AXI AD9963#

The AXI AD9963 IP core can be used to interface the AD9963 chip. It features a dual 12-bit ADC working up to 100MSPS and a dual 12-bit DAC with up to 170MSPS. It also features a DLL which can provide clock for both the ADC and the DAC path.

More about the generic framework interfacing ADCs can be read in Generic AXI ADC and interfacing DACs in Generic AXI DAC.


  • AXI Lite control/status interface

  • PRBS monitoring

  • Hardware DC filtering

  • IQ/Scale correction

  • Internal DDS

  • Programmable line delays

  • Supports AMD Xilinx devices





Verilog source for the AXI AD9963.


Verilog source for the ADC Common regmap.


Verilog source for the ADC Channel regmap.


Verilog source for the DAC Common regmap.


Verilog source for the DAC Channel regmap.

Block Diagram#

AXI AD9963 block diagram

Configuration Parameters#



Default Value



Core ID should be unique for each IP in the system



Used to select between devices.


Unknown (0), 7series (1), ultrascale (2), ultrascale+ (3), versal (4)


Fpga Family.


Unknown (0), artix (1), kintex (2), virtex (3), zynq (4), versalprime (5), versalaicore (6), versalpremium (7)


Speed Grade.


Unknown (0), -1 (10), -1L (11), -1H (12), -1HV (13), -1LV (14), -2 (20), -2L (21), -2LV (22), -2MP (23), -2LVC (24), -2LVI (25), -3 (30)


Dev Package.


Unknown (0), rf (1), fl (2), ff (3), fb (4), hc (5), fh (6), cs (7), cp (8), ft (9), fg (10), sb (11), rb (12), rs (13), cl (14), sf (15), ba (16), fa (17), fs (18), fi (19), vs (20), ls (21)


Enable IODELAY for tuning the TRX interface



The delay group name which is set for the delay controller



Iodelay Enable.



Dac Dds Type.



Dac Dds Cordic Dw.



Dac Dds Cordic Phase Dw.



Disable DAC processing blocks. Disables DDS



Disable ADC userports



Disable ADC data format processing block



Disable ADC dc filtering processing block



Disable ADC IQ corection processing block



If IQ correction block is enabled and only the scale needs to be corrected, this should be set to 1



Delay Refclk Frequency.



Physical Port

Logical Port



s_axi_awaddr AWADDR

in [15:0]

s_axi_awprot AWPROT

in [2:0]

s_axi_awvalid AWVALID


s_axi_awready AWREADY


s_axi_wdata WDATA

in [31:0]

s_axi_wstrb WSTRB

in [3:0]

s_axi_wvalid WVALID


s_axi_wready WREADY


s_axi_bresp BRESP

out [1:0]

s_axi_bvalid BVALID


s_axi_bready BREADY


s_axi_araddr ARADDR

in [15:0]

s_axi_arprot ARPROT

in [2:0]

s_axi_arvalid ARVALID


s_axi_arready ARREADY


s_axi_rdata RDATA

out [31:0]

s_axi_rresp RRESP

out [1:0]

s_axi_rvalid RVALID


s_axi_rready RREADY


Physical Port

Logical Port



s_axi_aclk CLK


Physical Port

Logical Port



s_axi_aresetn RST


Physical Port

Logical Port



trx_clk CLK


Physical Port

Logical Port



tx_clk CLK


Physical Port

Logical Port



delay_clk CLK



Physical Port

Logical Port



adc_clk CLK


Physical Port

Logical Port



adc_rst RST


Physical Port

Logical Port



dac_clk CLK


Physical Port

Logical Port



dac_rst RST


Physical Port






CMOS input channel selection


in [11:0]

CMOS input data



CMOS output channel selection


out [11:0]

CMOS output data



DAC synchronization signal. It is generated by the master core and used by all the cores in the system. Only one of the IPs should be master



DAC synchronization signal. It is generated by the master core and used by all the cores in the system. Only one of the cores should be master



Set when the channel I is enabled, activated by software



Set when valid data is available on the channel I


out [15:0]

Channel I data bus



Set when the channel Q is enabled, activated by software



Set when valid data is available on the channel Q


out [15:0]

Channel Q data bus



Data overflow input, from the DMA



Set when the channel I is enabled, activated by software



Set when valid data is available on the channel I


in [15:0]

Channel I data bus





Set when the channel Q is enabled, activated by software



Set when valid data is available on the channel Q


in [15:0]

Channel Q data bus





Data underflow input from the DMA

Detailed Description#

The TRX (ADC) interface is set at 100MSPS, full duplex mode, double data rate (DDR), two channels. The clock comes from the AD9963 chip.

The TX (DAC) interface works at 75MSPS data rate with interpolation by 2 on the AD9963 chip. The DAC path inside AD9963 chip works at 150MHz, pushing part of the spurs outside the 100MHz bandwidth. The design assumes that the 75MHz clock is not available in the FPGA. To reduce the number of PLLs used in the FPGA, we are using AD9963 and a BUFR (divide by 2) to generate this clock. When the clock is generated by AD9963, DDR transfer is not available. The TX interface works at 150MHz, SDR.

Register Map#

The register map of the core contains instances of several generic register maps like ADC common, ADC channel, DAC common, DAC channel etc. The following table presents the base addresses of each instance, after that can be found the detailed description of each generic register map. The absolute address of a register should be calculated by adding the instance base address to the registers relative address.

Register Map base addresses for axi_ad9361#








See the Base table for more details.




See the ADC Common table for more details.




See the ADC Channel table for more details.




See the DAC Common table for more details.




See the DAC Channel table for more details.



Reg Name



Field Name


Default Value


0x0 0x0 VERSION

Version and Scratch Registers

[31:0] VERSION RO 0x00000000

Version number. Unique to all cores.

0x1 0x4 ID

Version and Scratch Registers

[31:0] ID RO 0x00000000

Instance identifier number.

0x2 0x8 SCRATCH

Version and Scratch Registers

[31:0] SCRATCH RW 0x00000000

Scratch register.

0x3 0xc CONFIG

Version and Scratch Registers


If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)


If set, indicates that the DC Filter module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)


If set, indicates that the Data Format module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)


If set, indicates that the logic related to the User Data Format (e.g. decimation) was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)

[4:4] MODE_1R1T RO 0x0

If set, indicates that the core was implemented in 1 channel mode. (e.g. refer to AD9361 data sheet)


If set, indicates that the delay control is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)

[6:6] DDS_DISABLE RO 0x0

If set, indicates that the DDS is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)

[7:7] CMOS_OR_LVDS_N RO 0x0

CMOS or LVDS mode is used for the interface. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)


If set, indicates the PPS receiver is enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)


If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module implements only scale correction. IQ correction must be enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)

[12:12] EXT_SYNC RO 0x0

If set the transport layer cores (ADC/DAC) have implemented the support for external synchronization signal.

[13:13] RD_RAW_DATA RO 0x0

If set, the ADC has the capability to read raw data in register CHAN_RAW_DATA from adc_channel.

0x4 0x10 PPS_IRQ_MASK

PPS Interrupt mask

[0:0] PPS_IRQ_MASK RW 0x1

Mask bit for the 1PPS receiver interrupt

0x7 0x1c FPGA_INFO

FPGA device information library/scripts/adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl (Intel encoded values) library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl (Xilinx encoded values)


Encoded value describing the technology/generation of the FPGA device (arria 10/7series)

[23:16] FPGA_FAMILY RO 0x00

Encoded value describing the family variant of the FPGA device(e.g., SX, GX, GT or zynq, kintex, virtex)

[15:8] SPEED_GRADE RO 0x00

Encoded value describing the FPGA’s speed-grade

[7:0] DEV_PACKAGE RO 0x00

Encoded value describing the device package. The package might affect high-speed interfaces



Reg Name



Field Name


Default Value


0x10 0x40 RSTN

ADC Interface Control & Status

[2:2] CE_N RW 0x0

Clock enable, default is enabled(0x0). An inverse version of the signal is exported out of the module to control clock enables

[1:1] MMCM_RSTN RW 0x0

MMCM reset only (required for DRP access). Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.

[0:0] RSTN RW 0x0

Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.

0x11 0x44 CNTRL

ADC Interface Control & Status

[16:16] SDR_DDR_N RW 0x0

Interface type (1 represents SDR, 0 represents DDR)

[15:15] SYMB_OP RW 0x0

Select symbol data format mode (0x1)

[14:14] SYMB_8_16B RW 0x0

Select number of bits for symbol format mode (1 represents 8b, 0 represents 16b)

[12:8] NUM_LANES RW 0x00

Number of active lanes (1 : CSSI 1-lane, LSSI 1-lane, 2 : LSSI 2-lane, 4 : CSSI 4-lane). For AD7768, AD7768-4 and AD777x number of active lanes : 1/2/4/8 where supported.

[3:3] SYNC RW 0x0

Initialize synchronization between multiple ADCs

[2:2] R1_MODE RW 0x0

Select number of RF channels 1 (0x1) or 2 (0x0).

