General Settings - Test Case
User guide: Scopy Overview.
Tester |
Test Date |
Scopy version |
Plugin version (N/A if not applicable) |
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Setup environment:
- M2k.Usb:
Open Scopy.
Connect an ADALM2000 device to the system by USB.
Add the device in device browser.
Test 1: M2K Connection and Calibration
Description: This test verifies the connection and calibration of the M2K board using both local and remote connections. It checks the auto and manual calibration features of the M2K board.
- Preconditions:
Scopy is installed on the system.
Use M2k.Usb setup.
- Steps:
Connect the M2K board to the PC using a micro-USB connector.
- Click the M2K icon.
Expected Result: The instruments will appear on the left panel: Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Signal Generator, Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, Digital IO, Voltmeter, and Power Supply.
Actual Result:
- Click “Identify.”
Expected Result: The “Ready” LED on the M2K board will rapidly blink 10 times indicating that it is the device identified by Scopy.
Actual Result:
- Click “Connect.”
Expected Result: M2K will auto calibrate. The calibration indicator on Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Signal Generator, and Voltmeter instrument should start. “Calibrate” button must be enabled.
Actual Result:
- After connecting the M2K, manually calibrate the device by clicking the “Calibrate” button.
Expected Result: M2K will calibrate. The calibration indicator on Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Signal Generator, and Voltmeter instrument should start.
Actual Result:
- On the home menu, click the add “+” button and input the IP address of the desired M2K board to control. The default IP address is Click add.
Expected Result: The instruments will appear on the left panel: Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Signal Generator, Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, Digital IO, Voltmeter, and Power Supply.
Actual Result:
- Click “Identify.”
Expected Result: The “Ready” LED on the M2K board will rapidly blink 10 times indicating that it is the device identified by Scopy.
Actual Result:
- Click “Connect.”
Expected Result: M2K will auto calibrate. The calibration indicator on Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Signal Generator, and Voltmeter instrument should start. “Calibrate” button must be enabled.
Actual Result:
- Click “Forget device.”
Expected Result: The M2K board icon connected remotely will disappear on the panel.
Actual Result:
- After connecting the M2K, manually calibrate the device by clicking the “Calibrate” button.
Expected Result: M2K will calibrate. The calibration indicator on Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Signal Generator, and Voltmeter instrument should start.
Actual Result:
Tested OS:
Test 2: Save and Load Profile
Description: This test verifies the save and load profile feature of Scopy. It checks the ability to save and load profiles for each instrument and the ability to save and load the default profile.
- Preconditions:
Scopy is installed on the system.
Use M2k.Usb setup.
- Steps:
- Save the current profile. On the bottom part of the left panel, click the “Save” icon and save the profile as “default.ini.” Change any setting on any instrument and reload the profile.
Expected Result: The change made on a certain instrument should be undone and the default profile should load.
Actual Result:
- Set the following settings:
Oscilloscope’s Settings:
Channel 1: Time Base: 100ns, Volts/Div: 2V
Channel 2: Volts/Div: 5V
Signal Generator’s Settings:
Channel 1: Sinewave, 3Vpp, 3MHz
Channel 2: Square Wave, 5Vpp, 900kHz
Spectrum Analyzer’s Settings:
Frequency Sweep Setting: Start – 500kHz; Stop – 5MHz, Amplitude: Top – 10dBFS; Bottom – -140dBFS
Connect AWG channel 1 to Scope Ch1+ and AWG channel 2 to Scope Ch2+. Connect Scope Ch1- and Ch2- to GND.
- Run the Signal Generator instrument, and check the output on Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer. Then save the profile as “profile1.ini.”
Expected Result: The output waveform on the Oscilloscope should be set in a way that the signals are can properly be seen compared with the default settings. In the Spectrum Analyzer the fundamental frequency of both signals should be present in the plot window set by the sweep setting.
Actual Result:
- Reload the default setting by deleting the file in
. Reload “profile1.ini” and run the signal generator and oscilloscope or Spectrum Analyzer.
Expected Result: The result should be the same on the saved profile.
Actual Result:
- Pattern Generator’s Settings:
Enable DIO2, DIO3, DIO6, DIO7, DIO10, DIO11, DIO14 and DIO15.
Group DIO2 and DIO3 set to random and 1MHz frequency.
Group DIO10 and DIO11 and set to Binary Counter at 1MHz.
Set the other enabled DIOs to clock at 1MHz.
Logic Analyzer’s Settings:
Group DIO0, DIO1, DIO4, DIO5, DIO8, DIO9, DIO12, and DIO13 and set to parallel mode.
Group DIO2 and DIO3 and set to parallel mode. Group DIO10 and DIO11 and set to parallel mode.
Set the time base to 1us.
Digital IO’s Settings: Set DIO0, DIO1, DIO4, DIO5, DIO8, DIO9, DIO12, and DIO13 to output.
- Run the three instrument and open Logic Analyzer instrument. Save the profile as “profile2.ini”.
