AD9208-DUAL-EBZ HDL Project
The AD9208-DUAL-EBZ evaluation board features the AD9208 dual, 14-bit, 3 GSPS ADC.
The reference design is a processor-based (e.g. Microblaze) embedded system. The device interfaces to the FPGA transceivers followed by the individual JESD204B and ADC cores. The cores are programmable through an AXI-Lite interface. The samples are passed to the system memory (DDR).
The device has an on-chip buffer and a sample-andhold circuit designed for low power, small size, and ease of use. This product is designed to support communications applications capable of direct sampling wide bandwidth analog signals of up to 5 GHz. The -3 dB bandwidth of the ADC input is 9 GHz.
The AD9208 is optimized for wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, excellent linearity, and low power in a small package. The dual ADC cores feature a multistage, differential pipelined architecture with integrated output error correction logic. Each ADC features wide bandwidth inputs supporting a variety of user-selectable input ranges.
The user can configure the Subclasss 1 JESD204B-based high-speed serialized output in a variety of 1-lane, 2-lane, 4-lane, and 8-lane configurations, depending on the DDC configuration and the acceptable lane rate of the receiving logic device. Multidevice synchronization is supported through the SYSREF± and SYNCINB± input pins. The AD9208 has flexible power-down options that allow significant power savings when desired. All of these features can be programmed using a 3-wire serial port interface (SPI).
Up to 4 channels available
JESD204B (Subclass 1) coded serial digital outputs
2 integrated, wideband digital processors per channel
Phase coherent NCO switching
9 GHz analog input full power bandwidth (-3 dB)
Supported boards
Supported devices
Supported carriers
VCU118 on FMC+
Block design
The design has two JESD receive chains, each having 8 lanes at rate of 15Gbps. The JESD receive chain consists of a physical layer represented by an XCVR module, a link layer represented by an RX JESD LINK module and transport layer represented by a RX JESD TPL module. The links operate in Subclass 1 by using the SYSREF signal to edge align the internal local multiframe clock and to release the received data in the same moment from all lanes. Therefore ensuring that data from all channels is synchronized at the application layer.
Both links are set for full bandwidth mode and operate with the following parameters:
Deframer paramaters: L=8, M=2, F=1, S=2, NP=16
GLBLCLK - 375MHz (Lane Rate/40)
REFCLK - 750MHz (Lane Rate/20)
SYSREF - 1.46MHz (DEVCLK/2048)
DEVCLK - 3000MHz
JESD204B Lane Rate - 15Gbps
Both transport layer components present on their output 256 bits at once on every clock cycle, representing 8 samples per converter. The two receive chains are merged together and transferred to the DDR with a single DMA. An ADC buffer is used to store 65k samples per converter in the fabric before transferring it with the DMA.
Block diagram
The data path and clock domains are depicted in the below diagram:
Configuration modes
This project supports only one JESD204 configuration, as follows (the values cannot be changed):
JESD204B subclass 1, uses ADI IP as Physical Layer
RX_LANE_RATE: lane rate of the Rx link (MxFE to FPGA)
TX_LANE_RATE: lane rate of the Tx link (FPGA to MxFE)
REF_CLK_RATE: the rate of the reference clock
L: number of lanes per link: 8
M: number of converters per link: 2
S: number of samples per frame: 2
NP: number of bits per sample: 16
F: octets per frame: 1
K: frames per multiframe: 32
Clock scheme
Both physical layer transceiver modules receive the same reference clock from the clock chip SCLKOUT8 output. The global clock (LaneRate/40) it is received directly from the clock chip SCLKOUT9 output.
CPU/Memory interconnects addresses
The addresses are dependent on the architecture of the FPGA, having an offset added to the base address from HDL (see more at CPU/Memory interconnects addresses).
Instance |
Zynq/Microblaze |
ZynqMP |
Versal |
rx_ad9208_0_tpl_core |
0x44A1_0000 |
0x84A1_0000 |
0xA4A1_00000 |
axi_ad9208_0_xcvr |
0x44A6_0000 |
0x84A6_0000 |
0xA4A6_00000 |
axi_ad9208_0_jesd |
0x44A9_0000 |
0x84A9_0000 |
0xA4A9_00000 |
axi_ad9208_1_xcvr |
0x44B6_0000 |
0x84B6_0000 |
0xA4B6_00000 |
rx_ad9208_1_tpl_core |
0x44B1_0000 |
0x84B1_0000 |
0xA4B1_00000 |
axi_ad9208_1_jesd |
0x44B9_0000 |
0x84B9_0000 |
0xA4B9_00000 |
axi_ad9208_dma |
0x7C42_0000 |
0x9C42_0000 |
0xBC42_00000 |
SPI connections
SPI type |
SPI manager instance |
SPI subordinate |
CS |
PS |
SPI 0 |
HMC7044 |
0 |
PS |
SPI 0 |
AD9208 A |
1 |
PS |
SPI 0 |
AD9208 B |
2 |
GPIO signal |
Direction |
Software GPIO |
Software GPIO |
(from FPGA view) |
Zynq-7000 |
Zynq MP |
adc0_fda |
42 |
96 |
120 |
adc0_fdb |
41 |
95 |
119 |
adc1_fda |
40 |
94 |
118 |
adc1_fdb |
39 |
93 |
117 |
adc0_gpio_a1 |
38 |
92 |
116 |
adc1_gpio_a1 |
37 |
91 |
115 |
adc0_gpio_b1 |
36 |
90 |
114 |
adc1_gpio_b1 |
35 |
89 |
113 |
adc0_pdwn |
34 |
88 |
112 |
adc1_pdwn |
33 |
87 |
111 |
hmc_sync_req |
32 |
86 |
110 |
Below are the Programmable Logic interrupts used in this project.
Instance name |
Linux Zynq |
Actual Zynq |
Linux ZynqMP |
Actual ZynqMP |
axi_ad9208_dma |
12 |
56 |
88 |
108 |
140 |
axi_ad9208_0_jesd |
11 |
55 |
87 |
107 |
139 |
axi_ad9208_1_jesd |
10 |
54 |
86 |
106 |
138 |
Building the HDL project
The design is built upon ADI’s generic HDL reference design framework. ADI distributes the bit/elf files of these projects as part of the ADI Kuiper Linux. If you want to build the sources, ADI makes them available on the HDL repository. To get the source you must clone the HDL repository.
Then go to the hdl/projects/ad9208_dual_ebz/vcu118 location and run the make command.
cd hdl/projects/ad9208_dual_ebz/vcu118
A more comprehensive build guide can be found in the Build an HDL project user guide.
More information
Analog Devices, Inc. will provide limited online support for anyone using the reference design with ADI components via the EngineerZone FPGA reference designs forum.
For questions regarding the ADI Linux device drivers, device trees, etc. from our Linux GitHub repository, the team will offer support on the EngineerZone Linux software drivers forum.
For questions concerning the ADI No-OS drivers, from our No-OS GitHub repository, the team will offer support on the EngineerZone microcontroller No-OS drivers forum.
It should be noted, that the older the tools’ versions and release branches are, the lower the chances to receive support from ADI engineers.