[1:1] DDR_EDGESEL RW 0x0

Select rising edge (0x0) or falling edge (0x1) for the first part of a sample (if applicable) followed by the successive edges for the remaining parts. This only controls how the sample is delineated from the incoming data post DDR registers.

[0:0] PIN_MODE RW 0x0

Select interface pin mode to be clock multiplexed (0x1) or pin multiplexed (0x0). In clock multiplexed mode, samples are received on alternative clock edges. In pin multiplexed mode, samples are interleaved or grouped on the pins at the same clock edge.

0x12 0x48 CNTRL_2

ADC Interface Control & Status

[1:1] EXT_SYNC_ARM RW 0x0

Setting this bit will arm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. Once the external sync signal goes high it synchronizes channels within a ADC, and across multiple instances. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.


Setting this bit will disarm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.


Setting this bit will issue an external sync event if it is hooked up inside the fabric. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.

0x13 0x4c CNTRL_3

ADC Interface Control & Status

[8:8] CRC_EN RW 0x0

Setting this bit will enable the CRC generation.


Select output format decode mode.(for ADAQ8092: bit 0 - enables digital output randomizer decode , bit 1 - enables alternate bit polarity decode).

0x15 0x54 CLK_FREQ

ADC Interface Control & Status

[31:0] CLK_FREQ RO 0x00000000

Interface clock frequency. This is relative to the processor clock and in many cases is 100MHz. The number is represented as unsigned 16.16 format. Assuming a 100MHz processor clock the minimum is 1.523kHz and maximum is 6.554THz. The actual interface clock is CLK_FREQ * CLK_RATIO (see below). Note that the actual sampling clock may not be the same as the interface clock- software must consider device specific implementation parameters to calculate the final sampling clock.

0x16 0x58 CLK_RATIO

ADC Interface Control & Status

[31:0] CLK_RATIO RO 0x00000000

Interface clock ratio - as a factor actual received clock. This is implementation specific and depends on any serial to parallel conversion and interface type (ddr/sdr/qdr).

0x17 0x5c STATUS

ADC Interface Control & Status


If set, indicates that the device’​s register data is available on the data bus.

[3:3] PN_ERR RO 0x0

If set, indicates pn error in one or more channels.

[2:2] PN_OOS RO 0x0

If set, indicates pn oos in one or more channels.

[1:1] OVER_RANGE RO 0x0

If set, indicates over range in one or more channels.

[0:0] STATUS RO 0x0

Interface status, if set indicates no errors. If not set, there are errors, software may try resetting the cores.

0x18 0x60 DELAY_CNTRL

ADC Interface Control & Status(Deprecated from version 9)

[17:17] DELAY_SEL RW 0x0

Delay select, a 0x0 to 0x1 transition in this register initiates a delay access controlled by the registers below.

[16:16] DELAY_RWN RW 0x0

Delay read (0x1) or write (0x0), the delay is accessed directly (no increment or decrement) with an address corresponding to each pin, and data corresponding to the total delay.

[15:8] DELAY_ADDRESS RW 0x00

Delay address, the range depends on the interface pins, data pins are usually at the lower range.

[4:0] DELAY_WDATA RW 0x00

Delay write data, a value of 1 corresponds to (1/200)ns for most devices.

0x19 0x64 DELAY_STATUS

ADC Interface Control & Status(Deprecated from version 9)


Indicates delay locked (0x1) state. If this bit is read 0x0, delay control has failed to calibrate the elements.


If set, indicates busy status (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set.

[4:0] DELAY_RDATA RO 0x00

Delay read data, current delay value in the elements

0x1a 0x68 SYNC_STATUS

ADC Synchronization Status register

[0:0] ADC_SYNC RO 0x0

ADC synchronization status. Will be set to 1 after the synchronization has been completed or while waiting for the synchronization signal in JESD204 systems.

0x1c 0x70 DRP_CNTRL

ADC Interface Control & Status

[28:28] DRP_RWN RW 0x0

DRP read (0x1) or write (0x0) select (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[27:16] DRP_ADDRESS RW 0x000

DRP address, designs that contain more than one DRP accessible primitives have selects based on the most significant bits (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] RESERVED RO 0x0000

Reserved for backward compatibility.

0x1d 0x74 DRP_STATUS

ADC Interface Control & Status

[17:17] DRP_LOCKED RO 0x0

If set indicates that the DRP has been locked.

[16:16] DRP_STATUS RO 0x0

If set indicates busy (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] RESERVED RO 0x0000

Reserved for backward compatibility.

