Help and Support for ADI FMC Cards & RF SoMs

If you have any questions regarding the:


  • Arrow ARRADIO board or

  • ADI RF SoM (ADRV9364-Z7020, ADRV9361-Z7035 or ADRV9009-ZU11EG)

or are experiencing any problems while using the board or following the user guides feel free to ask us a question. Questions can be asked on our EngineerZone support community. Calling on the phone, emailing someone directly, will only cause things to get answered in much slower manner.

Why EngineerZone? Why can’t I get one-on-one email/phone support on the AD9361? The AD9361 is a very complex part - it has over one thousand (1000) different registers with little way to understand (other than experience, and staring at things a long time) what is going on inside the part. The working system crosses many domains (RF, FIR Filter Design, driver software, HDL, user applications). One single person can’t understand the entire thing, so a single email, which is forwarded around to multiple places actually takes longer to get questions answered (and has a higher chance of getting lost), than posting them on EngineerZone (Where things are tracked, and closed). Having experts in the field monitor the EngineerZone is a better use of everyone’s time, and questions are actually answered faster for those asking. Please use it.

When asking a question please take the time to give a detailed description of your problem. Always include on which carrier platform (ZC706? ZC702? Zed, SocKit, FMC carrier, breakout (for SoMs). etc) you are currently using the card. If you are experiencing a problem please state the steps you have executed, the result you expected you would get and the result you actually got. By doing so you enable us to provide you precise and detailed answers in a timely manner.

Before asking questions please also take the time to check if somebody else already asked the same question and already got an answer. Please make sure you ask in these forums. EngineerZone is a big place, with lots of places to post questions, and it’s possible to ask a question in the wrong place, where no one familiar with these boards/parts/software monitors things, and it will go unanswered forever. Don’t get mad if this happens. The problem is between the chair and the keyboard (you). If you are posting in the right place, and the question is unanswered for a few working days, please bump the thread (we are human, and sometimes miss things).

HDL / Hardware Questions

For questions regarding the AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ, AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ or AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ hardware or the HDL reference design please state them in the FPGA Reference Designs sub-community. If you have questions about the tools, please go ask the tools vendors:

Linux Driver or Application Questions

For questions regarding the the ADI Linux distribution (which is based Linaro with Xfce desktop), the Linux drivers, or the device trees for the AD9361 or AD9364 based platforms, please use the Linux Software Drivers sub-community.

If you have generic userspace questions (how do I use a standard linux tool), we should suggest to use your favorite search tool to find that tool/utility/application support method (some use email, some use web). If you think you have found a bug specific to ARM, please report this upstream.

No-OS Questions

For questions regarding the no-OS drivers for AD9361 or AD9364, please use the Linux Software Drivers sub-community.

General AD9361 Questions

Questions about the AD9361 or AD9364, please use the AD9361 sub-community.

Detailed documentation on the AD9361 device can be found at: AD9361 Design support package

AD9361/4 FIR Filter Wizard

Questions about the AD936x FIR Filter Wizard can be asked on Linux Software Drivers sub-community.

GNU Radio

Questions about using the FMCOMMSx boards and GNU Radio either on a host or on the ARM target, can be asked on Software Interface Tools sub-community. Generic questions about GNU Radio should be asked on their mailing list.

Bugs / Feature Requests

If you think you have a bug to report, the best place to to this is the EngineerZone. This way we can discuss if the bug is a bug, or a feature request, or just missing documentation.

If you think you have a real bug, where you have developed a real fix (first - thanks), feel free to:

  • Post something on EngineerZone.

  • Post something on the GitHub issue tracker.

  • Fork the GitHub repository, and fix it, and then send a pull request.

Either is OK with us.

More info

For more information also check: