Bases: attribute
, context_manager
AD9166 Vector Signal Generator
property FIR85_enable
FIR85_enable: AD9166 FIR85 Filter Enable:
- Options:
True: FIR85 Filter is enabled
False: FIR85 Filter is disabled
channel = []
property frequency
frequency: AD916x channel nco frequency value in hz.
property nco_enable
nco_enable: AD9166 NCO Modulation Enable:
- Options:
True: NCO Modulation is enabled
False: NCO Modulation is disabled
property raw
raw: AD916x channel raw value. Integer range 0-32767.
property sample_rate
sample_rate: Sets sampling frequency of the AD916x
property sample_rate_available
property temperature
temperature: Returns the AD916x Chip Temperature in Celsius
property temperature_cal
temperature_cal: AD9166 Chip Temperature single point calibration value.
Enter the ambient temperature in degree Celsius.
property temperature_code
temperature_code: Returns the AD916x Chip Temperature ADC code
property temperature_enable
temperature_enable: AD9166 Chip Temperature Measurement Enable
- Options:
True: Temperature measurement is enabled
False: Temperature measurement is disabled
property tx_enable
tx_enable: AD9166 TX Enable
- Options:
True: TX is enabled (Datapath is connected to DAC)
False: TX is disabled or (DAC input is zeroed)