Digital communication
Libm2k includes bitbang implementations on a variety of protocols.
How to install it?
In the Select Additional Tasks window, select Install libm2k tools option.
How to build it?
Build and install libm2k. Instruction can be found here. Make sure to enable tools option.
Enable tools on Linux or OSX
Enable tools on Windows
Check the ENABLE_TOOLS box in CMake GUI.
There is a common structure to use for all the protocols when trying to communicate with other device using libm2k:
initialize the protocol
read/write packets
free the resources allocated by initialization
Initialization of any protocol can be split into:
specific attributes initialization
generic attributes initialization
protocol descriptor initialization
The structure that stores all ADALM-2000 specific attributes can be found in the extra header, while all generic attributes are found in the standard header. For example SPI generic attributes are found in libm2k/tools/spi.hpp, while SPI specific attributes of ADALM-2000 are found in libm2k/tools/spi_extra.hpp.
Instantiate and set all parameters of the init structure from the extra header (m2k_protocol_init).
Instantiate and set all parameters of the init structure from the standard header (protocol_init_param). This structure contains a parameter called extra. The value of this parameter is supposed to be a reference to the structure from the extra header.
Instantiate a protocol descriptor and then call the init function that will populate the descriptor with the information found in initial structures. Use this descriptor every time when a writing/reading operation is performed.
Initialization parameters:
max_speed_hz - write/read frequency
chip_select - index of any digital pin
mode - spi mode
clock - index of any digital pin
mosi - index of any digital pin
miso - index of any digital pin
bit_numbering - {LSB | MSB}
cs_polarity - {ACTIVE_LOW | ACTIVE_HIGH}
spi_init - initialize the SPI communication peripheral
desc - SPI descriptor
param - structure that contains the SPI parameters
spi_write_and_read - write and read data to/from SPI
desc - SPI descriptor
data - buffer with the transmitted/received data
bytes_number - number of bytes to write/read
spi_remove - free the resources allocated by spi_init
desc - SPI descriptor
Include headers
#include <libm2k/m2k.hpp>
#include <libm2k/contextbuilder.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/spi.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/spi_extra.hpp>
Setup SPI
libm2k::contexts::M2k context = libm2k::contexts::m2kOpen("ip:");
// first step of initialization
m2k_spi_init m2KSpiInit;
m2KSpiInit.clock = 1;
m2KSpiInit.mosi = 2;
m2KSpiInit.miso = 7;
m2KSpiInit.bit_numbering = MSB;
m2KSpiInit.context = context;
// second step of initialization
spi_init_param spiInitParam;
spi_init_param.max_speed_hz = 1000000;
spi_init_param.mode = SPI_MODE_3;
spi_init_param.chip_select = 0;
spi_init_param.extra = (void)&m2KSpiInit;
// third step of initialization
spi_desc desc = nullptr;
spi_init(&desc, &spiInitParam);
Write data
uint8_t data[2] = {0xAB, 0xFF};
spi_write_and_read(desc, data, 2);
Remove the descriptor
libm2k::contexts::contextClose(context, true);
Initialization parameters:
max_speed_hz - write/read frequency
slave_address - 7/10 bit address
scl - index of any digital pin
sda - index of any digital pin
i2c_init - initialize the I²C communication peripheral
desc - I²C descriptor
param - structure that contains the I²C parameters
i2c_write - write data to a slave device
desc - I²C descriptor
data - buffer with the transmitted data
bytes_number - number of bytes to write
option - I²C transfer mode
1 = 7 bit addressing
3 = 7 bit addressing with repeated start
4 = 10 bit addressing
6 = 10 bit addressing with repeated start
i2c_read - read data from a slave device
desc - I²C descriptor
data - buffer with the received data
bytes_number - number of bytes to read
option - I²C transfer mode
i2c_remove - free the resources allocated by i2c_init
desc - I²C descriptor
Include headers
#include <libm2k/m2k.hpp>
#include <libm2k/contextbuilder.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/i2c.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/i2c_extra.hpp>
Setup I²C
libm2k::contexts::M2k context = libm2k::contexts::m2kOpen("ip:");
// first step of initialization
m2k_i2c_init m2KI2CInit;
m2KI2CInit.scl = 0;
m2KI2CInit.sda = 1;
m2KI2CInit.context = context;
// second step of initialization
i2c_init_param i2CInitParam;
i2CInitParam.max_speed_hz = 100000;
i2CInitParam.slave_address = 0x48;
i2CInitParam.extra = (void)&m2KI2CInit;
// third step of initialization
i2c_desc desc = nullptr;
i2c_init(&desc, &i2CInitParam);
Write and read the data
uint8_t data_write[] = {0x0B};
uint8_t data_read[] = {0};
i2c_write(desc, data_write, sizeof(data_write), i2c_general_call | i2c_repeated_start);
i2c_read(desc, data_read, sizeof(data_read), i2c_general_call);
Remove the descriptor
libm2k::contexts::contextClose(context, true);
Initialization parameters:
baud_rate - write/read frequency
device_id - index of any digital pin
parity - {NO_PARITY | ODD | EVEN | MARK | SPACE}
bits_number - {5 | 6 | 7 | 8}
stop_bits - {ONE | ONE_AND_A_HALF | TWO}
uart_init - initialize the UART communication peripheral
desc - UART descriptor
param - structure that contains the UART parameters
uart_write - write data to UART
desc - UART descriptor
data - buffer with the transmitted data
bytes_number - number of bytes to write
uart_read - read data to UART
desc - UART descriptor
data - buffer with the received data
bytes_number - number of bytes to read
uart_get_errors - check if UART errors occurred
desc - UART descriptor
uart_remove - free the resources allocated by uart_init
desc - UART descriptor
Include headers
#include <libm2k/m2k.hpp>
#include <libm2k/contextbuilder.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/uart.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/uart_extra.hpp>
Setup UART
libm2k::contexts::M2k context = libm2k::contexts::m2kOpen("ip:");
// first step of initialization
m2k_uart_init m2KUartInit;
m2KUartInit.bits_number = 8;
m2KUartInit.parity = NO_PARITY;
m2KUartInit.stop_bits = ONE;
m2KUartInit.context = context;
// second step of initialization
uart_init_param uartInitParam;
uartInitParam.device_id = 0;
uartInitParam.baud_rate = 9600;
uartInitParam.extra = (void)&m2KUartInit;
// third step of initialization
uart_desc desc = nullptr;
uart_init(&desc, &uartInitParam);
Write data
uint8_t dataWrite[] = {'A', 'D', 'I'};
uart_write(desc, dataWrite, sizeof(dataWrite));
Remove the descriptor
libm2k::contexts::contextClose(context, true);
Libm2k and no-OS drivers
Analog Devices offers a variety of No-OS drivers for a variety peripherals in a hardware agnostic format. These drivers can be interfaced with the libm2k in order to use the M2K as a master to configure/use the peripheral. Documentation for the drivers available at no-OS drivers list.
