
General Description

The data logger tool is used to :

  1. Display data as one of the following options :

  • Signal

  • Text

  • Seven Segment Display

  1. Save data to file

  2. Import data from file
  • Pressing the “+” (1) button will generate a new tool

  • Print button (2) will allow user to save current visible plot to a .pdf

    format allowing user to print it

  • Data on each channel attributes is shown in the right menu (3) when clicking

    on a channel.

Display Signals

Using the left side menu (1) user can select from the available device channels that will be displayed on the plot. The data is plotted in time based on the starting time (2), the starting time reflects when the tool started collecting data and will reset on user pressing “Clear” (3). The data that will be displayed is collected from the device on pressing “Run/Stop” (4) button. The data collected will be removed on pressing “Clear” this will also reset the starting time. To use this option click “Plot” (5) button on the bottom right

Display Text

Using the left side menu user can select from the available devices, for the selected device channels last read value and the unit of measurement will be displayed in text format

To use this option click “Text” button on the bottom right

Display Seven Segment

Using the left side menu user can select from the available devices, for the selected device channels last read value, minimum and maximum recorded values and the unit of measurement will be displayed in seven segment display format

To use this option click “7 Segment” button on the bottom right


The gear button in the top right corner of the plugin will open the settings allowing user to alter configurations as follow

  1. Changing the title in settings from “DataMonitor” will reflect in the tool name

alternate text alternate text

  1. X-AXIS : settings for x axis

2.1. Toggle between displaying real time or delta values (Use UTC date and time) . Real time values are based on the system time, delta values consider starting point as 0 and represents the amount of time passed since then.

2.2. Toggle “LIVE PLOTTING”

  • when enabled will update the plot to the current time

    for each read

  • when disabled will allow user to pick a date and a time to go to on the plot

2.3. Delta represents the interval displayed on the plot

alternate text

  1. Y-AXIS: settings for y axis

3.1. Autoscale option changes the minimum and maximum of Y-Axis to fit all values recorded

3.2. Min and Max values will update the minimum respectively the maximum values of Y-Axis, this only works if Autoscale is off

  1. Curve settings affect all curves on the plot user can set the curves thickness and style

  2. Plot settins are used to show/hide plot items

  3. Settings for seven segment section allow user to set precision of display values and toggle on/off the minimum and maximum values

  4. Data logging section is used for saving and importing data from and to a specified CSV file like the one bellow

Save data

To save data to file there are two options

  1. Toggle “Live data logging” on this will save to file data on each read for all enabled channels

  2. Pressing “Save data” will override the selected CSV file with all the recorded values of the enabled channels

Import data

On importing data a special menu is added containing the channels from file. Each channel contains the data from the CSV file from it’s column, no extra data will be added to those channels when tool is recording. By pressing the “x” button all imported data is removed. Importing data multiple times from same CSV file will override current imported data Importing data from different CSV files will create new menus like the one bellow for each file


A tutorial will automatically start first time the tool is open. It can be restarted from tool Preferences.


This documentation describes the options available in the Preferences page for the Data Logger Plugin.

  1. Maximum Channel Data Storage

  • Allows the user to set the maximum data storage for each monitor.

  • Default Value: 10Mb

  1. Read Interval

  • Allows the user to set the interval at which data is read.

  • Default Value: 1 second

  1. X-Axis Date Time Format

  • Allows the user to set the date time format for the X Axis.

  • Default Value: hh:mm:ss