Register Map#

The Register Map allow access to reading and writing registers for devices connected to Scopy.

If the user has an .xml file of the register map that follows the format exmplained here the plugin will generate an table view matching the .xml file contents

User Guide#

  1. User can use the address picker to select the address of the register they want to read/write

  2. Read button will read selected register

  3. The value of a register is shown here once read

  4. To write a value to the register user can ether

    • change the value from 3. then press Write button

    • change the value of the bitfields from 7. then press Write button

  5. Toggle the detailed bitfields (7.) visible

  6. Register map table created based on .xml file. Each row represetns a register the first colum is de register information and the following columns represent the bitfields of the register

  7. For the selected register we display detailed informations about the bitfields and allow user to change values at bitfield value

  8. Use this menu to select the device you want to use

  9. Search bar can be used to filter the registers. The function will search based on

    • name or description of register

    • name or description of bitfield


  1. If Autoread is checked when a register is selected a read is automatically done

  2. User has option to read an interval of registers

  3. If user has a set of values previously read and wants to load them he needs to select the file and press “Write values”

  4. Pressing “Register dump” will save all currently read registers to the selected file


A tutorial will automatically start first time the tool is open. It can be restarted from tool Preferences.

XML file format#

The xml file starts and ends with the device name and contains registers.

The structure of a register is:

  • Name: the name of the register;

  • Address: the address of the register;

  • Description: the description of the register;

  • Exists: a true or false value;

  • Width: the size of the register in bits;

  • Notes: other observations;

  • Bitfields: a list of Bitfield type elements;

The structure of a bitfield is:

  • Name: the name of the bitfield;

  • Access: the type of access (read and/or write);

  • DefaultValue: the default value of the bitfield;

  • Width: the size of the bitfield in bits;

  • RegOffset: the relative position of the bitfield to the register;

  • BitOffset;

  • SliceWidth;

  • Visibility;

  • Notes;

  • Options: the list of possible values for the bitfield

The structure of an Option type object:
  • Desctiption: description for the option (will be used in the application)

  • Value: the value in hexadecimal


User can create it’s own .xml file for any device and add it to where scopy is build in “/plugins/regmap/xmls/” to be able to see the register map table