ADC plugin
The ADC plugin is used to interface with IIO ADCs that implement an IIO buffer mechanism. The plugin implements two instruments for data acquisition and visualization in time and frequency domain.
The plugin is compatible with contexts that have at least an IIO device that implements an IIO buffer interface.
ADC - Time instrument:
Plot Controls
X-Axis Menu
Buffer Size - size of the acquisition buffer in samples
Plot Size - size of the plot in samples. Can only be greater than the buffer size.
Sync buffer-plot size - makes buffer and plot sizes equal
Rolling Mode - controls how the plot is refreshed upon receiving a new buffer. When rolling mode is enabled, the buffers are placed in a queue, so the oldest buffer at the end of the queue is discarded in favor of the newest buffer at the beginning.
X Min-Max control - sets the x axis limits
X Mode - controls X axis units
Samples - On the X axis the index of each buffer is represented
Time - sample rate is automatically read from the device if a sampling rate attribute is present
Time - override sample rate: allows the user to set the sampling rate
Sample rate - The value of the sampling rate used in X axis computation, depending on the X Mode it can be readonly or can be overriden
Y-Axis Menu
Y Min-Max control - sets the y axis limits
Autoscale - disables Y axis controls and activates Y axis autoscaling
Y Mode - controls Y axis units
ADC counts - raw values as read from the ADC
% Full scale - scales the input range to +/- 1.0
Scale - only available if scale parameter is present in the ADC channel and uses the value for scaling via SI unit scaling
XY plot - activates XY plotting
X axis sources
Plot X source
Plot name - Customize the name of the plot. It is shown on the plot itself
Show plot labels - shows axis labels on the plot
Thickness / Style - customize plot curve styling
Channel controls
Y-Axis controls - separates the channel from the plot Y axis to it’s own Axis with it’s own set of controls
Measurements - activates time domain measurements
Curve - customize plot curve styling
Attributes - IIO attributes that control the device
Plot - which plot is the curve displayed on
Device controls:
Attributes - IIO attributes that control the device
Enable - enable cursors on the plot
Lock - lock cursors moving them together
Track - track Y values on the X c cursor
Move readouts - enables drag and drop of the cursor readouts on the plot
enables measurement/stats panel
show all - enables all available Measurements
Sort by type/channel
Frequency Plot Controls
X-Axis Menu - Buffer Size - size of the acquisition buffer in samples
X Min-Max control - sets the x axis limits
X Mode - controls X axis units
Samples - On the X axis the index of each buffer is represented
Time - sample rate is automatically read from the device if a sampling rate attribute is present
Time - override sample rate: allows the user to set the sampling rate
Sample rate - The value of the sampling rate used in X axis computation, depending on the X Mode it can be readonly or can be overriden
Frequency offset - offsets X axis by some value
Y-Axis Menu
Y Min-Max control - sets the y axis limits
Autoscale - disables Y axis controls and activates Y axis autoscaling
Power offset - offsets y axis by some amount
Window - selects window used in the FFT
Window correction - applies a correction in the FFT chain based on the Window
Plot name - Customize the name of the plot. It is shown on the plot itself
Show plot labels - shows axis labels on the plot
Thickness / Style - customize plot curve styling
Channel Controls - Y-Axis controls - separates the channel from the plot Y axis to it’s own Axis with it’s own set of controls
Marker controls - enables, sets number of markers and selects between marker types - Fixed - fixed frequency marker - Peak - detects the first N peaks in the spectrum - Single Tone - detects DC, fundamental and the next N harmonics - Image - only available in complex mode - shows the DC, the fundamental and the fundamental image
Curve - customize plot curve styling
Attributes - IIO attributes that control the device
Plot - which plot is the curve displayed on
Complex mode - activates complex mode. Complex channels are treated as whole different channels