In order to integrate libm2k with no-OS drivers some standard steps must be followed:
drivers inclusion
libm2k headers inclusion
writing the logic
C++ file
drivers included as external C
Including all required driver files in the project is the first step in integrating libm2k with no-OS drivers.
The drivers will include some protocols, for example “i2c.h”. The afferent header of libm2k, libm2k/tool/i2c.hpp, does not match with the header included by the drivers (“i2c.h”). In order not to modify the drivers we are going to create a header named after the protocol (“i2c.h”) in which the libm2k header will be included. For example create the “i2c.h” header in which you will include libm2k/tools/i2c.hpp.
Each file that will call libm2k methods should be a C++ file. The inclusion of any driver in a C++ file has to be marked as an external C file inclusion.
AD5592r can be independently configured as DAC outputs, ADC inputs, digital outputs, or digital inputs. In this example we are going to generate ascending voltage values, communicating with the chip using SPI.
Hardware configuration (ADALM-2000 <- -> AD5592r):
SCK: DIO_0 <- -> P4
MOSI: DIO_1 <- -> P2
MISO: DIO_2 <- -> P3
SS: DIO_3 <- -> P1
GND: GND <- -> P5
VLOGIC: V+ -> P6
Oscilloscope: 1+ <- I/O0
Project structure:
Get all AD5592r drivers from drivers/adc-dac/ad5592r
Get delay header from include/delay.h
Implement mdelay function from delay.h
#include "delay.h"
#include <unistd.h>
void mdelay(uint32_t msecs) {
usleep(msecs * 1000);
Create spi.h and i2c.h headers (we are not going to use I²C in this example, but AD5592r drivers include I²C header). In each file include the afferent header of libm2k.
#include <libm2k/tools/spi.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/i2c.hpp>
Create main.cpp file:
#include <libm2k/m2k.hpp>
#include <libm2k/contextbuilder.hpp>
#include <libm2k/analog/m2kpowersupply.hpp>
#include <libm2k/analog/m2kanalogin.hpp>
#include <libm2k/tools/spi_extra.hpp>
extern "C" {
#include "ad5592r.h"
extern struct ad5592r_rw_ops ad5592r_rw_ops; //default operations
int main()
struct ad5592r_init_param init_param;
init_param.int_ref = true; // use the internal reference
struct ad5592r_dev device;
device.ops = &ad5592r_rw_ops; //initialize the operations
libm2k::contexts::M2k *context = libm2k::contexts::m2kOpen("ip:");
libm2k::analog::M2kPowerSupply *powerSupply = context->getPowerSupply();
libm2k::analog::M2kAnalogIn *analogIn = context->getAnalogIn();
std::cout << "Calibrating . . ." << std::endl;
powerSupply->enableChannel(0, true);
powerSupply->pushChannel(0, 5); // power up the chip
// first step of initialization
m2k_spi_init m2KSpiInit; // m2k specific attributes of SPI
m2KSpiInit.clock = 0;
m2KSpiInit.mosi = 1;
m2KSpiInit.miso = 2;
m2KSpiInit.bit_numbering = MSB;
m2KSpiInit.context = context;
// second step of initialization
spi_init_param spiInitParam; // generic attributes of SPI
spiInitParam.max_speed_hz = 2500000;
spiInitParam.mode = SPI_MODE_2;
spiInitParam.chip_select = 3;
spiInitParam.extra = (void*)&m2KSpiInit;
// third step of initialization
spi_init(&device.spi, &spiInitParam); // initialize SPI communication
device.channel_modes[0] = CH_MODE_DAC; // set the first channel as a DAC
device.num_channels = 1; // enable just the first channel
ad5592r_init(&device, &init_param ); //initialize AD5592r
for(int i = 0; i < 0xfff; i+=0x0f) {
ad5592r_write_dac(&device, 0, i); // generate voltage
std::cout << analogIn->getVoltage(0) << std::endl; //read voltage
libm2k::contexts::contextClose(context, true);
Compile the project:
gcc -c delay.c
gcc -c ad5592r-base.c
gcc -c ad5592r.c
g++ -c main.cpp
g++ -o example delay.o ad5592r-base.o ad5592r.o main.o -lm2k