Style Tutorial

Style previewer tool is located in the test plugin

Create New Style Property

Before creating a new style, check if you can use an already existing one or combine multiple existing styles. Only create a new one if necessary.

Navigate to style/qss/properties and pick/create a folder that matches the widget type you want to create a property for. Inside the folder, create a .qss file.

  • All style code must be surrounded by {} and have a set property *[&&property&&=true]{ }. Do not replace the property name; keep it as &&property&&.

  • The property value can be changed from true, but when using it in the application, you also need to specify the correct value.

  • Use keys from the JSON files as much as possible. Example: &unit_1&.

Run CMake, and the new property should appear in style_properties.h with the same name as the .qss file.

Add JSON Value

JSON files should rarely be altered in any way.

  • Global value: Add a new key and value in style/json/global.json.

  • Theme value: Add a new key and value in style/json/dark.json and all other theme JSON files accordingly.

Run CMake, and you should find the new value in style_attributes.h.

Add Theme

Add a new .json file in style/json.

  • Add at least all the values from dark.json.

  • Other values from global.json can be overwritten in the new theme. Example:

    “unit_1”: “20” (where “unit_1”:”16” is in global.json)

  • Properties can also be overwritten. Example:

    “qss_properties_button_borderButton”: “qss_properties_button_basicButton”

Add Plugin Style

Create a style folder in your plugin and use the exact same file structure. Only the qss folder is relevant since the JSON files cannot be overwritten from other plugins. You may add a folder in your style/qss/properties folder with the name of your plugin to avoid overwriting other core .qss style files with the same name.

In your plugin CMakeLists.txt file, add the generate_style command.

Arguments: option, style_folder, header_folder (option should always be --plugin).


generate_style("--plugin" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/style ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/pluginName)

Run CMake, and you should see the new properties in header_folder/style_properties.h.