0x1e 0x78 DRP_WDATA

ADC DRP Write Data

[15:0] DRP_WDATA RW 0x0000

DRP write data (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x1f 0x7c DRP_RDATA

ADC DRP Read Data

[15:0] DRP_RDATA RO 0x0000

DRP read data (does not include GTX lanes).

0x20 0x80 ADC_CONFIG_WR

ADC Write Configuration ​Data

[31:0] ADC_CONFIG_WR RW 0x00000000

Custom ​Write to the available registers.

0x21 0x84 ADC_CONFIG_RD

ADC Read Configuration ​Data

[31:0] ADC_CONFIG_RD RO 0x00000000

Custom read of the available registers.

0x22 0x88 UI_STATUS

User Interface Status

[2:2] UI_OVF RW1C 0x0

User Interface overflow. If set, indicates an overflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.

[1:1] UI_UNF RW1C 0x0

User Interface underflow. If set, indicates an underflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.

[0:0] UI_RESERVED RW1C 0x0

Reserved for backward compatibility.


ADC RD/WR configuration

[31:0] ADC_CONFIG_CTRL RW 0x00000000

Control RD/WR requests to the device’​s register map: bit 1 - RD (‘b1) , WR (‘b0), bit 0 - enable WR/RD operation.

0x28 0xa0 USR_CNTRL_1

ADC Interface Control & Status

[7:0] USR_CHANMAX RW 0x00

This indicates the maximum number of inputs for the channel data multiplexers. User may add different processing modules post data capture as another input to this common multiplexer. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x29 0xa4 ADC_START_CODE

ADC Synchronization start word

[31:0] ADC_START_CODE RW 0x00000000

This sets the startcode that is used by the ADCs for synchronization NOT-APPLICABLE if START_CODE_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x2e 0xb8 ADC_GPIO_IN

ADC GPIO inputs

[31:0] ADC_GPIO_IN RO 0x00000000

This reads auxiliary GPI pins of the ADC core

0x2f 0xbc ADC_GPIO_OUT

ADC GPIO outputs

[31:0] ADC_GPIO_OUT RW 0x00000000

This controls auxiliary GPO pins of the ADC core NOT-APPLICABLE if GPIO_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x30 0xc0 PPS_COUNTER

PPS Counter register

[31:0] PPS_COUNTER RO 0x00000000

Counts the core clock cycles (can be a device clock or interface clock) between two 1PPS pulse.

0x31 0xc4 PPS_STATUS

PPS Status register

[0:0] PPS_STATUS RO 0x0

If this bit is asserted there is no incomming 1PPS signal. Maybe the source is out of sync or it’s not active.



Reg Name



Field Name


Default Value


0x100 + 0x16*n 0x400 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[11:11] ADC_LB_OWR RW 0x0

If set, forces ADC_DATA_SEL to 1, enabling data loopback

[10:10] ADC_PN_SEL_OWR RW 0x0

If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x9, device specific pn (e.g. ad9361) If both ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR and ADC_PN_SEL_OWR are set, they are ignored

[9:9] IQCOR_ENB RW 0x0

if set, enables IQ correction or scale correction. NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[8:8] DCFILT_ENB RW 0x0

if set, enables DC filter (to disable DC offset, set offset value to 0x0). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).


if set, enables sign extension (applicable only in 2’s complement mode). The data is always sign extended to the nearest byte boundary. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[5:5] FORMAT_TYPE RW 0x0

Select offset binary (0x1) or 2’s complement (0x0) data type. This sets the incoming data type and is required by the post processing modules for any data conversion. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).


Enable data format conversion (see register bits above). NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[3:3] RESERVED RO 0x0

Reserved for backward compatibility.

[2:2] RESERVED RO 0x0

Reserved for backward compatibility.

[1:1] ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR RW 0x0

If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x1, modified pn23 If both ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR and ADC_PN_SEL_OWR are set, they are ignored

[0:0] ENABLE RW 0x0

If set, enables channel. A 0x0 to 0x1 transition transfers all the control signals to the respective channel processing module. If a channel is part of a complex signal (I/Q), even channel is the master and the odd channel is the slave. Though a single control is used, both must be individually selected.

0x101 + 0x16*n 0x404 + 0x58*n CHAN_STATUSn

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[12:12] CRC_ERR RW1C 0x0

CRC errors. If set, indicates CRC error. Software must first clear this bit before initiating a transfer and monitor afterwards.

