- class adi.ad5592r.ad5592r(uri='', device_name='')
AD5592R and AD5593R SPI / I2C interface, 8-channel, 12-bit Confiburable ADC/DAC, digital GPIO
- Analog I/O pins are configured in the device tree and can be ADC, DAC, or both. Channel attributes are as follows, where X corresponds to device channel number:
voltageX_adc.raw: Raw 12-bit ADC code. read only for ADC channels
voltageX_adc.scale: ADC scale, millivolts per lsb
voltageX_adc.scale_available: Available scales, corresponding to Vref*1, Vref*2
voltageX(): Returns ADC reading in millivolts (read only)
voltageX_dac.raw: Raw 12-bit DAC code. read/write for DAC channels
voltageX_dac.scale: ADC scale, millivolts per lsb
voltageX_dac.scale_available: Available scales (corresponding to 1X/2X gain)
voltageX(1234.5): Sets/Returns ADC reading in millivolts
temp.raw: Temperature raw value
temp.scale: Temperature scale value
temp.offset Temperature offset value
temp(): Returns temperature in degrees Celsius
- class channel_dac(ctrl, channel_name, output)
AD5592R Output Voltage Channels (Add setter to raw property)
The number of individual channels is based on the hardware configuration of the device. The are individually accessed as properties like so:
dev = adi.ad5592r(uri="ip:analog")
dev.dac_0.raw = 10
dev.dac_1.raw = 30
data = dev.adc_0.raw
temp_c = (dev.temp_0.raw + dev.temp_0.offset) * dev.temp_0.scale