

The Faults Instrument represents the diagnostic operation performed on the AD-SWIOT1L-SL device, more accurately the AD74413R and MAX14906 chips. The numeric value from each device is extracted from specific registers and each bit represents a potential error or information about the chip. For more information on the faults meaning, consider checking the corresponding datasheets.

Instrument layout

  1. Hexadecimal read Value

The last value read from each device, in hexadecimal.

  1. Reset Stored

Once a fault value is read twice consecutively, the stored bit is set for that fault (meaning the fault is persistent). Pressing the RESET STORED button clears all persistent faults.

  1. Clear Selection

Each fault can be selected by clicking it. Scopy will display only the faults that are selected. Pressing the CLEAR SELECTION button clears all selected faults. This can also be achieved by individually deselecting each fault.

  1. Run/Single Buttons

The Single button performs 1 single read for both AD74413R and MAX14906 faults. The Run button performs a polling operation on both AD74413R and MAX14906 every second.

  1. Faults Display

Check the “Faults” dedicated section of this page.

  1. Faults Explanations

Each fault is explained in this section. The first 4 faults from AD74413R (VI_ERR_A, VI_ERR_B, VI_ERR_C and VI_ERR_D) have special meanings based on the configuration of the channel. Only one of them will be shown when a specific function is selected and all of them when no specific function is selected. The explanations are highlighted for the faults that have the active bit set (i.e. were active on the last read).


Each fault has 3 sections:
  • Stored Bit section:

The stored bit represents whether that specific fault has been active twice consecutively, making it a persistent bit. This can be cleared using the RESET STORED button.

  • Active Bit section:

The active bit represents the value that was last read from the device.

  • Bit index:

The index bit is a notation for identifying faults. It does not represent the fault name. The name can be seen by hovering over the fault or by checking the “Faults Explanation” area corresponding to the index.


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