[11:4] STATUS_HEADER RO 0x00

The status header sent by the ADC.(compatible with AD7768/AD7768-4/AD777x).

[2:2] PN_ERR RW1C 0x0

PN errors. If set, indicates spurious mismatches in sync state. This bit is cleared if OOS is set and is only indicates errors when OOS is cleared.

[1:1] PN_OOS RW1C 0x0

PN Out Of Sync. If set, indicates an OOS status. OOS is set, if 64 consecutive patterns mismatch from the expected pattern. It is cleared, when 16 consecutive patterns match the expected pattern.

[0:0] OVER_RANGE RW1C 0x0

If set, indicates over range. Note that over range is independent of the data path, it indicates an over range over a data transfer period. Software must first clear this bit before initiating a transfer and monitor afterwards.

0x102 + 0x16*n 0x408 + 0x58*n CHAN_RAW_DATAn

ADC Raw Data Reading Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:0] ADC_READ_DATA RO 0x00000000

Raw data read from the ADC.

0x104 + 0x16*n 0x410 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_1

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] DCFILT_OFFSET RW 0x0000

DC removal (if equipped) offset. This is a 2’s complement number added to the incoming data to remove a known DC offset. NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] DCFILT_COEFF RW 0x0000

DC removal filter (if equipped) coefficient. The format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x105 + 0x16*n 0x414 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_2

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] IQCOR_COEFF_1 RW 0x0000

IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the scale value and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel I coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If SCALECORRECTION_ONLY is set, this implements the scale value correction for the current channel with the format 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] IQCOR_COEFF_2 RW 0x0000

IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the offset value and the format is 2’s complement. If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel Q coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x106 + 0x16*n 0x418 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_3

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[19:16] ADC_PN_SEL RW 0x0

Selects the PN monitor sequence type (available only if ADC supports it).

  • 0x0: pn9a (device specific, modified pn9)

  • 0x1: pn23a (device specific, modified pn23)

  • 0x4: pn7 (standard O.150)

  • 0x5: pn15 (standard O.150)

  • 0x6: pn23 (standard O.150)

  • 0x7: pn31 (standard O.150)

  • 0x9: pnX (device specific, e.g. ad9361)

  • 0x0A: Nibble ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001)

  • 0x0B: 16 bit ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001)

[3:0] ADC_DATA_SEL RW 0x0

Selects the data source to DMA. 0x0: input data (ADC) 0x1: loopback data (DAC)

0x108 + 0x16*n 0x420 + 0x58*n CHAN_USR_CNTRLn_1

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[25:25] USR_DATATYPE_BE RO 0x0

The user data type format- if set, indicates big endian (default is little endian). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- if set, indicates signed (2’s complement) data (default is unsigned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- the amount of right shift for actual samples within the total number of bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- number of total bits used for a sample. The total number of bits must be an integer multiple of 8 (byte aligned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- number of bits in a sample. This indicates the actual sample data bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x109 + 0x16*n 0x424 + 0x58*n CHAN_USR_CNTRLn_2

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] USR_DECIMATION_M RW 0x0000

This holds the user decimation M value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] USR_DECIMATION_N RW 0x0000

This holds the user decimation N value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x10a + 0x16*n 0x428 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_4

ADC Interface Control & Status Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:3] RESERVED RO 0x00000000

Reserved for backward compatibility.

[2:0] SOFTSPAN RW 0x7

Softspan configuration register.



Reg Name



Field Name


Default Value


0x10 0x40 RSTN

DAC Interface Control & Status

[2:2] CE_N RW 0x0

Clock enable, default is enabled(0x0). An inverse version of the signal is exported out of the module to control clock enables

[1:1] MMCM_RSTN RW 0x0

MMCM reset only (required for DRP access). Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.

[0:0] RSTN RW 0x0

Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.

0x11 0x44 CNTRL_1

DAC Interface Control & Status

[0:0] SYNC RW 0x0

Setting this bit synchronizes channels within a DAC, and across multiple instances. This bit self clears.

[1:1] EXT_SYNC_ARM RW 0x0

Setting this bit will arm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. Once the external sync signal goes high it synchronizes channels within a DAC, and across multiple instances. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.


Setting this bit will disarm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.


Setting this bit will issue an external sync event if it is hooked up inside the fabric. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.

0x12 0x48 CNTRL_2

DAC Interface Control & Status

[16:16] SDR_DDR_N RW 0x0

Interface type (1 represents SDR, 0 represents DDR)

[15:15] SYMB_OP RW 0x0

Select data symbol format mode (0x1)

[14:14] SYMB_8_16B RW 0x0

Select number of bits for symbol format mode (1 represents 8b, 0 represents 16b)

[12:8] NUM_LANES RW 0x00

Number of active lanes (1 : CSSI 1-lane, LSSI 1-lane, 2 : LSSI 2-lane, 4 : CSSI 4-lane)

[7:7] PAR_TYPE RW 0x0

Select parity even (0x0) or odd (0x1).

[6:6] PAR_ENB RW 0x0

Select parity (0x1) or frame (0x0) mode.

[5:5] R1_MODE RW 0x0

Select number of RF channels 1 (0x1) or 2 (0x0).

[4:4] DATA_FORMAT RW 0x0

Select data format 2’s complement (0x0) or offset binary (0x1). NOT-APPLICABLE if DAC_DP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[3:0] RESERVED NA 0x0


0x13 0x4c RATECNTRL

DAC Interface Control & Status

[7:0] RATE RW 0x00

The effective dac rate (the maximum possible rate is dependent on the interface clock). The samples are generated at 1/RATE of the interface clock.

0x14 0x50 FRAME

DAC Interface Control & Status

[0:0] FRAME RW 0x0

The use of frame is device specific. Usually setting this bit to 1 generates a FRAME (1 DCI clock period) pulse on the interface. This bit self clears.

0x15 0x54 STATUS1

DAC Interface Control & Status

[31:0] CLK_FREQ RO 0x00000000

Interface clock frequency. This is relative to the processor clock and in many cases is 100MHz. The number is represented as unsigned 16.16 format. Assuming a 100MHz processor clock the minimum is 1.523kHz and maximum is 6.554THz. The actual interface clock is CLK_FREQ * CLK_RATIO (see below). Note that the actual sampling clock may not be the same as the interface clock- software must consider device specific implementation parameters to calculate the final sampling clock.

0x16 0x58 STATUS2

DAC Interface Control & Status

[31:0] CLK_RATIO RO 0x00000000

Interface clock ratio - as a factor actual received clock. This is implementation specific and depends on any serial to parallel conversion and interface type (ddr/sdr/qdr).

0x17 0x5c STATUS3

DAC Interface Control & Status

[0:0] STATUS RO 0x0

Interface status, if set indicates no errors. If not set, there are errors, software may try resetting the cores.

0x18 0x60 DAC_CLKSEL

DAC Interface Control & Status

[0:0] DAC_CLKSEL RW 0x0

Allows changing of the clock polarity. Note: its default value is CLK_EDGE_SEL

0x1a 0x68 SYNC_STATUS

DAC Synchronization Status register


DAC synchronization status. Will be set to 1 while waiting for the external synchronization signal This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set.

0x1c 0x70 DRP_CNTRL

DRP Control & Status

[28:28] DRP_RWN RW 0x0

DRP read (0x1) or write (0x0) select (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[27:16] DRP_ADDRESS RW 0x000

DRP address, designs that contain more than one DRP accessible primitives have selects based on the most significant bits (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] RESERVED RO 0x0000

Reserved for backwards compatibility

0x1d 0x74 DRP_STATUS

DAC Interface Control & Status

[17:17] DRP_LOCKED RO 0x0

If set indicates the MMCM/PLL is locked

[16:16] DRP_STATUS RO 0x0

If set indicates busy (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] RESERVED RO 0x0000

Reserved for backwards compatibility

0x1e 0x78 DRP_WDATA

DAC Interface Control & Status

[15:0] DRP_WDATA RW 0x0000

DRP write data (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x1f 0x7c DRP_RDATA

DAC Interface Control & Status

[15:0] DRP_RDATA RO 0x0000

DRP read data (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x20 0x80 DAC_CUSTOM_RD

DAC Read Configuration Data

[31:0] DAC_CUSTOM_RD RO 0x00000000

Custom Read of the available registers.

0x21 0x84 DAC_CUSTOM_WR

DAC Write Configuration Data

[31:0] DAC_CUSTOM_WR RW 0x00000000

Custom Write of the available registers.

0x22 0x88 UI_STATUS

User Interface Status

[4:4] IF_BUSY RO 0x0

Interface busy. If set, indicates that the data interface is busy.

[1:1] UI_OVF RW1C 0x0

User Interface overflow. If set, indicates an overflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.

[0:0] UI_UNF RW1C 0x0

User Interface underflow. If set, indicates an underflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.


DAC Control Configuration Data

[31:0] DAC_CUSTOM_CTRL RW 0x00000000

Custom Control of the available registers.

0x28 0xa0 USR_CNTRL_1

DAC User Control & Status

[7:0] USR_CHANMAX RW 0x00

This indicates the maximum number of inputs for the channel data multiplexers. User may add different processing modules as inputs to the dac. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x2e 0xb8 DAC_GPIO_IN

DAC GPIO inputs

[31:0] DAC_GPIO_IN RO 0x00000000

This reads auxiliary GPI pins of the DAC core

0x2f 0xbc DAC_GPIO_OUT

DAC GPIO outputs

[31:0] DAC_GPIO_OUT RW 0x00000000

This controls auxiliary GPO pins of the DAC core NOT-APPLICABLE if GPIO_DISABLE is set (0x1).



Reg Name



Field Name


Default Value


0x100 + 0x16*n 0x400 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_1

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[21:16] DDS_PHASE_DW RO 0x00

The DDS phase data width offers the HDL parameter configuration with the same name. This information is used in conjunction with CHAN_CNTRL_9 and CHAN_CNTRL_10. More info at AD Direct Digital Synthesis.

[15:0] DDS_SCALE_1 RW 0x0000

The DDS scale for tone 1. Sets the amplitude of the tone. The format is 1.1.14 fixed point (signed, integer, fractional). The DDS in general runs on 16-bits, note that if you do use both channels and set both scale to 0x4000, it is over-range. The final output is (tone_1_fullscale * scale_1) + (tone_2_fullscale * scale_2). NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x101 + 0x16*n 0x404 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_2

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] DDS_INIT_1 RW 0x0000

The DDS phase initialization for tone 1. Sets the initial phase offset of the tone. NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] DDS_INCR_1 RW 0x0000

Sets the frequency of the phase accumulator. Its value can be calculated by \(INCR = (f_{out} * 2^{16}) * clkratio / f_{if}\); where f_out is the generated output frequency, and f_if is the frequency of the digital interface, and clock_ratio is the ratio between the sampling clock and the interface clock. If DDS_PHASE_DW is greater than 16(from CHAN_CNTRL_1), the phase increment for tone 1 is extended in CHAN_CNTRL_9. NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x102 + 0x16*n 0x408 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_3

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[15:0] DDS_SCALE_2 RW 0x0000

The DDS scale for tone 2. Sets the amplitude of the tone. The format is 1.1.14 fixed point (signed, integer, fractional). The DDS in general runs on 16-bits, note that if you do use both channels and set both scale to 0x4000, it is over-range. The final output is (tone_1_fullscale * scale_1) + (tone_2_fullscale * scale_2). NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x103 + 0x16*n 0x40c + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_4

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] DDS_INIT_2 RW 0x0000

The DDS phase initialization for tone 2. Sets the initial phase offset of the tone. If DDS_PHASE_DW is greater than 16(from CHAN_CNTRL_1), the phase init for tone 2 is extended in CHAN_CNTRL_10. NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] DDS_INCR_2 RW 0x0000

Sets the frequency of the phase accumulator. Its value can be calculated by \(INCR = (f_{out} * 2^{16}) * clkratio / f_{if}\); where f_out is the generated output frequency, and f_if is the frequency of the digital interface, and clock_ratio is the ratio between the sampling clock and the interface clock. If DDS_PHASE_DW is greater than 16(from CHAN_CNTRL_1), the phase increment for tone 2 is extended in CHAN_CNTRL_10. NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x104 + 0x16*n 0x410 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_5

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] DDS_PATT_2 RW 0x0000

The DDS data pattern for this channel.

[15:0] DDS_PATT_1 RW 0x0000

The DDS data pattern for this channel.

0x105 + 0x16*n 0x414 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_6

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[2:2] IQCOR_ENB RW 0x0

if set, enables IQ correction. NOT-APPLICABLE if DAC_DP_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[1:1] DAC_LB_OWR RW 0x0

If set, forces DAC_DDS_SEL to 0x8, loopback If DAC_LB_OWR and DAC_PN_OWR are both set, they are ignored

[0:0] DAC_PN_OWR RW 0x0

IF set, forces DAC_DDS_SEL to 0x09, device specific pnX If DAC_LB_OWR and DAC_PN_OWR are both set, they are ignored

0x106 + 0x16*n 0x418 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_7

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[3:0] DAC_DDS_SEL RW 0x0

Select internal data sources (available only if the DAC supports it).

