General Test Cases
- Homepage
- Test 1: The homepage displays correctly when running the application.
- Test 2: Verifying the “Add device” (+) button.
- Test 3: Verifying the auto-scan feature (ON).
- Test 4: Verifying the auto-scan feature (OFF).
- Test 5: Verifying the manual scan feature.
- Test 6: Navigation using the buttons in the info page.
- Test 7: Auto-scan behavior when the device is unplugged.
- License and About Page
- Installers
- Add device
- Setup environment:
- Test 1: Verifying the device scanning functionality.
- Test 2: Verifying the local device scanning functionality.
- Test 3: Verifying the ip device scanning functionality.
- Test 4: Verifying the usb device scanning functionality.
- Test 5: Verifying the serial device scanning functionality.
- Test 6: Scanning with no device.
- Test 7: Device validation.
- Test 8: Verify the “BACK” button from compatible plugin page.
- Test 9: Verify the “ADD DEVICE” button from compatible plugin page (single plugin).
- Test 10: Verify the “ADD DEVICE” button from compatible plugin page (multiple plugins).
- Test 11: Verify the “ADD DEVICE” button from compatible plugin page with no plugin selected.
- Connection flow
- Test 1: Enable the emulator.
- Test 2: EMU is not installed.
- Test 3: Disable the emulator.
- Test 4: Disable the emulator while the emulated device is connected.
- Test 5: Verify adalm2000 emu device.
- Test 6: Verify pluto emu device.
- Test 7: Verify pqm emu device.
- Test 8: Verify swiot_config emu device.
- Test 9: Verify swiot_runtime emu device.
- Test 10: Verify generic emu device.
- Device interaction
- Setup environment:
- Test 1: Verifying the device button.
- Test 2: Remove a device from device browser.
- Test 3: Remove a device from device browser while it is connected.
- Test 4: Edit the name of the device.
- Test 5: Select a tool.
- Test 6: Detach a tool.
- Test 7: Reopen the app with a detached tool.
- Test 8: Collapse device tools in the tool menu.
- Test 9: Connecting to multiple devices.
- Test 10: Resource manager with multiple devices.
- Test 11: Devices order in device browser.
- Instrument Detaching - Test Suite
- General Preferences - Test Suite
- Setup environment:
- Test 1 - Save/Load Scopy session
- Test 2 - Double click to attach/detach tool
- Test 3 - Save/Load tool attached state
- Test 4 - Double click control buttons to open menu
- Test 5 - Enable OpenGL plotting
- Test 6 - Enable menu animations
- Test 7 - Enable the status bar for displaying important messages
- Test 8 - Show Grid
- Test 9 - Show Graticule
- Test 10 - Use Lazy Loading
- Test 11 - Use native dialogs
- Test 12 - Auto-connect to previous session
- Test 13 - Font scale
- Test 14 - Theme
- Test 15 - Language
- Test 16 - Connect to multiple devices
- Test 17 - Regularly scan for new devices
- Test 18 - Session devices
- Test 19 - Show plot FPS
- Test 20 - Plot target FPS
- Test 21 - Reset settings and plugins to default