read/write and data streaming.

pyadi-iio: Python interfaces Analog Devices python interfaces for hardware with Industrial I/O drivers. It provides python based scripts for raw data capture, device configuration and register read/write.

ACE ADI’s “Analysis, Control, Evaluation” (ACE) is a desktop software application which allows the evaluation and control of multiple evaluation systems.

Precision Converters MATLAB Toolbox Toolbox created by ADI to be used with MATLAB and Simulink with ADI Precision products.

IIO Command Line Command line interface for accessing IIO device parameters.

Pocketlab ADI Pocketlab is a display based GUI client. It supports raw data capture, FFT analysis, DMM measurement, device configuration, register read/write.


These are the general evaluation and prototyping tools for Precision Converters but not all converters are supported. In some cases these tools provide generic IIO support (e.g. ACE, IIO Oscilloscope) and can provide basic functionality with any IIO based system. In other cases if a part is not currently supported, it is possible to add support for converters that you need due to the open source nature of the tools.

IIO Firmware Structure

Below diagram illustrates the architecture of Precision Converters IIO firmware applications.



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