Contributing to HDL repository
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make, via the issue tracker before making a pull request. We will let you know if we want to have it supported on our repo. If not, depending on the case, we might propose you to have it added to our Third party forks list.
The HDL repo is the place where ADI provides FPGA reference designs for selected hardware, featuring some of our products interfacing to publicly-available FPGA evaluation boards. Alongside these, we have custom IP cores designed to facilitate the creation of these projects — modular structure.
The individual modules are developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license terms (specified inside the file). The user should read each of these license terms and understand the freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using them.
Pull request rules
Commit message includes a “Signed-off-by: [name] < email >” to the commit message. This ensures you have the rights to submit your code, by agreeing to the Developer Certificate of Origin. If you can not agree to the DCO, don’t submit a pull request, as we can not accept it.
For first-time contributors, you will be asked by CLAssistant to “sign our Contributor License Agreement before we can accept your contribution.”
Commit should be “atomic”, meaning it should do one thing only. A pull request should only contain multiple commits if that is required to fix the bug or implement the feature.
Commits should have good commit messages. Check out The git book for some pointers and tools to use.
Typically, the title of the commit should have the path to the changed files, and then explaining in a few words what has been done, like projects/ad9081_fmca_ebz/zcu102: Add missing clock constraint
Write a concise PR description, containing all the needed details
Pull requests will be merged only after they have been reviewed, tested and approved by the code owners.
Before opening the pull request
Create a fork of this repository. If you are not sure on how to do this, check out GitHub help
Here you will make your contributions on a branch. From time to time, rebase it onto main, to make sure you have the latest code available
Check the Code-related check list section while still in the development phase
The register map should be updated, if that’s the case:
Update the corresponding docs/regmap text files
The IPs typically should follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
Update Makefile files of the affected projects
Run on your branch
Run Verilator
Code must build OK on all affected projects. Warnings are reviewed. Critical Warnings are not accepted. These must be built on Windows and Linux. What fails to build on our continuous integration system, cannot be merged.
Test code in hardware on as many setups as possible
Make sure you have your branch rebased onto latest main right before opening the PR
The changes brought to the project/IP core should be reflected in its corresponding documentation, if exists. If not, then a documentation should be created, following our Documentation guidelines.
When opening the pull request
Create a pull request on this repository. If you are not sure on how to do this, check out GitHub help
In the description of the PR:
Motivate the additions/changes/deletions to the code
Add link to related GitHub issues
Add link to related PR if it depends on others (maybe link to Linux/no-OS PR); everything that is relevant for the reviewers
Tick the boxes with the requirements that you fulfill
Add some labels to be easier for others to review your changes
Check the results from the GitHub actions that were run
If reviewers requested changes or you found mistakes, then:
No force-pushing, even if there are tiny changes or typos
For every change, a new commit at least
Check the GitHub actions that are failing and fix the issues
Add a comment explaining what you modified additionally (it’s easier for the reviewer and for tracking)
When the PR is approved by all code owners, you have 3 options
Option 1: If all these commits must be pushed, then from the dropdown, select Rebase and merge
Option 2: If all these commits must be in one commit in the end, then you can use the Squash and merge option from the dropdown. It will prompt you to give the name of the final commit
Option 3: Squash the commits locally, force-push and if you don’t make any changes to the code, then GitHub will recognize this force-push as being without changes, so you don’t need approves again to merge it using Rebase and merge
If you do make changes (don’t!!), comment on what you did and request again the code owners to review the PR – changed files will be seen with Changes since last view next to the name (in the PR > Files changed tab) or there’s a “Compare” button in the Conversation tab.
If you encounter conflicts with other files (that you didn’t change, and that are already on main), do not resolve the conflicts using Git GUI! This way, you will insert a merge commit into the commit history. We do not want merge commits. Thus, open a terminal and resolve it there (see this discussion)