- class adi.ad937x.ad9371(uri='', username='root', password='analog', disable_jesd_control=False)
AD9371 Transceiver
- property ensm_mode
ensm_mode: Enable State Machine State Allows real time control over the current state of the device. Options are: radio_on, radio_off
- property gain_control_mode
gain_control_mode: Mode of receive path AGC. Options are: automatic, hybrid, manual
- property obs_gain_control_mode
obs_gain_control_mode: Mode of Obs/Sniffer receive path AGC. Options are: automatic, hybrid, manual
- property obs_hardwaregain
obs_hardwaregain: Gain applied to Obs/Sniffer receive path chan0. Only applicable when obs_gain_control_mode is set to ‘manual’
- property obs_rf_port_select
obs_rf_port_select: Observation path source. Options are:
OFF - SnRx path is disabled
ORX1_TX_LO – SnRx operates in observation mode on ORx1 with Tx LO synthesizer
ORX2_TX_LO – SnRx operates in observation mode on ORx2 with Tx LO synthesizer
INTERNALCALS – enables scheduled Tx calibrations while using SnRx path. The enableTrackingCals function needs to be called in RADIO_OFF state. It sets the calibration mask, which the scheduler will later use to schedule the desired calibrations. This command is issued in RADIO_OFF. Once the AD9371 moves to RADIO_ON state, the internal scheduler will use the enabled calibration mask to schedule calibrations whenever possible, based on the state of the transceiver. The Tx calibrations will not be scheduled until INTERNALCALS is selected and the Tx calibrations are enabled in the cal mask.
OBS_SNIFFER – SnRx operates in sniffer mode with latest selected Sniffer Input – for hardware pin control operation. In pin mode, the GPIO pins designated for ORX_MODE would select SNIFFER mode. Then MYKONOS_setSnifferChannel function would choose the channel.
ORX1_SN_LO – SnRx operates in observation mode on ORx1 with SNIFFER LO synthesizer
ORX2_SN_LO – SnRx operates in observation mode on ORx2 with SNIFFER LO synthesizer
SN_A – SnRx operates in sniffer mode on SnRxA with SNIFFER LO synthesizer
SN_B – SnRx operates in sniffer mode on SnRxB with SNIFFER LO synthesizer
SN_C – SnRx operates in sniffer mode on SnRxC with SNIFFER LO synthesizer
- property orx_sample_rate
orx_sample_rate: Sample rate ORX path in samples per second This value will reflect the correct value when 8x decimator is enabled
- property rx_hardwaregain_chan0
rx_hardwaregain: Gain applied to RX path channel 0. Only applicable when gain_control_mode is set to ‘manual’
- property rx_hardwaregain_chan1
rx_hardwaregain: Gain applied to RX path channel 1. Only applicable when gain_control_mode is set to ‘manual’
- class adi.ad937x.ad9375(uri='', username='root', password='analog', disable_jesd_control=False)
AD9375 Transceiver
- property tx_clgc_current_gain_chan1
tx_clgc_current_gain: Current measured gain in 1/100ths dB scale in channel 1. Current GaindB = currentGain/100
- property tx_clgc_desired_gain_chan0
tx_clgc_desired_gain: Desired gain from channel 0 output to orx input. Desired_gain (dB) = Desired_gain/100
- property tx_clgc_desired_gain_chan1
tx_clgc_desired_gain: Desired gain from channel 1 output to orx input. Desired_gain (dB) = Desired_gain/100
- property tx_clgc_orx_rms_chan0
tx_clgc_orx_rms: RMS orx digital sample power measured in the DPD block on the orx side is returned with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB for channel 0. Prms dBFs = orxRMS/100
- property tx_clgc_track_count_chan0
tx_clgc_track_count: The control reads back the number of times the CLGC has successfully run since CLGC initialization calibration for channel 0
- property tx_clgc_track_count_chan1
tx_clgc_track_count: The control reads back the number of times the CLGC has successfully run since CLGC initialization calibration for channel 1
- property tx_clgc_tx_gain_chan0
tx_clgc_tx_gain: It controls the current channel 0 attenuation for a channel in 0.05 dB resolution. Tx_Attenuation(dB) = Tx_gain/200
- property tx_clgc_tx_gain_chan1
tx_clgc_tx_gain: It controls the current channel 1 attenuation for a channel in 0.05 dB resolution. Tx_Attenuation(dB) = Tx_gain/200
- property tx_clgc_tx_rms_chan0
tx_clgc_tx_rms: The controls returns the RMS channel 0 digital sample power measured at DPD actuator output with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB. Prms dBFs = txRMS/100
- property tx_clgc_tx_rms_chan1
tx_clgc_tx_rms: The controls returns the RMS channel 1 digital sample power measured at DPD actuator output with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB. Prms dBFs = txRMS/100
- property tx_dpd_external_path_delay_chan0
tx_dpd_external_path_delay: The control reads back the external path delay from channel 0 output to orx input at 1/16 sample resolution of the ORx sample rate
- property tx_dpd_external_path_delay_chan1
tx_dpd_external_path_delay: The control reads back the external path delay from channel 1 output to orx input at 1/16 sample resolution of the ORx sample rate
- property tx_dpd_model_error_chan0
tx_dpd_model_error: The control reads back the percent error of the PA model ×10 to include 1 decimal place for channel 0
- property tx_dpd_model_error_chan1
tx_dpd_model_error: The control reads back the percent error of the PA model ×10 to include 1 decimal place for channel 1
- property tx_dpd_status_chan0
tx_dpd_status: It reads back the DPD calibration status from the ARM processor for channel 0
- property tx_dpd_status_chan1
tx_dpd_status: It reads back the DPD calibration status from the ARM processor for channel 1
- property tx_dpd_track_count_chan0
tx_dpd_track_count: It reads back the number of times the DPD has successfully run since DPD initialization calibration for channel 0
- property tx_dpd_track_count_chan1
tx_dpd_track_count: It reads back the number of times the DPD has successfully run since DPD initialization calibration for channel 1
- property tx_vswr_forward_gain_chan0
tx_vswr_forward: Forward rms gain measured from channel 0 to orx path. 0.01 dB = 1
- property tx_vswr_forward_gain_chan1
tx_vswr_forward: Forward rms gain measured from channel 1 to orx path. 0.01 dB = 1
- property tx_vswr_forward_gain_imag_chan0
tx_vswr_forward_gain_imag: Imaginary part of the forward path complex gain for channel 0 (1 = 0.01 linear gain)
- property tx_vswr_forward_gain_real_chan0
tx_vswr_forward_gain_real: Real part of the forward path complex gain for channel 0 (1 = 0.01 linear gain)
- property tx_vswr_forward_gain_real_chan1
tx_vswr_forward_gain_real: Real part of the forward path complex gain for channel 1 (1 = 0.01 linear gain)
- property tx_vswr_forward_orx_chan0
tx_vswr_forward_orx: RMS Orx digital sample power measured at DPD block for ORx data in the forward measurement mode with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB and 21 dB offset for channel 0. Prms dBFS = txRms/100 + 21 dB
- property tx_vswr_forward_tx_chan0
tx_vswr_forward_tx: RMS Tx digital sample power measured at DPD block for ORx data in the forward measurement mode with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB and 21 dB offset for channel 0. Prms dBFS = txRms/100 + 21 dB
- property tx_vswr_forward_tx_chan1
tx_vswr_forward_tx: RMS Tx digital sample power measured at DPD block for ORx data in the forward measurement mode with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB and 21 dB offset for channel 1. Prms dBFS = txRms/100 + 21 dB
- property tx_vswr_reflected_gain_chan0
tx_vswr_reflected_gain: Reflected path gain in RMS for channel 0. 1 = 0.01 dB gain
- property tx_vswr_reflected_gain_chan1
tx_vswr_reflected_gain: Reflected path gain in RMS for channel 1. 1 = 0.01 dB gain
- property tx_vswr_reflected_gain_imag_chan0
tx_vswr_reflected_gain_imag: Imaginary part of the reflected path complex gain for channel 0. 1 = 0.01 linear gain
- property tx_vswr_reflected_gain_imag_chan1
tx_vswr_reflected_gain_imag: Imaginary part of the reflected path complex gain for channel 1. 1 = 0.01 linear gain
- property tx_vswr_reflected_gain_real_chan0
tx_vswr_reflected_gain_real: Real part of the reflected path complex gain for channel 0. 1 = 0.01 linear gain
- property tx_vswr_reflected_gain_real_chan1
tx_vswr_reflected_gain_real: Real part of the reflected path complex gain for channel 1. 1 = 0.01 linear gain
- property tx_vswr_reflected_orx_chan0
tx_vswr_reflected_orx: RMS ORx digital sample power measured at DPD block for the ORx data in the reverse measurement mode with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB and 21 dB offset for channel 0. Prms dBFS = orxRms/100 + 21 dB
- property tx_vswr_reflected_tx_chan0
tx_vswr_reflected_tx: RMS Tx digital sample power measured at DPD actuator for the reverse measurement with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB and 21 dB offset for channel 0. Prms dBFS = txRms/100 + 21 dB
- property tx_vswr_reflected_tx_chan1
tx_vswr_reflected_tx: RMS Tx digital sample power measured at DPD actuator for the reverse measurement with measurement resolution of 0.01 dB and 21 dB offset for channel 1. Prms dBFS = txRms/100 + 21 dB
- property tx_vswr_track_count_chan0
tx_vswr_track_count: The control reads back the number of times the VSWR has successfully run since VSWR initialization calibration for channel 0