  • 0x00: internal tone (DDS)

  • 0x01: pattern (SED)

  • 0x02: input data (DMA)

  • 0x03: 0x00

  • 0x04: inverted pn7

  • 0x05: inverted pn15

  • 0x06: pn7 (standard O.150)

  • 0x07: pn15 (standard O.150)

  • 0x08: loopback data (ADC)

  • 0x09: pnX (Device specific e.g. ad9361)

  • 0x0A: Nibble ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001)

  • 0x0B: 16 bit ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001)

0x107 + 0x16*n 0x41c + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_8

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] IQCOR_COEFF_1 RW 0x0000

IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the scale value and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel I coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] IQCOR_COEFF_2 RW 0x0000

IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the offset value and the format is 2’s complement. If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel Q coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x108 + 0x16*n 0x420 + 0x58*n USR_CNTRLn_3

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[25:25] USR_DATATYPE_BE RW 0x0

The user data type format- if set, indicates big endian (default is little endian). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- if set, indicates signed (2’s complement) data (default is unsigned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- the amount of right shift for actual samples within the total number of bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- number of total bits used for a sample. The total number of bits must be an integer multiple of 8 (byte aligned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


The user data type format- number of bits in a sample. This indicates the actual sample data bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x109 + 0x16*n 0x424 + 0x58*n USR_CNTRLn_4

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.


This holds the user interpolation M value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total interpolation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).


This holds the user interpolation N value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total interpolation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x10a + 0x16*n 0x428 + 0x58*n USR_CNTRLn_5

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[0:0] DAC_IQ_MODE RW 0x0

Enable complex mode. In this mode the driven data to the DAC must be a sequence of I and Q sample pairs.

[1:1] DAC_IQ_SWAP RW 0x0

Allows IQ swapping in complex mode. Only takes effect if complex mode is enabled.

0x10b + 0x16*n 0x42c + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_9

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] DDS_INIT_1_EXTENDED RW 0x0000

The extended DDS phase initialization for tone 1. Sets the initial phase offset of the tone. The extended init(phase) value should be calculated according to DDS_PHASE_DW value from CHAN_CNTRL_1 NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] DDS_INCR_1_EXTENDED RW 0x0000

Sets the frequency of tone 1’s phase accumulator. Its value can be calculated by \(INCR = (f_{out} * 2^{phaseDW}) * clkratio / f_{if}\); Where f_out is the generated output frequency, DDS_PHASE_DW value can be found in CHAN_CNTRL_1 in case DDS_PHASE_DW is not 16, f_if is the frequency of the digital interface, and clock_ratio is the ratio between the sampling clock and the interface clock. NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

0x10c + 0x16*n 0x430 + 0x58*n CHAN_CNTRLn_10

DAC Channel Control & Status (channel - 0) Where n is from 0 to 15.

[31:16] DDS_INIT_2_EXTENDED RW 0x0000

The extended DDS phase initialization for tone 2. Sets the initial phase offset of the tone. The extended init(phase) value should be calculated according to DDS_PHASE_DW value from CHAN_CNTRL_2 NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

[15:0] DDS_INCR_2_EXTENDED RW 0x0000

Sets the frequency of tone 2’s phase accumulator. Its value can be calculated by \(INCR = (f_{out} * 2^{phaseDW}) * clkratio / f_{if}\); Where f_out is the generated output frequency, DDS_PHASE_DW value can be found in CHAN_CNTRL_2 in case DDS_PHASE_DW is not 16, f_if is the frequency of the digital interface, and clock_ratio is the ratio between the sampling clock and the interface clock. NOT-APPLICABLE if DDS_DISABLE is set (0x1).

Design Guidelines#

To reduce the power and resource utilization, all the unused features should be disabled.

Software Guidelines#

For RX PRBS data, when 2’s complement mode is selected, each new word is the 1-bit shifted version of the previous word. Steps to do in order to test the PRBS on the RX path:

  1. Write to AD9963 SPI register 0x51 the value 1, which enables the BIST core.

  2. Write to AD9963 SPI register 0x51 the value 7.

  3. Read register 0x404 from the AD9361 ADC core (should read value 2 or 6).

  4. Write back to register 0x404 from the AD9361 ADC core the value read above.

  5. Read register 0x404 from the AD9361 ADC core. It should read 0x0 if the RX path is working correctly for channel 1.

  6. Perform steps 3-6 with register 0x444. This will validate the RX path for channel 2.

If the TRX path does not work correctly, the output current on the TRX pins can be changed by writing to register 0x63.

The TX interface testing is done by writing 1024 samples of PRBS data and checking the BIST signature values for both the I and the Q side. Interpolation should not be active during the BIST testing.

Software Support#

The software for this part can be found as part of the ADALM2000 (or shortly, M2K) reference design.
