Testing Guide

Test cases, test results and test reports for Scopy are found in the source code repository. This approach allows for the test cases to be versioned and maintained along with the source code.


The test cases are written in reStructuredText format and are located in the scopy/docs/tests directory. The test results and reports are generated by the test runner and are located in the scopy/testing_results directory.

The test cases are organized in the following structure:
  • docs/tests/index.rst - the main index file for the test cases.

  • docs/tests/testing_guide.rst - this file.

  • docs/tests/plugins/index.rst - the index file for the plugin test cases.

  • docs/tests/general/index.rst - the index file for the general test cases.

  • docs/tests/plugins/<plugin_name>/index.rst - the index file for the plugin test cases.

  • docs/tests/plugins/<plugin_name>/<test_suite_name>.rst - the test suite file for the plugin.

A test suite is a collection of tests that are related to a specific plugin or instrument. Each test suite has a setup environment section that describes the steps to setup the environment for the tests in the suite. Multiple scenarios can be described in the setup environment section.

At the beginning of each test suite, a note is included that specifies the user guide for the plugin. The steps do not include detailed information about each feature, it is expected that the tester is familiar with the above mentioned user guide.

Below the note, a list table is included that specifies the tester, test date, Scopy version, plugin version and comments. This table is completed by the tester during the testing phase and it is used for test report generation.

Each test case has a unique identifier (UID) that is used to reference the test case in the test results and reports. The test case description is a brief description of the test case. The test case preconditions are the requirements that need to be met before running the test case. This section includes a link specifying the setup environment for the test case.

The steps section describes the steps to be taken to run the test case. Multiple steps can have an expected result and an actual result. The expected result is the expected outcome of the step. The actual result is the actual outcome of the step and will be completed during testing, by the tester, as described in this document.

The tested OS section specifies the operating system on which the test was run and it must be completed according to the OS information provided in the Preconditions section. If the test is specifically written for a certain OS, the OS information will be provided in the Preconditions section and the tested OS needs to be the same. Other options can be: “ANY” (the outcome is the same on all OSes, so testing one of them is sufficient) or “ALL” (it is necessary to run the test separately on each OS). This section is also completed during testing.

The comments and the result sections are completed by the tester during testing. The comments section can include any additional information about the test case. The result section specifies whether all expected results were met during testing. The result can be “PASS” or “FAIL”.

Testing process in detail

Example: we are testing Scopy v3.0.0.

The testing process is as follows:

  1. Navigate to the official Scopy repository.

  2. From the main branch create a new branch named testing_v3.0.0.

  1. On the newly created branch, make a copy of the docs/tests directory in the testing_results directory. Rename the new folder to testing_results_v3.0.0.

  2. In the testing_results_v3.0.0 directory, choose the test case that needs to be run. For this example we will consider the ADC tests, located in plugins/adc/adc_tests.rst.

  3. Open the adc_tests.rst file.

  4. Enter the Github Edit mode (edit in place) to be able to edit the file.

  1. First thing that needs completion is the table containing information on the tester, test date, Scopy version, plugin version and comments. This table is located at the beginning of the file. Check the screenshot below on where to modify data inside the table and what’s the outcome after committing.

  1. After making some changes to a file, you can commit them and resume the testing later. In order to commit the changes, click the top right Commit changes… button. A popup will appear requesting a commit title and an optional description. Make sure to check the “Commit directly to the testing_v3.0.0 branch” option before clicking the Commit changes button.

  1. The last step will create a new commit on the testing branch. There can be multiple commits before the testing is finished. This is actually recommended as multiple persons can test multiple instruments in parallel.

  2. While going through each test, complete the missing information accordingly. The missing information is the actual result for each step and the tested OS. The actual result is the outcome of the step and the tested OS is the operating system on which the test was run. The Comment section can be left empty if there is no additional information to add. The Result section will be modified to either show PASS or FAIL according to the actual results from the steps reproduced during testing.


As seen in the example above, the first step failed, so the result is FAIL even if the second one passed. In the Comments section, it is mentioned what might be the cause of the failure.

  1. Commit all the changes often to reduce the risk of losing any data.

  2. After all the tests are completed, a Pull Request (PR) will be created, having having as target the main branch. The PR description will contain any relevant information about testing. The PR will be reviewed by the Scopy team and merged into the main branch. The failures will be addressed, bugs will be fixed and the testing process will be repeated until the final release candidate.