Expected Result: See that the profile is saved on the desired location and the logic analyzer should be set in a way that the rising and falling edge of the signal is clearly seen.
Actual Result:
- Reload the default setting by deleting the file in
. Reload “profile2.ini”, and run Pattern Generator, DigitalIO and Logic Analyzer.
Expected Result: The result should be the same on the saved profile.
Actual Result:
- Power Supply’s Settings:
Set to “Tracking Mode” with 35% tracking setting.
Set positive supply to 3V and the negative supply should automatically be set to -1.05V.
Signal Generator’s Settings: For Channel 1: Sinewave, 2Vpp, 10kHz, For Channel 2: Sinewave, 1Vpp, 10kHz, 90deg phase.
Voltmeter Settings: For Channel 1: DC (Direct Current), History – OFF, For Channel 2: AC (20Hz – 40kHz), History – ON (1s).
Network Analyzer: Reference: Channel 1, 2V Amplitude, Sweep: Linear, Start – 1kHz, Stop – 100kHz, Sample Count – 200, Display: Min. Magnitude – -90dB, Max. Magnitude – 10dB, Min. Phase – -100deg, Max. Phase – 100deg.
Connect Positive Supply to Scope Ch1+, connect AWG1 to Scope Ch2+, connect scope Ch1- and Scope Ch2- to GND.
- Run Power Supply, Voltmeter and Signal Generator to see if the voltmeter will be able to read 3V on channel 1 and 0.7V on channel 2. Save the profile as “profile3.ini”.
Expected Result: Channel 1’s history should be off and channel 2’s history should be present and the reading must be stable.
Actual Result:
- Reload the default setting by deleting the file in
. Reload “profile3.ini”, and run Power Supply, Voltmeter and Signal Generator.
Expected Result: The result should be the same on the saved profile. The network analyzer’s setting should be retained.
Actual Result:
Tested OS:
Test 3: Preferences
Description: This test verifies the preferences feature of Scopy. It checks the sections of the preferences menu and the options available in each section.
- Preconditions:
Scopy is installed on the system.
Use M2k.Usb setup.
- Steps:
- Click the Preferences option located below the instrument options. After the Preferences menu appears, click the M2kPlugin tab.
Expected Result: The Preferences menu should contain several sections: General, Analog tools and Logic tools.
Actual Result:
Enable “Save session when closing Scopy.” This setting is in the General tab.
Use Scopy and play with its instruments, changing the configurations and settings. Close Scopy and reopen.
- On the General tab, click the M2K icon and drag down to see the debug section.
Expected Result: A dialog box with the “Restart” text should appear confirming the reset command.
Actual Result:
- Reset profile to default by deleting the files from
Enable auto save feature.
Load profile 1, profile 2 or profile 3 from Testing Save and Load feature steps.
Close Scopy and Open.
- Following step 5, open Scopy and the current profile should be one of the profiles created from the Save and load test case.
On the General Setting preference, the reset scopy is located in the lower right of the Scopy screen.
- Click reset scopy.
Expected Result: Reopening Scopy, the profile loaded should be the profile saved. Scopy should return to its default setting. Similar with deleting the files from folder.
Actual Result:
- In the M2kPlugin Tab, under the Analog tools section, labels on the plot may be toggled on or off.
Expected Result: Checking the Oscilloscope plot, the labels must synchronize with the option chosen.
Actual Result:
On the Analog tools section, an option to search or not to search marker peaks in the visible domain is given.
- Signal Generator’s Settings:
For Channel 1: Sinewave, 10Vpp, 500kHz.
Spectrum Analyzer’s Sweep Settings: Start – 700kHz, Stop – 1MHz.
Disable Channel 2.
Connect AWG channel 1 to Scope Ch1+.
- Under the Marker Settings, click Marker 1 then “Peak.” Turn the Marker Table on and look for the marked frequencies.
Expected Result: A marker labeled M1 will automatically appear on the spectrum upon clicking Marker 1. Clicking “Peak” will put the Marker on the 500kHz mark.
Actual Result:
- Under the Analog tools section, The number of periods shown may be adjusted from 2 to 9.
Expected Result: The signal generator’s graphical representation must follow the desired number of periods on the lower frequency channel (if both channels are configured to output waveform signals). When numbers other than 2 to 9 are entered, the number and the line under it turns to red.
Actual Result:
On the Analog tools section, an option to display 0dB on the graph is available. Click to enable it.
Construct a first-order low pass RC filter with the following components: R = 470 Ohms, C = 1uF. This will have a cut-off frequency of ~340 Hz.
- Network Analyzer’s Settings
Reference: Channel 1
1V Amplitude
0V Offset
Sweep: Logarithmic
Start – 10Hz
Stop – 500kHz
Sample Count - 100
Display settings:
Min. Magnitude – -90dB
Max. Magnitude – 10dB
Min. Phase – -150deg
Max. Phase – 60deg
- Run Network Analyzer.
Expected Result: The Bode Plot has 0dB on its labels.
Actual Result:
Tested OS: