Bases: adis16XXX_with_delta_angl
ADIS16547-X Tactical Grade, Six Degrees of Freedom Inertial Sensors
This class is compatible with the following parts:
- adis16547-1
- adis16547-2
- adis16547-3
- Args:
uri: URI of IIO context with ADIS16547 device
device_name: Name of the device in the IIO context. Default is adis16547-1
trigger_name: Name of the trigger in the IIO context. Default is adis16547-1-dev0
property accel_x_calibbias
User calibration offset for accelerometer for the x-axis.
property accel_x_calibscale
Calibscale value for accelerometer for the x-axis.
property accel_x_conv
Value returned in meters per squared second.
property accel_x_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency
Bandwidth for accelerometer for the x-axis.
property accel_y_calibbias
User calibration offset for accelerometer for the y-axis.
property accel_y_calibscale
Calibcale value for accelerometer for the y-axis.
property accel_y_conv
Value returned in meters per squared second.
property accel_y_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency
Bandwidth for accelerometer for the y-axis.
property accel_z_calibbias
User calibration offset for accelerometer for the z-axis.
property accel_z_calibscale
Calibscale for accelerometer for the z-axis.
property accel_z_conv
Value returned in meters per squared second.
property accel_z_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency
Bandwidth for accelerometer for the z-axis.
property anglvel_x_calibbias
User calibration offset for gyroscope for the x-axis.
property anglvel_x_calibscale
Calibscale value for gyroscope for the x-axis.
property anglvel_x_conv
Value returned in radians per second.
property anglvel_x_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency
Bandwidth for gyroscope for the x-axis.
property anglvel_y_calibbias
User calibration offset for gyroscope for the y-axis.
property anglvel_y_calibscale
Calibscale value for gyroscope for the y-axis.
property anglvel_y_conv
Value returned in radians per second.
property anglvel_y_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency
Bandwidth for gyroscope for the y-axis.
property anglvel_z_calibbias
User calibration offset for gyroscope for the z-axis.
property anglvel_z_calibscale
Calibscale value for gyroscope for the z-axis.
property anglvel_z_conv
Value returned in radians per second.
property anglvel_z_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency
Bandwidth for gyroscope for the z-axis.
compatible_parts = ['adis16547-1', 'adis16547-2', 'adis16547-3']
property ctx: Context
IIO Context
property current_timestamp_clock
current_timestamp_clock: Source clock for timestamps
property deltaangl_x_conv
Value returned in radians.
property deltaangl_y_conv
Value returned in radians.
property deltaangl_z_conv
Value returned in radians.
property deltavelocity_x_conv
Value returned in meters per second.
property deltavelocity_y_conv
Value returned in meters per second.
property deltavelocity_z_conv
Value returned in meters per second.
disable_trigger = False
property firmware_date
firmware_date: the factory configuration date
property firmware_revision
firmware_revision: the firmware revision for the internal firmware
property flash_count
flash_counter: flash memory write count
Value returned in meters per squared second.
Value returned in meters per squared second.
Value returned in meters per squared second.
Value returned in radians per second.
Value returned in radians per second.
Value returned in radians per second.
Value returned in radians.
Value returned in radians.
Value returned in radians.
Value returned in meters per second.
Value returned in meters per second.
Value returned in meters per second.
Value returned in millidegrees Celsius.
property product_id
product_id: the numerical portion of the device number
Receive data from hardware buffers for each channel index in
- returns: type=numpy.array or list of numpy.array
An array or list of arrays when more than one receive channel
is enabled containing samples from a channel or set of channels.
Data will be complex when using a complex data device.
property rx_annotated: bool
rx_annotated: Set output data from rx() to be annotated
property rx_buffer_size
rx_buffer_size: Size of receive buffer in samples
property rx_channel_names: List[str]
rx_channel_names: List of RX channel names
rx_destroy_buffer: Clears RX buffer
property rx_enabled_channels: List[int] | List[str]
rx_enabled_channels: List of enabled channels (channel 1 is 0)
Either a list of channel numbers or channel names can be used to set
rx_enabled_channels. When channel names are used, they will be
translated to channel numbers.
property rx_output_type: str
rx_output_type: Set output data type from rx()
property sample_rate
sample_rate: Sample rate in samples per second
property serial_number
serial_number: lot specific serial number
property temp_conv
Value returned in millidegrees Celsius.